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23 Feb 2024, 9:57:15 am



i am honestly frustrated with my work lately.. ive been trying to doodle but it feels like im starting from step one all over again and i just.. do not like my work..


AND EVEN THOUGH YOU FEEL LIKE THAT you still drew, and you still posted!!!! You did good Sega, sounds like you might be facing art block, breaks are okay! Or you can draw life drawings,, like you know the fruit on the table type things, something different to take your eyes off whats frustrating, but still practicing core fundamentals(observation)

yesss! i sure did! when i began to draw again 2 years ago, i posted every thing i made of tamako no matter how ugly i thought it was lMGDSOGDHG. it was a way to see progress. i guess i gotta do that again.

and of course fundamentals. those were helping and enabling me to see various ways how shapes work. good idea to go back to them..!! i like drawing figures from manga panels.. perhaps i will do that more >:3