NEW INFO|Draw the OC above you w/ a new hairstyle!

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 3 months ago) by Hag


thank you Raddishes!

NEWS-- AS OF 02/09/2018: if anyone would like to create a new thread for this game and become the new 'mod', please PM me after reading the additional info below. 

I do not wish to be the mod/creator for this thread anymore, and will likely lock+delete this whole thread in a month. Thanks!

Additional info: by becoming a moderator, it would mean picking up all the old unfinished claims, seeing them through in some capacity, and creating a new thread.
there is no way to actually pass the moderator baton off on a thread.
whoever will be approved to be the next 'mod' will be given the go-ahead to reuse my phrasing, rules, title, etc. and i'll lock the thread after linking to the new one.
if no one steps up to the plate in a month, i will lock/delete the thread and it'll be up to a stranger to try and rehash this idea in their own words with their own rules. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is a forum game that can either be just for fun or sorely needed!
I was inspired by the 'Make an outfit for the character above you' thread, as well as the 'Draw for the person above you' thread!

Have you ever wondered what your character would look like with a different hairstyle? Or does your character need a different hairstyle?
Well, let someone else give it a shot; you may be pleasantly surprised, or even realize that this was the hairstyle they needed all along...

All you need to do is: 

  • Claim a spot by commenting IC with a character of yours that you'd like to see with a different hairstyle.
      - It might help to give other users an idea of what personality/style in general you have for the character (or if you have none, just say that)!
  • Then the person that claims below you will draw a new hairstyle for your character.
      - That does mean you need to be prepared to put in the time and effort to make a hairstyle for the other users participating in this game!
  • When you're finished drawing the new 'do, just edit your original comment and post the image there, or send a PM to the user of the finished image. Just make sure its known in your original comment that you finished it!
  • While you do need to put in effort, I think the priority here is less about drawing a perfect headshot of the character above you and more about creating a good hairstyle that fits the user's wishes.
  • EDIT (06/02/2017): These shouldn't take long, people! Take longer than 4 weeks and you will be getting warning PMs.
  • Remember that this is all for free and done with care, so be thankful for what you get! Editing your original comment to give thanks, or sending a 'thank you' PM after you get your piece is a great way to show appreciation for the effort.
Devant Hag

And I'll start off with Xaramis, who has straight hair (in that vibrant pink color in the first two images)... I don't have a particular idea for him, but he's a mercenary (a tank in particular) so I was originally tempted to get rid of those long locks. Help me out here!

[i'll draw a hairstyle for the user below me!]

(just right click, open in new tab for the fullsize :> ) I decided to give Lola a shorter bob to sort of signify a sweet, perhaps innocent facade to anyone who doesn't know better...! And her hair is still full of floof, thus the wild locks reaching around and out of her face in equal measure. ♥


A braid makes a lot of sense for his profession! Braids are usually shorter than the hair they're made of, and it's a lot more managable than a ponytail!

(note: she must have her hair ribbons and ears. If you need a full ref of what they look like, look up "shiny sylveon")

Marie Crevan Lemonburgers


And done! (Apologies if it's too messy.)


shes a cute character to begin with so any look would be nice on her <:3c

Starllot aska-ray

i was gonna chop off his hair but i couldnt bring myself to do it.......................



xander kyle


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 Claim uwu

eldritchbooky - Here you go!! At first I was gonna go for a traditional "Jesus" style (long and wavy) but then I was like "what if the scruffy dude wasn't scruffy anymore?" and I got this!!

If anybody wants to see it,

Kjell timeGrenade

claim :0c

EDIT: all done ! i gave her straight hair 


ohmygosh that's so great, i would never expect him to actually pull off a mullet lmao


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✷ Cad Trolluminati

Claim! she wears a helmet, so It's kinda easier, isn't it?


image_by_punicross-db7r4as.png kinda

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