Alfarin's Bio

2 years, 11 months ago

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Alfarin Skeggson:



-Eldest sibling of Tonna & Toki

- dragon is Scorch the Singetail

The trio of siblings were captured by the dragon hunters they were made to work around the dragon fights, in return they could live. Their parents had been dead for a while making Alfarin the closest person to a dad/mentor for Tonna & Toki. Alfarin was put to work mainly in prepping the dragons for the fights, he saw the most ferocity among the dragons, he didn’t take much notice of the dragons other than where not to stand or touch near their bodies, he was more concerned with keeping his siblings safe and as happy as possible.

After a while Tonna had spoken with him about how she pitied the dragons that fight in the arenas, after this Alfarin did start to take notice of how the dragons acted around people and the other dragons. Though still Tonna & Toki’s safety was his priority. He had heard rumors and talk from the hunters and the show goers about those who rode and had trained dragons, most of the hunters laughed, either not taking it seriously or the had orders not to stir rumors around the arenas.

After a short while word of Krogan’s need and desire for the Singetail species in his control, many hunters from the arenas were enlisted to go and capture them, Alfarin dragged along as one of them give he is the oldest and  strongest of the three siblings, he had little choice but to agree and join the hunters on their hunt. With that Alfarin headed out to sea with a medium sized band of dragon hunters, leaving Tonna & Toki to look after each other and continue to work in the arenas.

After a while of hunting Singetail Alfarin had seen a lot of damage and lack of empithy for the dragons occur, still the rumors of dragon riders were told among the camps, more openly now. According to our camps superior Krogan’s plan for the Singetails was to weaponize them and ride them as the rumored Hiccup Haddock and his friends did, but not out of the joked about love and want to protect the dragons, but for the desire to attack the dragon riders and as far as Alfarin could figure to attack other islands, other tribes. To this Alfarin’s heart continued to sink at the thought of what was intended for the dragons, he could see himself what Tonna had told him back in the arenas.

One day a small group returned to camp hauling an orange and red Singetail. By the looks of it the hunters struggled a bit to down the dragon, leaving many deep scares along the dragons body. The Singetail was kept caged nearby camp, the hunters had the intention to capture a few more of the dragons before shipping off the island.

The watches of the dragon changed a few times each night, Alfarin also took part in these. One night on one of the watches while eating some fish near the cage, one of the other hunters approached.

“Why anyone would keep the company of these beasts I don’t know, the hunter shrugged and laughed.” “But hey these beasties make us a hefty fortune.”

“Heh yea, gold in our pockets for their power, Alfarin begrudgingly forced a smirk.”

A few hours later the camp had fallen to slumber, still on watch Alfarin did feel the Singetails pain, he knew well enough that the hunters wouldn’t feed and water the dragon beyond what was necessary to keep it alive. This had been the way the hunters kept dragon fierce yet controllable during the dragon fights.

Alfarin began to slowly approach the cage, as the dragon stored a beard its teeth, lashing its tail trying desperately to spark its firey defences, Alfarin knelt down next to the cage.

“You can’t be doing too well with those wound aye, I have seen your pain filled eyes many a time. And too that I am sorry that this has happened to you and your kind.”

The dragon still highly wary did tilt its head slightly to Alfarin voice, whether the dragon understood him or not, he had no way to know.

“ Here, I’m sorry I can’t help you much more at the moment. “ Alfarin placed a fairly large fish near the cage, using a stick he prodded the fish closer to the caged Singetail, wary as rightfully the cages beast should be, the dragon did take and wolf down the fish. A quick soft smile on Alfarin face, he returned to his watch occasionally glancing at the dragon watching him and its surroundings.

While on watch for the following few nights Alfarin would continue to sneak bits of fish and meat to the dragon, and would talk softly to it. In his mind talking to the dragon in this manner comforted him, he had often talked this way during the nights at the arenas whenever his siblings were frightened or couldn’t sleep late at night. By the sound of orders thrown around the camp the past few days it was looking like the hunting party would be here for a while longer, they had had little luck capturing more Singetails, with a few of the hunters returning quite severly wounded and burned.

More and more days passed with even more casualties to the hunting party’s that returned to the camp. With more field hunters being needed Alfarin mainly stayed on dragon watch day and night. Though these long hours took a wear on his health and emotions he was far more glad to not be the one hunting the wild Singetails. He would still talk to and feed extra food to the caged Singetail, which he had named Scorch due to how many of the hunters returned with masses of scorched flesh on their bodies after hunting for more of the dragons. With his time talking to Scorch Alfarin could understand why a band of Vikings would choose to protect and keep the company of dragons, for the most part he figured the stories of the riders of Berk were just that too him stories, but he could tell Scorch could atleast emotionally understand Alfarin’s words and actions.

Scorches wounds never healed fully, they couldn’t without proper nutrition and care, but they no longer caused the dragon sever pain, mearly a bit of pain on contact. Mainly the times Scotch would become restless and bang around in his cage with his body slamming hard against the think dragon proof bars. One night while the camp slept, most injured and weakened by their struggles hunting, Alfarin while on watch released the latch of Scorches cage. The dragon thrashed around quickly rushing out of the cage waking some of the hunters.

“Run Scorch, RUN!” Alfarin screamed

Shouts of anger and ferocity approached as the hunters discovered Alfarin treachery, Scorch had fled out of reach of the hunters, such to the glee of Alfarin though also at his discerned cost, the hunters began to attack him, punching and kicking him, he fell to the ground. With the hunters continuing to bloody his body a strong blast of fire shot close by to the mob, with the hunters fleeing back to camp for reinforcements, Alfarin struggled to keep his eyes open, if his bodily wounds were pain to him enough the smoke created by the flames did not help his vision nor his consciousness. Before blacking out Alfarin did feel a rough warm texture brush along his face and hand.

When he woke Alfarin in pain as speedily as he could sat up expecting to be surrounded by his former ‘employers’, to his surprise nothing of the sorts was anywhere near him. The only creature close by was the Sleeping Singetail Scorch, exhausted and feeling the pain of his prior scarring. He didn’t know how or why but Alfarin knew somehow the dragon had saved him from his attackers.

The two continued to protect and help each other gather food and traverse the nearby lands, while slowly making their way to Alfarin previous ‘home’ of the dragon arenas to free his siblings and in Alfarin hope the dragons that remained shackled and forced to fight in the arenas, as a show of respect and gratitude to Scorch for his help saving him.