Help making a table? + Limit Questions

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Isoprene

OKAY so I spent 10 million years figuring out how the heck to make an uneven table only to put it on someone's profile and have it tip said profile over Toyhouse's mysterious invisible character limit and delete a bunch of stuff on it So.... yeah. I'm really happy with how it looks, though, and I was really looking forward to filling out this table for my characters because I love making game stats for them so much!!! But according to OpenOffice this table template alone is 10,365 characters, which I imagine is a fairly sizable chunk of the character limit that could be spent on being able to update their RP history in the future, saving responses for forum games, etc.

Here's the table in question; obviously I can't do any styling in this post but you can see what it's supposed to look like in Istra's stats tab! And also how their profile got cut off and how I'll have to fix it and hope I can remember everything that came after the cutoff ;__;


blah blah blah etc etc words
EVILITY 2 blah blah blah etc etc words
EVILITY 3 blah blah blah etc etc words
100% 100%
100% 100% 100%
100% 100% 100%
5 20 1
4 1 10%
50 50 50 50
10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10
- - - -
- - - A/A


And here's the link to the raw HTML so you can see what I did, perhaps wrong:

Is there any way I can remake a table that looks at least somewhat like this using divs or something like that? I'm not an expert on web programming, but I feel like something this simple really shouldn't take 10k+ characters out of my profiles.

I know I could do some shortening by fixing some of the things Toyhouse added on its own - like using CSS to center things instead of using the WYSIWYG editor to center things which makes it add that HTML to every single cell and deleting all of the extraneous image information I didn't put in - and reuploading the images to imgur (which has shorter image urls) instead of Gyazo. I really need to make the images more consistent at some point, anyway...

OR maybe I could eschew images entirely, but I don't really want to do that unless I absolutely have to since otherwise there's not really a way to make the cell headers stand out. I made those cells headers before, but that makes it look like a really ugly checkerboard, particularly the aptitude section since there's an uneven number of cells there. But I'm willing to get rid of images if there's a way to make the headers clearly headers without clashing with... uh... the bigger headers and also each other!

So, yeah! Is there any way to salvage this table and not make it take up a huge chunk of my valuable profile space? There are a couple of things in my profiles I could maybe cut out (even then I don't know if it'd be enough), but overall I can't really afford having one single table eat up so much space. But I also really really REALLY want to be able to use it real bad!! I'm super desperate for help!!!

EDIT: Also, if anyone knows what toyhouse's character limit is that'd be super helpful so i can tell how close i'm getting in the future! I put the source code in OpenOffice and it came up with 53,748, but that seems like a weirdly specific number. Does it count CSS as well or something?


Well even with DIVs you'd have to be using nested divs which is just essentially a table that has a bit more tweaking power
Those image links are murder to the char count so cut those down as small as feasibly possible, esp if you'd like to keep them.

Also I have no idea on the char limit /shrug i can test it out right now hahaa-

but yeah it's the images and you won't reaaaaally make it much smaller w divs

EDIT: limit before i broke TH was 65539 with the p tags included... which is suspiciously close to 65535 so I'm going to guess that's the actual limit (so one 16-bit binary number)
In fact I made TH so angry it turned off my WYSIWYG editor all together PFT


aska-ray Yeah, I figure the characters images take up is always gonna be an issue even if I trim down everything else, so I'm probably better off seeking out how to rearrange the table and make it look nice without the images!

Someone suggested to me making the table normally and then taking a screenshot of it and deleting the table code afterward and just putting up the image, which is a pretty rad idea for keeping the character limit low but wouldn't be very edit-friendly, so I'll still look out more efficient ways to make the table normally for now!

EDIT: edit ninja'd... thanks for the limit info!


The image idea is pretty cool actually, keep like, a dummy character and just fill that stuff in, screenshot, done~!

/pet good luck


You'd have to make sure things show up in your fonts/etc, but you could probably limit the images to emoji? Idk if they're bigger/smaller than your urls but maybe css styles might help trim...?





Pepperly oh dang i didn't even think about emojis like... at all?? which is wild because there's pretty much an emoji for everything! i might just play around with that, thanks for the idea!!