Draw an Icon for the above person's OC

Posted 7 years, 12 hours ago (Edited 5 years, 7 months ago) by Komadori varkarrus

A pretty simple game, basically just like the Draw For The Above Character thread, but easier. You're just drawing an icon, nothing fancy!

Just some simple rules:

  1. Keep in mind it should look good if scaled down to 200*200 pixels
  2. Claim before you start drawing
  3. You're not allowed to post in this thread again until you finish your claim.
  4. If someone claims, never finishes, posts again, and you notice this, feel free to skip them (which means you get a free icon :P).
  5. Post in character if you want an icon for a specific OC.


  1. Make sure you follow the character's reference! On one hand, I'd ask for creators to not get picky over minor flaws or discrepancies (especially related to fashion), but if very important character features are missing (i.e if a character is missing horns / eyes), that's a Problem that should be fixed.
  2. Put in Some effort. Again, it's not super fancy, just an icon... but that doesn't give you license to spend half the effort you'd normally put on one! This is gonna be more "honor rule" and won't be harshly enforced, but if someone breaks this rule too hard and too often I'll have to make a judgement.
 Hyou chiliechii_inactive

!! Claim! Edgy son needs an icon-- don't fret about the accuracy of his attoos, they're magic so he can change them at will! 



PM'ing now~

If not him then maybe Meimu or Takara!

 ✨ Shou Oliphant ✨ sjhgfdbsgf


Or Todd needs an Icon. 

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 Yuzuki egyptiandragon



I'd love one for Yuzuki, Koneko or Higure!



@owlcheesecake I hope you like it! ;v;

Leo Icon

@bluebirdbluest I love it!! Thank you so much!



Done! I hope it's alright...

Absolutely anyone from here is fine! 

If you'd like it narrowed down, here: elite members, ToaKashmereGrera, or Vinny

Thank you so much! It's adorable <3





Claim! Anyone's okay except for Deetle, Colby Grey, and Candytuft, who have quite enough art.


UPDATE: Done! I did my best ! <:3c


Anybody's okay as long as they don't say they need revamped!

@mobsterish Gale! Sorry about their hair, I tried orz

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 Elliot Aimes SquidsInTheAttic

Claim~  I'd love an icon of this nerd~




I wanted to try something different so I chose this super simplified design and tried some fun things with the colouring.  Hope you like it bun~




Claim! ^^I hope you like it ^.^

I'd love one of Odessa :0 

If not then anyone tagged with 'human' is good!



 Claim! output_phdsry_by_nekoucha-dbeceox.gif



I'd like this boy http://toyhou.se/1070998.maverick#3940250 (But if you can't do him, anyone that isn't in my trade folder is fine!!)