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The Positivity Board [ Shout it out loud! ]

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Edited 4 years, 7 months ago) by PositivityMod

Updated: 8/14/2018 (some small changes / handed over to new mod) 

 Vent Board | General CommentsNewbie Guide

♬ Happy Birthday Positive Board!♬

Welcome to the positivity board. This opposites the complaints board in which you can post about all the happy and positive things that are happening with you! Whether you feel blessed, want to hype on about something or whatever, you can do so here. 

Please keep the board PG13 or under and no NSFW please! No name dropping unless the person is comfortable with you. Keep gifs to a minimum. 

This board is under new management. Mod remains anonymous. 

Thank you for enjoying this board for 2 years! Happy posting! 

I'm closing this board because I have no more interest in Toyhouse and I'm closing the account. Feel free to re-create this! Thank you!


It's Wednesday night and I have Thursday off! ^__^ I kinda needed that rest from work.

(Shueyi Haha... a lot of the same-looking number!)


I'm commissioning Posh Possum for a sketch of Sasha and Noce so I'm pretty excited about that... AND, AND!! Saturday is the day I bought for Aketan's adopt advent calendar and EVERY SINGLE ADOPT SO FAR has been precious baby beautiful darlings.


Because of that day my teacher allowed us to make up missing work, I went from having a D in the class to an A. Sweet!


Because of strange developments, I've been able to RP one of my characters that I don't get to use as often as I'd like. It's refreshing.


finished making the skeleton for the layout im gonna use of mags... i had wanted to get her actual layout up tonight however finishing the base coding took me me... longer than anticipated LOL all the small details on the character links/comments and junk got me e _ e but i'm still pleased cuz i think im starting to get more comfortable with the layout here which in turn will increase production time 'u'


Finally getting some more weapon vector drawing commissions. This time of some of the weapons used by Arith. They're gonna be awesome!


Is the world going to explode today or something? Because it's really warm out in the middle of winter. At least I can sit outside while drawing. :D


I'm so glad I decided to put a contracts board in my main RP recently. So many arc ideas will be able to take place without bringing in permanent new characters.


Also, chicken nuggets and orange juice.