Draw a challenging char from the person above

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Prismakry

Draw a Challenging Char from the Person Above!

So here I am with another attempt at a draw thread that's meant to help push your boundaries a little. Hopefully it doesn't flop horribly like my draw an animal for the person above youthread did, haha. (but I guess we'll see.)

Anyway, the point of this thread is pretty much you pick a char from the person above that would normally be challenging for you. Feel you can't draw men well? Then draw one of their male chars! Not good at anthro art? Well draw that person's puppy dog, yo. Really detailed designs give you trouble? Well, go hit up that person's super complex custom species char with more markings then is necessary! etc etc.

This is meant to push your limits a little and have you draw stuff you normally would shy away from, which ultimately will help strengthen you as an artist. And I like to think of that as a good thing, but maybe that's just me? 

Rules and Info: 

❤ Post to claim the person above so that you aren't ninja'd.
❤ Edit that post once your art is done, do not make a new post. Also it's usually polite to PM the person as well incase they don't notice the post (keep in mind that edited post pings do not actually ping the person so that doesn't work to alert them.)
❤ Only one claim at a time, before you can post again you must finish your previous art.
❤ Please wait at least 3 people before claiming again, but the exception to this rule is if it's been over 48 hours since the last person posted then you can claim again even if it hasn't been 3 people.
❤ Try to take no longer then a month, if it's going to take longer please alert the person as to why so they know they aren't just getting jipped.
❤ As this is meant to be a challenging prompt, please do not be upset if the art you get isn't the best ever, if anything feel good that you helped someone push themselves in a way they normally wouldn't and in your own way helped them improve even if only by a little :)
❤ While it is a challenge prompt, you still should put effort into your piece (if anything more then normal since it is a challenge) which means full colored pieces, no sketches and such.
❤ Do not request certain chars to be drawn, that kinda defeats the purpose as the chars you request could all be chars the person who claims you wouldn't find challenging. However, it is ok to request certain chars NOT to be drawn (such as "nobody from sales", "nobody with over 5 pieces of art" etc etc.)
❤ Also, not really a rule, but if you want to include a little blurb about why you chose whatever char to draw just to explain why they were a challenge to you and how you feel after pushing yourself to draw them that'd a nice bonus :)
❤ Since posts can be deleted now, it needs to be said that if you are caught deleting a thread to get out of a claim you will be AUTOMATICALLY BANNED from now only this game but any other forum games I currently also run or will run in the future.
❤ Also, since we can no longer see blocked users, just to make sure there isn't any confusion, please add the name of the user you are drawing for in your claim (you don't have to ping htem, just listing their name is enough).

and I guess that's it, let's see how this thread does :) 


I haven't gotten my art!

Has it been a month (or longer) and you haven't heard hide nor tail of the person who claimed you? Feel free to let me know and I can contact them, or post your unfinished claim on this thread and someone might be able to help!





Female anthro wolf with a bright pallette, nothing I'm used to in the slightest





http://sta.sh/0xbjcdf33gd The file's pretty big. Also drew it on paper because I have problems with dragons.

This user's account has been closed.


done! neon things are..not my forte...





EDIT: Deer/hooved animal? human? one eye? so many many things that are Not My Thing


 haha guess I should claim on my own thread xD So happy it seems to be taking off so far

All done!



I'm bad at drawing cyclopses. Especially three eyed creatures (would they be called triclopses?) Also I'm normally not using so many light colors. As you can see my shading made it a lot darker.

Also the hair was pretty hard


Toon-Killer don't forget one of the rules is to do a full piece, not just a sketch.

((to next poster, ignore this post.))


Prismakry From What world are you?!?! A pencil drawing is NOT a sketch.

Are you making fun of traditional art?!?!



Boy howdy you are a hostile child aren't you. 

No, I am not making fun of traditional art. I draw with pencils daily myself, and in my opinion, I consider them sketches becasue they are far from finished pieces. Yes, there is a point where pencil drawings can be considered complete pictures, but i'm afraid the drawing you submitted is -not- that point. Also, something a pencil drawing IS NOT is a colored piece, which is what the rules state. It has to be a fully colored piece.

Also, you drew it on graph paper. I'm sorry but that is incredibly rude and unfair to the person who you claimed, who put effort and time fully coloring their piece and following the rules, while you give them a pencil 'drawing' on graph paper in exchange and then threw a hissy fit when the owner of the thread tried to point that out. 

I'm not going to argue further with you on this, I'm just going to simply ask you to follow the rules and do a fully finished piece for the person as the rules state, or I will unforutnately have to blacklist you from the thread for not following the rules. 

((next poster ignore this post and draw for Trolluminati))





EDIT:  Drew Trolluminati 's Scorpionman.  I struggle with buff characters, abs, as well as animals with carapace-like apendages so they were perfect as a challenge to me.  I also threw in a background because I'm fairly new to those and need more practice.  I'm actually surprised at how this turned out?  When I've tried drawing buff characters in the past I was never able to get them right no matter how hard I tried but I'm pleased with how his body turned out (ie okay-looking!)  woot woot.

-full size here-






Alright it hasn't been 3 people since I last posted but nobody has claimed in 4 days now so I''ll go ahead and claim again since I finished my last piece <3

All done! Chose this char since I don't draw ferals a lot, specially mystical/fantasy ones so it defintiely was soemthing a bit more challenging for me. I think I did ok though?