Wings and Poff Stories

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
2 1336

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

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Chapter 1

Poff’s Point of View:

    Silently as I could, I tip-toed away from my roommates, most of whom are snoring. I am quite large, so quietness is a pretty big feat. I wince as my tail smacks against the wall. Not very graceful for a fairy pokemon… I listen carefully. Silence. Good. I didn’t wake anyone… Hopefully. I inch away, quickly running out the door. I don’t know why I couldn’t sleep tonight, there was nothing keeping me up, was there? Just another lonely Valentine’s Day… “Sigh…” I walk along a small path, slowly making my way through a small forested path. I stop at a river to look at moon’s reflection. What a beautiful night… 

    A sudden shadow drifts over the clearing, gone in an instant. A large bird, perhaps? I shake the thought, and go back to looking at the river, rippling gently. I think back. Wait, what big bird would have been up so late? Not even Pigeots were up at a time like this! I followed the path that the flying creature had taken. Were we under attack? Should I tell someone? It isn’t like the Team Rocket Pokemon to be stealthy, at least among their own. Something suspicious was happening, and I planned to find out what!

    A large creature suddenly reared up in front of me. I had been so worried and focused on what it may be, I forgot to be looking for it! Thinking I was being attacked, I used Dazzling Gleam. It would inflict some damage, and show me what the attacker looked like. As soon as I did, I regretted it. It illuminated the forest, no doubt awakening many pokemon back at camp. A fellow member of team rocket was revealed. They backed up in confusion, blinking quickly, trying to get rid of the blindness. “Oh my! I’m so sorry! I thought-” I started trying to explain myself, but he cut me off. “No, no, it’s alright. I-I shouldn’t have been sneaky.” He squinted, and we awkwardly sat in silence for a few moments. “Um… so… your name is Wings, right?” He nodded. I had seen him only a few times, and knew he was relatively new to Team Rocket, like me. He was usually really extroverted and talkative. Now, he was silent. “Did I hurt you too much? You don’t seem like yourself. I’m terribly sorry, again!” I said. I realized he was carrying something in his mouth, so it would be hard for him to talk anyway. It was a small bag with a heart on it. “Oh my, I’m so sorry for intruding! You were probably just going to give that to someone, weren’t you? Oh my, oh my!” I said, backing away. He took off, hovering above me in the sky. “No, no problem at all! I-I-umm… this- this was actually a gift for you.” He said, sheepishly, avoiding my eyes. “I was going to give-umm drop it off in front of your door, but when I saw you I thought I’d better give it to you personally.” He dropped the package into my arms and I caught it. 

    I started opening it.“It’s not for Valentine’s Day or anything umm… unless you want it to be… I’m not gay or anything, unless you want me to be… I mean ummm… uh… WELCOME TO TEAM ROCKET!” He blurts, flying away, doing loopty loops in the sky. He probably thinks I can’t see him. How amusing. I had finished unwrapping the present. It was a bunch of chocolates and other sweets, especially my favorite, Poffins. I mean I know that’s my name, but how did he know I liked them? I smile. Doesn't matter, I got a yummy gift! I popped one into my mouth. Delicious.