Shark’s Cave Adventure

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
1 833

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

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Chapter 1

As the newest member of Rocket Hideout, Shark was very excited for her first mission. She recruited Lemon, her first friend, and a fellow sylveon fusion, Aurora that she randomly bumped into on the way to explore the waters of the cave with Lemon. Aurora didn’t want to go in alone, so she was waiting, hoping some other members would come with her. They swam through the dark underwater caves, with Shark enjoying it most because she was basically built for water, with her tail, but the sylveon whispered annoyed sounds when unknown things darted past her, and odd things started tangling up her mane. Maybe Pokémon with fairy moves should stay out of dark caves. 

They followed odd, aqua colored glowing, floating lamps that reminded them of ghastly, hoping it would lead somewhere interesting. After swimming for about half an hour, they realized that they were probably pretty lost, and couldn’t find their way back. Shark lead them forward, deeper into the cave, despite their protests. “Let’s be reasonable, if someone put these glowing lanterns here, then there must be someone waiting at the other end. Maybe they can help us back out. Besides, we would probably end up getting even more lost if we turned around.” They reluctantly agreed, and pushed forward. Thankfully, after only a couple more seconds of swimming, there was an air pocket, signaling that there was perhaps a large cave with air nearby. There was a very narrow tunnel lead out of that cavern, and Shark judged by the way the water was flowing that there would be a big opening ahead. “Wait right here. I’m going first through, and if anyone gets stuck, it should be me. I’ve lead us here, and if I have to suffer for it, so be it.” Shark nodded, having made up her mind. “Wait! You’re too big to fit in there, don’t you think we should-“ Lemon started, but Shark nodded, and had already ducked her head back underwater. 

The tunnel was even smaller than Shark had first thought. (If only we had found a Pokémon that knew flash or glowed,) thought Shark. That would be very useful for judging distances, and finding our way though this maze. (Shark had not actually ever though to check the other Pokémon’s moves, and if she had, she would know that Aurora knew Dazzling Gleam.)She stuck her front paws through the narrow gap, and wiggled through, scrabbling, promptly realizing she could go no further, and couldn’t move out, either. She made an angry bubbling shout, unable to be heard correctly because she was underwater. Probably better that Lemon didn’t hear that kind of language. She started kicking and scratching at the rock, and some of it gave. She used a small moonblast to widen the opening, careful not to destroy too much of the surrounding rock, resulting in a collapse. Using Dragon Claw, she widened it enough that her head broke free of the tunnel, into a larger area, much brighter than before. She blinked, not used to the light. Her body followed her head, and even though her hips were tightly squeezed through the entrance, her spikes making it even worse, her tail easily glided through. Her head broke the surface of the water, and she shook her head, sending tiny water droplets all over. In front of her, a giant purple castle with the small lanterns all around, with a small door, stuck in the water, rotting because of how long it had been in the damp conditions. She looked up, and saw that somehow Lemon was already there. 

“What, you learn a move called teleport? How’d you get here before me?” She questioned, seeing Aurora there too, she assumed this wasn’t the case. “Well, if you had waited a couple seconds, you would have seen the phione that came through a hole in the top of the cave we were in and guide us through a much bigger tunnel above us. “Pfft. Well, my plan worked fine, too. All of you are smaller than me, you could have just gone through the same way as me.” “And get stuck like you? I heard your struggle even up here. No thanks.” Lemon replied. “Well, we’ll probably have to go through the underwater tunnel that Shark used to leave, since none of us have wings.” Aurora noted, using stomp to try to get back to the upper tunnel that she and Lemon had dropped down from, and landing with a splash back in the water, unable to make the jump. Lemon sighed. Shark grinned. “Cheer up. You can use that tail of yours as a rudder, like mine.” Shark slapped Lemon’s tail hard with her own. “Ow, cut that out!” Lemon tackled Shark and they started a play fight while Aurora sighed, not wanting to go back into the creepy blackish water.

Word count: 814