Team Friendship

2 years, 8 months ago

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Thomas stood outside of the Mystic dorms, a cool balmy breeze swirling past, teasing the messy tendrils of auburn hair that sat in a hastily brushed heap on his head, the wind whispering hints of chill that was still begging to stay. There was still a bit of snow on the ground, but the sky was clear and bright, and the sun crested the treetops, sending warm dappled beams of light scattered across the courtyard that threatened to melt away the remaining bits of the elder winter. It was a comforting temperature, an ideal time of year where it was not yet too hot to forego a jacket, but not cold enough for the animals to take refuge and to cause the students to stay bundled up in their rooms to avoid the chill. However, despite the perfect weather, the courtyard was eerily still and devoid of life, not a student in sight. Typically, this would be peaceful for Thomas, but it only hammered in deeper the sharp nail of anxiety that poked at his chest. He knew why most students weren’t out right now, and it was exactly the reason he had to be out right now. The garchomp fusion looked down at his watch, chewing on his lip anxiously as he thought to check his phone again. It had not been long since he’d checked it before, waiting slightly impatiently for his two friends to emerge from the dorm, but time seemed to drag on in the silence, and anything could be happening within those walls. With a decisive sigh, the boy shoved his hands back into his hoodie pockets, looking up at the clear sky searchingly as he waited for Kori and Yuyang to emerge. Hoping feebly that when he looked at the sky, he’d see his cousin and his cousin’s girlfriend’s far-off silhouettes approaching the school. That way, he wouldn’t be putting his friends in danger in search of them. .

Emmet and Tara had disappeared overnight in thin air seemingly without a trace. And while that would be typical of a wayward couple in need of alone time, it was not typical for them to leave behind all of their belongings. Their phones had been left behind, Emmet’s still playing a playlist of classical concertos through the wireless earbuds found strewn on the floor. Their pets were left, searching and shaken and not a single person close to them had heard any plans of the two leaving to seek privacy. That was unusual, and it’d left a bitter tang in the back of most people’s mouths at the uncanny similarity of the disappearance of two school girls on this campus only 72 hours prior. For two girls to go missing, and then two of the strongest students in Pokemon Academy? All without a trace? It had the entire school rattled. But despite that, Thomas was determined to be out right now. Determined to find his cousin and bring them home, eager to see them safely jestering to one another again. And while he would’ve preferred to do this alone, to not drag anyone else into a potentially dangerous situation, his friend Kori had decided to accompany him, and, much more reluctantly, Yuyang. .

At first, he’d wanted to insist the two of them stay behind. He could handle this. He only wanted to do a quick sweep of the area surrounding the school. But he found it hard to deny Kori of anything, much less of help a selfish part of him craved. The feeling of being with others… of not being alone. Just having Kori by him brought so much positivity and comfort, made him worry less. And Yuyang, he’d recently found that he enjoyed his company as well. So in the end, it would be the three of them on this adventure and while it was comforting, it was also stressful. It would be two more people he’d have to keep a close eye on. If they were to go missing… he wouldn’t know what to do. And more importantly… he’d feel it was his fault. He worried for them as he waited, and after dragging his gaze to the ground, he closed his eyes, stilling his pounding heart, settling his shaky breaths. Everything would be fine. His friends would be fine. He’d ensure it.


Kori had checked her phone once more, Azzy was blowing up her phone and Carmella was interrogating her on who was going to go with her. She turned the phone off as she got ready. A bag full of important things. Rope, food, water, a bunch of sweets, and a small plush she made herself to feel better over the month of February's silence. She was anxious about this entire trip... it was well terrifying. She told herself she had to go though...because if she didn't another one of her friends could be hurt...and she wanted to make sure they wouldn't be...even if it gave her nightmares again... but it probably wouldn't she had already seen the scariest thing the school had to offer. Emmet. The person they were looking for also had a case of stolen identity a few months ago...the flash of red before she saw black came back to her. She adjusted her scarf anxiously. Tommy needed help and her own fears could wait.

She told Allie to be careful as she went out to go talk to friends...the zoura seemed anxious though when she left. "It will be alright Allie, I will be back in no time." She said in her quiet voice and offered a smile. She finally left her dorm room and began to head down the halls to the entrance of the dorm. She saw Tommy waiting outside? But why? She opened the door quickly and put on a false smile. "Tommy! Hello hello! What are you doing outside?" She asked trying to sound cheerful. "You can come in and we can wait for Yang Yang on the bench?" She offered as she glanced around...she was nervous still.


While it was a rather lovely day, Yuyang struggled to find enjoyment in the idea of having to go out. While under any other circumstances, he would've enjoyed a little outing with friends exploring the woods, but this whole situation just rubbed him the wrong way when it came to searching for missing people. He could understand the motivation behind it, but still. Part of him was still nagging him about how ridiculously insane this was and that something bad would definitely happen. Though the young deer just hoped that it would be just bad, but not bad bad. Carrying his worries with him, Yuyang quickly packed his bag. He really hoped that they would be back before the sun went down, so he only picked up a bottle of water and some basic first aid kit just in case. While they were heading toward nowhere, someone could trip and fall still, and at least that way, he could help out. And hopefully, falling down and bruising someone's knee would be the worst that would happen to them. At least the fusion attempted to hope that, even though he had a very bad hunch about this whole thing. He threw a jacket on to keep himself warm and picked up his backpack as he headed out, not wanting to postpone this further. Yuyang usually took his sweet time with preparations but knowing that they are looking for missing people, there wasn't much time for that. He lightly trotted down the stairs, scratching the back of his neck. While he was fine being around Kori, Thomas, on the other hand... Yu did enjoy hanging out with him. He seemed like a cool guy, but subconsciously, the sawsbuck fusion was still very alert around him. Seeing as this search would probably be a rather tense situation already, he didn't put much hope that everything would go smoothly on his end either way. However, he just gulped those worries away, hoping that at least the other two wouldn't notice it. He left the dorm and seemingly he was the last to make it to the outside as the other two were already waiting.

He gave a polite smile as he silently approached the two, quickly picking up the comment from Kori. "Hey... I guess there is no need for invites now... unless you two are not ready to go yet?" Yuyang asked as he glanced at Kori for a moment. Something felt off about her today, but he just felt off about this little adventure of theirs also.


At the sound of the door opening and closing again, Thomas’s ears twitched and the boy turned his head slightly to see who was approaching. The cheerful voice of Kori reached his ears and immediately set Thomas’s mind at ease a bit. Kori was always full of energy and positivity. It was nice to hear it again from her. But he knew it had to be even partially forced. There was nothing cheery about the circumstances that brought them together right now. So the most Thomas had to offer back was a half smile, his tail giving a half-hearted sway in greeting as she offered for him to sit on the bench while they waited for Yuyang. “No thanks, I’m fine, really~” Thomas responded, shifting his gaze away when he felt his smile start to falter. But he kept his voice bright as he spoke. “... It’s a nice day out, hmm?” he offered, looking up at the sky, then to Kori, who was looking around nervously. He let a sigh escape his nostrils as he watched the smaller girl and he wished he’d never let the thought to search for his cousin escape his mind. Kori would never back down, she was strong like that. But seeing her anxious, even if only slightly and masked by cheerfulness, it bothered the fusion. Thomas opened his mouth again to offer something more encouraging to her, but his voice caught as the door to the Mystic dorm opened up again and this time Yuyang left the building. Thomas’s immediate reaction was to look down at his wrists to double check that his spikes had been sheathed within his skin, something that was becoming a frequent habit for the boy. It made his friends feel… safer. So he always wanted to make sure that around Kori, and especially Yuyang, that he wasn’t exposed in any way. .

Swiftly shifting his gaze back to Yuyang, the fusion tilted his head and smiled again. ”I’m ready if you two are,” he replied, standing up a bit straighter and stretching his wings a bit before bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet, the movement jostling the bag on his back. It was packed with a couple of snacks and drinks, though he didn’t expect to be out long enough to get terribly hungry or thirsty. It also held a number of gadgets that he brought in case they needed it. Tracking pins, communication devices, and a nifty body tracker that could detect unknown heat signatures approaching them within a 3 yard radius. It was in its beta stages, but he figured this would be as good a time as any to test it out. Anxious for the journey, yet hopeful that it would at least yield some information, Thomas took a few steps towards the courtyard, beckoning the two to follow with a swish of his tail. ”I think we should start from the outskirts of the campus and work our way back. That way we’re on the way back towards the dorms before it gets dark. The forest--” Thomas halted what he was saying briefly as he thought about the forest. While he hadn’t been there, he’d eventually heard from Erika what had happened in the forest the last time Emmet went missing without a word. His brows twitched slightly. ”--The forest would be the first place I would check… plenty of places for people to hide… And afterwards, the rest of campus would be a breeze to look over. Besides, I’m sure there are others already searching all over the campus.” he finished, looking to the two students again with a nervous twitch of his ears. ”I’ll watch our backs,” he assured them, deciding to take up the rear.


Kori was doing her best to keep aware of the surroundings she was anxious still but trying to at least look cheerful. She twisted around her friendship bracelet she got from Yangyang, she loved it and it did help a little bit to make her not as scared. She glanced around nervous as she adjusted the scarf once more, it was the scarf she got from Carmella, pink shiny and looked like a corsola. She fumbled with her bag. " You are? I was worried... I would be scared if pen got hurt." She said pausing. "Its ok to not be ok Tommy." She said looking up towards him. "It is... ok I guess... not really a day to be out on." She said glancing around some more. She then heard Yang Yang's voice and lit up a little bit, she offered him a hug as a greeting. "I'm prepared, I even remembered the rope. incase we need it. And some snacks if we need it." She said with a nod. Her bag had the little keychain Tommy made on it as well. She had quite a few comfort items today huh? She listened to Tommy's suggestions closely. It would be a good idea. Starting from the outskirts would be smart then working our way back. When she heard the forest mentioned she glanced around nervously again. She didn't want to go in there. When Allie suggested they went during the scary event... it was a bad idea... nothing in the woods could ever be good could it? She heard Tommy say it should be the first place they should check... what if what was here was the monster again the scary one that continued to be in her nightmares...picking off students one by one as revenge... She twisted her bracelet more. She can be brave though she needed to be her friends needed her to be after all. "Alright then your right, we can do this. I brought a flashlight too if it is needed?" She offered trying not to sound as scared as she was. She then noticed Tommy taking up the rear of the party. She told Yang Yang they could hide behind her... so she was leading?


Yuyang gladly went in for a hug with Kori. Then they first met, he felt a bit awkward with them, now they felt nice, and he hoped that he was better with them also. But he wasn't sure if he would ever get to find out that answer since Kori was too polite to say something like that to his face. His ears sharply flicked back as Thomas raised his wings. Fusion's eyes quickly shot to him as he rather verily let go of his friend, still side-eyeing Thomas. The Sawsbuck fusion probably would've flinched away if Kori wasn't there. It was quite a deep-rooted habit, but he did his best to ignore it. After all, it was all fine between them! Well, it was... but also not. As Kori moved away, freshmen let her as he crossed his arms on his chest. He carefully listened to what the two discussed. It seemed quite logical to go that route and, in a way, plan their way through the forest like that. What wasn't logical was how he, somehow, was in the middle of their formation. It took him a couple of minutes to understand what was happening and he was shocked for the lack of better words. He had a baby up front, and he wouldn't manage to walk calmly because of Thomas stalking behind him. "Ummm, can you remind me what's the point of you watching our backs if no one will be watching yours?" Yuyang asked, trying to sound calm as his ears were tightly pressed against his head. It was going to be okay, but the line formation his brain put up just now didn't sit well with him whatsoever. Also, Kori was upfront... how did that even happen. " I think we won't need flashlights for a while... and hopefully won't need at all," The freshmen hummed, still trying to think of a polite way how to get himself out of the middle of this formation.


Thomas watched the two freshmen for a moment, anxious to get a move on, but keeping himself as patient as possible. He knew this was a nerve wracking venture for the two of them and didn’t want to make them feel uncomfortable by rushing them any. But when Yuyang put up a slight objection to Thomas’s suggestion, he felt his ears heat up slightly. He couldn’t tell if it was because he knew why Yuyang was asking and he was embarrassed he didn’t consider that, or if it was because he was frustrated at this very minor hiccup. His expression remained calm however and he lowered his ears slightly, tilting his head to look at Yuyang with a warm smile. Patience… he knew how Yuyang was feeling, so he couldn’t be frustrated with him. Calmly he answered. ”I would feel a lot more comfortable being able to keep you two in my line of sight, in case something were to sneak up on us. I can leap to defend you from that point or hear anything moving behind us. I just want to make sure you two are safe,” he explained, answering the question he felt Yuyang truly wanted answered, rather than the one he'd asked. He was a predator mon, the largest in their group and by that merit, felt he was the one to be responsible for their safety. He couldn’t well do that relying on his peripherals to keep an eye on them, or by leading the way. Though, he was certain that wouldn’t do much to calm Yuyang’s nerves. ”If it makes you feel better, you could walk beside Kori or in front of her,” he suggested, noting that the sawsbuck fusion seemed to feel a lot more comfortable around Kori, enough to hug her at least. Perhaps that would help them both. ”I’ll walk a bit further back so that I can keep a wide scan of the area around us. How does that sound?” he added, his wings collapsing closed and pressing tightly against his back as he tucked his hands into his hoodie pockets.


Kori was glad to get the hug, it helped her quite a bit to feel a little better, she was doing this to help her friends out after all. She let go of the hug and twisted her bracelet around her wrist before adjusting her scarf again. She still had her thoughts on the woods, what if it was Big red again but smarter...and more dangerous... what if it were two big reds... that could explain how Emmet was grabbed in the first place. She heard the two boys behind her talk more. "Because he is the strongest?" She offered up an answer as well as she twisted her bracelet when walking she was first in line and it gave her a sinking feeling in her tummy. She then heard Yang Yang say they would probably not need the flash lights... "Its sometimes dark in the woods so I have it so we can check darker area's without having to get super close?" She said more like a question, it was an offer and she didn't want to approach anything anymore incase it was super dangerous. She felt herself slow a little with anxiety picking up. She nodded hearing that Yang yang could walk next to her that would be good. She slowed her pace moving to Yang yang's side. It would be less scary that way after all. She was stiff while walking though. She didn't have super senses like Tommy and Yang yang did...she was really ordinary. Although through her socks ice seemed to be covering where she stepped... She was really really anxious. She heard Tommy say he would stay back a bit and she stopped grabbing his arm. "No! I-I don't want that. We are gonna stay close." She said raising her voice a little, she was too scared for all of it but wanted to help. She let go of his arm as quickly as she grabbed it. "Tommy we all stick together ok?" She said looking up at the boy


None of what was said comforted Yuyang. He would’ve felt much better if Thomas led the way. At least that way he could always have him in the line of sight and not worry about it. But no. Of course, Kori didn’t agree with him, which wasn’t a help at all.” But I beat him in the arena! I-i am technically stronger.” As high, mighty and strong as the fusion tried to sound, his voice broke in the middle of that sentence making him sound rather pathetic and he dared to admit that to himself. None the less he straightened up and attempted to try to hold his head high.” Also rather odd that you want Kori to walk in front… and being rather insistent about it.” He huffed silently so only Thomas would hear. His brain quickly catching up to what he just said and he strutted toward Kori instantly, for protection. Still very much unhappy with their position compared to Thomas he continued walking forward. He was feeling ever so slightly herded even though he was technically leading their little group, walking in the front with Kori. His ears still staid flat against his head as his tail would anxiously quickly wag a bit. Ever so often the fusion would glance back at Thomas to see where he was and what he was doing and where his eyes were. But he shut his mouth to not protest then Kori suggested for Thomas to stay close. Yet he couldn’t help thinking that she while not meaning to she did give him an idea.” I mean… she has a point… if you stay far away, it just kinda seems that you are using us as bait.” He said that and mentally slapped himself for talking before thinking, yet again. This time he even made sure to be taking half a step in front of Kori just to keep her between him and the other fusion. He wasn’t stressed or scared. He was just asking to get pounced at instead of the thing Thomas originally wanted to pounce at and now was attempting to somehow save his own butt for speaking too much.


Hearing Kori’s response to Yuyang’s objection, Thomas couldn’t help but feel a bit pride swell in his chest. At least Kori understood it. Thomas was the stronger mon, so he needed to be in a spot where he could protect them! When Yuyang put in a pitchy refute to that statement, Thomas couldn’t help but snicker slightly, rolling his eyes. Were they really going to get into who is the stronger mon based off of a battle Thomas LET Yuyang win? It was amusing at least to listen to Yuyang try to defend his strength to Kori. The rest of what Yuyang said was… less amusing. Yuyang passed him to be with Kori, huffing something to Thomas as he passed that turned the lizard a bright flustered red, his eyes widening and jaw dropping. He couldn’t believe Yuyang could insinuate something so improper! Sure, there have been times where Thomas had been… more than eager to take in a female’s figure, but it’d never been that way for Kori! She was his friend, a precious gem to be protected, not ogled at! Thomas was lecherous, but he had respectable limits. .

Though he wanted to respond to Yuyang’s offhand comment, no words came to his rescue and all the fusion could do was snap his jaws shut audibly with a disgruntled huff. Now was not the time to bicker. He was certain they all knew that. And Kori’s gentle touch on his arm was able to snap him back to his senses a bit, the boy turning his gaze to her with a soft nod. She wanted him to stick close, so he’d stick close. Now that everything was established at least, the group could finally make some progress towards the forest. Then, Yuyang spoke up again, this comment even more offensive than the last. Thomas’s eye twitched as he fought composure, shifting his gaze away from Yuyang to hide the growing frustration rising in his expression. Releasing a heavy sigh, the garchomp fusion calmed his features, looking back at Yuyang. ”Why on earth would I do that?” he asked, those words taut with constraint, his ears flicking as he watched Yuyang move a bit ahead of Kori to put a negligible amount of distance further between him and Thomas. If Thomas wanted, that small maneuver would’ve been futile and Thomas could have Yuyang down in less than a second, so all Thomas could do was snort incredulously, looking around to try and refocus himself on the task at hand. ”You two are my friends, remember? I wouldn’t let anything happen to you if I can help it. So let’s just focus on the task at hand?” he added a bit more freely, though he kept his gaze from wandering to the two of them, even more cautious about setting Yuyang off to say something offensive again.


Kori listened to what Yuyang said and shook her head. "It's also physical bulk he is more bulkier then you are plus you were nervous so being in the back would be bad." She said quietly as she glanced around, she thought she might have heard something... must be her imagination. She glanced to Yang yang and Tommy which they had a different reaction then expected, Tommy was red and Yang yang seemed angry or well something she couldn't quite tell.... did they like like each other? She watched as Yang yang headed further forward leading the group this time. She turned back to Tommy and gave him a confused look as to ask what was going on. She didn't entirely understand everything happening and the sudden weird reactions Yang yang and Tommy seemed to have with one another. She saw Tommy give her a small nod when she asked for him to stay close to and she offered a smile, ok it would be good after all and safe. Good... But everything felt like it paused when Yang Yang spoke again. "Hey...I know you have trouble sometimes with stuff and you guys seem to fight a lot ...but I have faith in Tommy..."" She paused for a few seconds trying to word what she wanted to say right. "Please give him a break... his family was taken by...whatever is taking kids... I just hope it isn't..." She her words drifting into the wind as they were soon inaudible. She shook her head a bit. "We are here to help Tommy as friends...and not fight... It's scary and bickering wont help it makes it even worse." She said with a tiny nod at the thought of it making it worst. She pulled her scarf up to cover her mouth now. Almost as though she wanted to sink into it. She looked at Yang Yang and stared for a few seconds. "Are you seem even more tense and stuff then normal... I just am worried... You dont snap out to others like this much... and if something is going on and you need to go back, we can walk you." She offered


Sometimes, he had those days then he really wished he could zip his mouth shut. Oh, that didn’t feel good to get a glare from Thomas and, like a deer in the headlights, for Yuyang to stare back. He heard what Kori said, but his body was too busy locking his full attention on the most significant danger in the area that was Thomas.”T-that’s precisely the point. We are just f-friends, and they are his family. And you can’t blame him for that!...priorities. ” He pushed out and quickly averted his gaze to the ground. He really had a death wish and didn’t know how to stop himself. The freshmen was a bit panicked but hid that, doing his best to distract himself from being overly conscious of where the other fusion was and panic even more if he couldn’t tell without looking. The hearing wasn’t the best option to keep an eye on him, but Yuyang didn’t want to spend this whole walk just glancing over his shoulder to check if the dragon-like mon was still there. Yet when Thomas would stop, and the deer like fusion couldn’t hear the ruffling behind him that didn’t comfort him at all. He wasn’t too sure if Kori tried to comfort him by asking if he was okay, but it didn’t help. It just made him quite conscious that his act of being calm didn’t really work that well on her.” It’s fine… I mean I am fine. Don’t worry… I wouldn’t leave you alone here with him anyway.” He said, shifting a little as he kept his odd-colored gaze directed at the ground. His ears perked up as he carefully listened to sounds that were supposed to reassure him that everything was okay and that nothing was approaching them and that included Thomas and him keeping the exact same distance from them.


As Kori and Yuyang spoke to each other, Thomas remained silent, seemingly focused on the search, but his mind was riddled with confusion as Yuyang spoke. What was his problem? He… he wasn’t like this the other day. Tutoring Yuyang, chatting with him over the phone. Those moments Yuyang was different. Sure, while they were in close quarters, Yuyang was jumpy, but he wasn’t defensive. And when they were texting, Yuyang felt like a completely different person. Confident, friendly. But out here, as they entered the forest to search, Yuyang had yet again changed, like the turn of a tide or turbulent weather. The words Yuyang spoke… hurt and frustrated Thomas but there was nothing Thomas could do about it. No answer would satisfy, no action would balm. It would only make things worse. The fusion was yet again drawn to his past, the judgemental looks of the pasture mon at his old school. Their offhand comments like daggers, the fear, anger, distrust, thick and unyielding like an angry autumn fog. And all Thomas could do was weather through it blindly, hope that he wouldn’t succumb. He’d only broken down once or twice at his old school, let his frustration get the better of him. He’d been sent home those days, muzzled and tied up like some rabid animal, all for pushing one of his tormentors and yelling at them, begging, pleading for them to stop. But he couldn’t blame them, even on those days, as his father would take the muzzle off of his son and hold him close, muttering hollow threats to end this prejudice. Out there, they were the predators… and the others were the prey. They were looking out for each other, defending the herd. So… was Yuyang. .

So Thomas said nothing, bringing his mind back to the present with a deep inhale, taking in the smells around them. Kori… Yuyang, but other than that, no other body smells other than the feral mon that called the forest their home. The stale scents of a sawsbuck herd, the even staler tracks of bear mon not yet ready to enter into the springtime yet. And as usual, the forest was teeming with the smells of small woodland animals. Thomas exhaled softly, his ears straining to hear anything unusual. Yet there was nothing. Nothing out of the usual, that is. No smell of his family or any of the other missing children. No traces here… not yet at least. Thomas stopped walking, pulling off his backpack and rummaging through it to retrieve his locator device and check it over. ”Just three dots…” he murmured to himself softly. Him, Kori and Yuyang. He stood there for a while, ears pressed against his head as he felt the frustration bubble within him. Was this a waste of time? Was there nothing here? How could this be-- he’d thought for certain they’d find something.. A trace, an anomaly, a breath of hope drifting on the brisk wind. But there was nothing… He’d led his friends out here, made them fear and worry… and they’d return empty handed. He looked to Kori and Yuyang, slinging his backpack back onto his shoulders, but keeping the locator in his hands as he strode over to catch up to them. Perhaps he was being defeatist, wanting just to get this over with so that he would be out of Yuyang’s way. There was still a stretch of forest to go, but at this point, he just wanted to go back. Sure, he still wanted to find Emmet, and Tara, but he’d do it on his own, his own way next time. I shouldn’t have brought them along he’d thought, regret starting to twist sickeningly at his gut. He grit his teeth, stopping once again and looking at the two ahead of them. ”Guys, I’m not picking up anything… let’s just… go,” Thomas murmured, defeated.


Kori became more quiet as she listened to Yang Yang... she really didn't like the way he was talking... it was rude...mean and hurtful to Tommy. She didn't even know how to react. Hurt? It was Tommy who must not be doing good... she sighed as she took a small breath in, something in the woods catching her eye causing her to turn and break order. "Yang Yang, he wouldn't use us as bait, he gave us the option to join in or not to, he would have explored even if we chose not to... I don't like saying this but... with everything you have said... you haven't been a very good friend today. Tommy had his family taken from him...and everything going on doesn't justify your behavior right now... we all are scared... but it doesn't mean you should get angry at someone who didn't cause this." She said feeling bad about calling her friend out for his actions. It went to far in her eyes though... the bickering and what Yang Yang said... she had better faith in him then that. She then felt more confused. "Your sounding like Caramel now, whatever is happening here...I am disappointed." She said walking back to the formation of the group... Or so you would think, A pink and black mist began to fill the air next to Kori on her way back into the formation... Quietly... it had the smell of burning pine strong enough to make eyes water. The mist began to wrap itself around the girls ankle and a thud could be heard as she fell down. "TOMMY YANG YANG..." She called to her friends a few feet away panicking as she was being pulled quickly towards the woods. Clawing at the ground trying to get away from the mist... before the mist quickly disappeared... and Kori with it. The burning smell still lingered in the air as scorch marks could be seen on the ground.


Yuyang’s ears flattened against his head as Kori scolded him. He knew he was wrong for saying what he said, but at the moment he didn’t have it in him to admit that. This was a more principle of not giving up and trying to still be in control. A survival instinct that made his brain go insane at the mere understanding that Thomas was somewhere behind them with Yuyang’s back and the blind spot exposed to him. None the less it wasn’t nice to hear Kori say that she was disappointed in him while he half-consciously only did that to protect her. He stopped when Kori stopped but didn’t turn around to follow after her right away. He lingered for a few moments there ahead of everyone just taking in what she said and letting himself just feel bad about his own actions. Yet his ears perked up when he noticed the odd colored mist near his feet. His ears pricked up in alert as he quickly spun around just to hear Kori scream. Without really thinking too much he dashed into the mist after the sound of her cries. Yuyang kept running in hopes to see or hear any sign of Kori, to not lose track of her, completely forgetting about Thomas. He was was after all half sawsbunck fusion. He found no issue running through the woods, avoiding tree branches and not tripping over the uneven mossy floor. After a minute of running, he stopped desperately looking around, half lost in the mist itself. He called out for her, but nothing and so he tried again and again. His eyes started watering, but he wasn’t sure if it was because of the smoke or the realization that his friend was gone.


Thomas had been listening to Kori scold Yuyang for his behavior,  but hadn't registered the words she was saying. His mind was still a bit hazy with his own thoughts and as Kori stopped to check something,  Thomas kept his ears angled towards her, his eyes on the locator. Three dots still,  so he wondered what had caught Kori's interest. But he didn't ask, he didn't have the time to because for a brief moment, the steady forgettable pulse of his locator began to quicken and a fourth dot seemed to blip erratically on the screen. Thomas blinked, wondering if the thing was malfunctioning.  There was no way something could be there and not there… .

That's when he heard the thud of Kori hitting the ground. Thomas swung his head to look at her, his nostrils catching an unnerving whiff of acrid smoke, and then he saw it. Pink and black smoke billowing around Kori, seeming to swallow her. She screamed, and Thomas’s blades unsheathed. All thought of Yuyang or his worries had vanished in that moment, wings flaring open as he lunged towards the smoke that seemed to be dragging Kori into it. That had to mean there was a target.  His monitor wasn't wrong. So… he'd run his blades through that target's heart. He was swift to move, teeth bared, blades cutting through the smoke to strike. But he hit nothing. His eyes widened as almost instantaneously Kori vanished and with her, the smoke, leaving only thin tendrils of it swirling around his head. Thomas began to cough uncontrollably, staggering back and searching desperately with his eyes for Kori or any sign of the assailant.  But there was… nothing.  No scent other than char, no tracks other than the scorch marks on the ground. It was as though Kori had been dragged into another dimension… or burned alive instantly. Tears stung his eyes and he couldn't tell if it was from the smoke or his own frustration, but he soon found out as he let a frustrated scream escape him. "KORIII!" He'd cried out, his knees buckling him to the ground where his friend had just been. His eyes were large and round,  his claws digging into the dirt around the scorch marks and tears gently plipping onto blackened grass as he sat wracked with disbelief and guilt. Kori was gone… before their eyes. And though he knew there had been nothing they could've done to save her from that unknown force, he knew that this was his fault.


For good several minutes, Yuyang wide eyes looked around. He tried to rationalize, pick apart signs and understand what or who could’ve done this. Yet the smoke alone left him confused. It didn’t seem normal or something that any mon he knew could’ve done. So for a few more minutes passed as he carefully listened hoping to hear something or see something that could tip him off. Even though he hoped, he didn’t notice anything. Kori was gone and he couldn’t do anything about it. The freshmen didn’t want to leave that spot, but he was alone and he was a bit afraid to be alone after that happened. Also, he remembered that Thomas was still somewhere in the area.

The pink haired boy slightly perked up. He failed to find her, but maybe Thomas had more luck. That thought brightened Yuyang’s mood a bit as he slowly started walking back. After all, Thomas had some advantages. He had wings. He could fly. Or flap his wings and blow away the smoke. He for sure managed to get her or at least see who took her. With that in mind, he hurried back somewhat surprising himself that he found his way back rather quickly. His ears perked up as he caught the sight of the other fusion.” Tho…” Yet the sound died down in his throat as he took a few steps forwards realizing that Tommy was kneeling and Kori was nowhere in sight. His ears dropped against his head again as he looked over at him yet again. A wave of despair washed over him again. He clenched his fist as that despair shifted to anger. She wouldn’t be gone if Thomas hadn’t suggested going to look for his cousin. She would be alright and fine if they just stayed in dorms where they would’ve been safe and fine... Yet now Kori was gone and while Yuyang would’ve loved to lash out at Thomas and push all the blame on him… he was to blame also. He let Kori go also. When she turned around to go to Thomas he didn’t follow right after her leaving her alone. Yuyang couldn’t find it in himself to be angry with Thomas. He trembled rather visibly, but he already felt awful so the fear of seeing Thomas blades out didn’t make him feel worse. Even though the older student was the predator, he looked broken… Yuyang felt awful and he couldn’t imagine how Thomas had to feel after claiming that he would protect them. Ever so slightly hesitantly he approached him. Yu placed his hand on Thomas’ shoulder even though he had an urge to recoil back, but he did his best to push through it and gently squeezed his shoulder. He wanted to say something, but he couldn’t. He wasn’t sure if anything he said would help the other fusion or even him feel better.


The forest was quiet, threateningly so now. Conversation ceased even between the woodland life around them. It was as though even they could feel the gravity of the situation. Thomas sat there, staring at each individual blackened blade of grass, his vision occasionally getting hazy as a fresh wave of tears welled in his eyes. They’d then spill over, rolling down his cheeks. He wanted to get up. He wanted to get up and search again, even though he was certain there was no hope of finding her. It’s not like she was snatched and run off with. She disappeared… and most likely, so did everyone else considered missing. He also wanted to scream. He wanted to roar and beat the ground with his fists. He wanted to sink his claws into something… someone. He wanted to exact vengeance on whoever did this. Whoever took Kori, his cousins, and all of the other students on this campus. They needed to be avenged. But no sound escaped him. And he did not move. He just sat, staring, his eyes narrowed, jaw clenched and teeth grinding back and forth against each other. The silence was deafening. His frenzied thoughts were howling. His heart was aching. .

He flinched when he felt something touch his shoulder. But that was all he did. Whatever it was, friendly or malicious, could cut him down right then and there and he’d be nothing but grateful. Because this was his fault. He’d led Kori and Yuyang out here. He should’ve been the smarter one. He should’ve rejected Kori’s thought on joining him in this search. He should’ve done this alone. And now that Kori was gone, the regret lay heavy on his heart. She was gone… because of him. He couldn’t even protect her like he’d promised. He couldn’t… save her. A strained whine escaped him as he bowed forward, his shoulders shaking as an uncontrollable wave of sobs hit him. He couldn’t hold it back any longer. He hadn’t cried for Emmet. He hadn’t cried for Tara or Don or any of the other students. Because he was trying to be strong. But he couldn’t be strong anymore. He couldn’t do this. On a shaky inhale, Thomas recognized Yuyang’s scent. So it was him who squeezed his shoulder. “...I’m… sorry Yuyang…” Thomas rasped, each word dripping with tears and regret. “I said I would protect her… protect you… and I didn’t…” he whispered, still bowed over in penitence, his blades withdrawing into his skin again. It was a small, stupid gesture. A laughable attempt to still seem like a lesser threat even now. What did it matter what Yuyang thought now? Whether Thomas was dangerous or not, it didn’t change anything. It didn’t change the fact that all of this was his fault. In that sense, he was still a danger. A danger due to his naivety. Yuyang was better off rushing back to his room, safe. ”You need to go,” Thomas murmured. ”Get back to where it’s safe…”


At the flinch Yuyang’s body tensed up, still quite conscious of other boy’s every movement. Yet he stood there, a bit overwhelmed with everything, taking in the information. It gripped his chest to think that she was gone… He glared at the ground as another wave of guilt washed over him. The deer like mon turned his head away, shivering a little as he tried to stay grounded. If anything hearing Thomas voice pained him even more… He was really sorry for this and he was being honest about it too. Thomas couldn’t have faked all that, or at least Yuyang thought that he wouldn’t have felt so strongly about this if he did. Yu gulped as he tried to speak his breath slightly hitching in his throat before he could begin. “... you know, when you say things like that you make me rethink my decision of not kicking you, how I promised…” The mystic student finally pushed out still keeping his gaze on the ground. “You are not the only one t-to blame… so don’t feel like it’s all on you.* He said still realising that he managed to keep his hand on his shoulder throughout all this rather easily because he was distracted. He stopped taking for a few moments to let that settle in into Thomas thick skull. He didn’t blame him even though it hurt. It was the easiest way out. Just shift the blame on someone else and be on his marry way back to dorms, but no.

” … And it’s not ‘you need to go’... its we need to go.” He said this time finally turning his head to look at the other fusion.” We need to report her missing… that’s the best we can do… and we need to go back to dorms. It’s way too dangerous to stay here alone… so if you want to look around a bit.... I will stay… it might not be much… but we are probably stronger as a team… rather a disastrous team… but at least we would have eachothers backs… be more alert.” Yuyang said as his hand slid off his shoulder just hoping to get some sort of response… hopefully positive one… He wouldn’t leave Thomas alone here, even if they struggled to interact.


Thomas wanted to object, wanting to be alone to search for Emmet and Kori longer. But knowing what they knew now, Thomas knew there was no reason to search any longer. And Yuyang was right. There was no reason to search further, they had new information and it needed to be let out. Though it made him miserable to think it, he’d have to give up on his search. He’d have to find a new way to avenge his family and his lost friend. A new way to reclaim what they’d lost. With a heavy sigh, the fusion stopped his tears, wiping his face with an arm before turning his head to look at Yuyang. He had to admit, he was rather surprised that the boy was still here with him, even after Kori had disappeared. Much more surprised that Yuyang was touching him. But he didn’t question it. He was sure the boy just wanted to be comforting. Yuyang was kind like that. Thomas gently let his hand settle on Yuyang’s for the barest of moments before he let it slip to the ground again. ”You’re right…” Thomas murmured, slowly pushing himself to his feet. ”We need to get back. People need to know what happened.” He looked back the way they came, then looked around, keeping an eye out for any signs of that smoke again before looking at Yuyang and starting the trek back towards the dorms. ”Feel free to kick me anyways, by the way~” Thomas added in after a moment, a wry smirk on his face as he walked on. ”So that I know this isn’t some terrible dream.”

Word Count:

Tae- 2588/10= 259 exp
Kit- 4025/10= 403 exp

Zeria- 1680/10=168 exp