Lantern Spirits

2 years, 8 months ago
642 2

In which Bert and Toki go on a conquest for sweets (mainly Toki) and end up stumbling upon a sky filled with lanterns..

KB Event

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What happens to a dream deferred? 

Its not like Toki knew the answer, he knew the question very well though. Famous poet, right? He had no idea.

Although his path was unclear on the road ahead, his past was like a shining reflection of his everyday form. And of course, It held him down. His dreams had never been a shining aspiration. Although he pondered on them time to time, it wasnt a constant in his mind like most people. Heeding calls of so many lost spirits and people dying to finish their goals in life was always alot for him, and he didnt have time to self reflect. Or even reflect at all.

 Time was of the essence now, more in a non demanding way in that sense. He felt relaxed. 

“Youf know, maybe I’ll take thmis as payment.” 

Toki scruffed down a wad of cotton candy from a stand, the lady had been nice. It perplexed him, his appearance was rather indifferent to most Kallitrix. But who was to judge, anyways? The colors swirled in his mouth with a pop of flavor that made him gulp a second time and smile a bit. 

Bert basically slapped the poor guy on the back with a grin, “Hell’ yeah. Dont gots to pay you for any more cleansings just for this candy? Great.”

Toki opened his mouth, instead of being able to speak, a wad of the sweet cotton was stuffed in his mouth, a very annoying attempt for him to not retaliate. He figured that Bert didnt like talking about their ‘relationship.’ Toki exercises his friendly ghosts at his business and all is history, although he questioned it at his first session, he no longer speaks out loud about his growing population of spirits in his place of work.

It had gotten dark, the sky was swirling with stars. The spirits had gotten more aggressive with him, and he had to send his ghost buddy to ward them off temporarily. He wanted to enjoy this moment of solitude, happiness if you will. He looked up into the sky, quietly respecting the silence between them as he slowly continued to eat the sweet candy. 

Small glowing lights floated into the sky like a flare, he slowly blinked and double took, before he realized they were lanterns. Funny enough, he had actually never seen these before despite having a potion bottle modled after them. These lit up the sky more vibrantly than stars, and it rose something in him to want to see more. 

He sped up his walking and urged Bert to follow suit, not asking much, they both persued the light of the lanterns. Curiosity lit up every part of him as he reached the top of the hill, gently sitting down and huddling up, looking up and tilting his head to the side. It was vibrant and colorful. A glowing lantern was sat next to him by - he was assuming - the organizer of the event. He picked it up and traced the empty space.

Put your regrets on it?


I want to save people.

That was a horrible regret. He knew that, from the moment he picked it up in his mind and put it on the lantern. But maybe it made him feel a tad better, just..maybe it made him feel okay. He slid his giant hat off to be able to see his lantern fly up and away, it was so..special to him despite he just made it. Sentimental? thats the word.

He slowly released it into the sky and watched it float up into the abyss of shining lights, when he couldnt see it anymore, he turned to Bert. He was still looking up. He could tell something had been lifted off his shoulders, a comfortable silence.

Maybe it was okay.