Prisma's Closed Species Hub

Posted 7 years, 20 days ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by Prismakry

Moving this stuff to this forum since it probably belongs here, also want to make it more organized in structure.

So yeah, this is my thread to advertise my closed species, which are currently the "Dionai",  "Florallling" , and in-planning "Pagenters", but I could always add others in the future if I come up with any good ideas!

Mostly just to share them, as well as a place to announce any adopts/MYOs/customs I offer in the future, as well as a place for others to give me their opinions/thoughts on them as I'm always open to them!

This thread is still largely a Work In Progress as I want to make more customized graphics for each of the races to show different feature types and stuff like people usually do with custom species, so thanks for bearing with me!

Table of Contents

❤ Intro/You are here
Adopts/MYOs/Customs Available
Rules and ping lists
Dionai Species Info
Floralling Species Info
Pagenters Species Info



a MYO is where you're making it yourself, a custom is when the seller or another artist is making the design for you.






may i have the last slot qwq



Sure thing, I'll note you down :)



Duke Hag

WOO i finally finished my floralling!ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ i hope he's up to standards, Prismakry!



OMG I absolutely adore him, you clearly put a lot of thought into him and he's wonderful, haha. He seems like a fun character for sure xD You did great <3 I'll totally share him on the floralling post so everyone can see his wonderfulness :) Seeing something so great come out of one of my species totally makes my night <3


AH i'm so glad you approve! ♥ ♥ ♥ and thank you for all your kind words-- not to mention making the MYO slots free and open, my word i was on it haha.

i really hope Jackie can get to know the other florallings that come along. and at the very least i can say i'm excited to see the other bbs that come from these MYO slots! woo \o/



You're welcome! I"m glad I Made them free too, it's been really exciting for me to see what people come out with (even if you're only the first person to finish, haha). and is totally helping me come up with ideas of how to make better species sheet refs and stuff in the future, since I Know people usually like something more structured. If you have any suggestions or thoughts you could offer as a result of working on your own I'd be happy to hear it! :) 




hmm, i'll have to PM you with all my thoughts. they're a bit too disjointed and are more ponderings than actual suggestions/concerns/etc. !

 Mak Kregl

Hey! Meet my little poppy! It was such a challenge to me, hope it looks decent <3 thank you for that opportunity! 



OMG I absolutely adore her, she's so pretty! you did a wonderful job on her <3 She totally comes off as a floralling to me, and I look forward to seeing what you do with her :3 -goes to show her off on the front page with teh other florallings- 

If you have any thoughts you'd like to share about the creation process and what you think maybe could be improved or changed, feel free to PM me I'd love to hear them :) 


btw since I Know a lot of custom species have them, would people be interested if I made Devart Groups for the dionai/florallings where we can have events and such on occasion?