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Vireoclaw was trying his hardest to take the border patrol seriously, but working with his best friend was a huge distraction. Hazelcry had led him to the top of the overlook hill, even though it wasn't on their assigned route. Vireoclaw followed with a defeated smile on his face. Arguing with the younger warrior was difficult even on a good day.

"The weather is so clear today that the view should be amazing!" Hazelcry called back to Vireoclaw. "Come on!"

Vireoclaw followed at a slight distance, enjoying the feeling of the breeze through his fur. He eventually joined Hazelcry at the top and bumped his shoulder against hers playfully.

"You were right about the view," Vireoclaw observed.

The lookout hill stood nearly central in Moorclan territory, and from here one could see almost all of the land that these cats called home. Though he had seen it many times, the sight was still dizzying to the young cat. If this was just their territory, then how big was theĀ world?

"Isn't it wonderful?" Hazelcry asked, already knowing the answer. "There's so much potential out there for us. We could become any kind of warrior we want."

"What kind of warrior would you like to be?" Vireoclaw asked, turning to face his friend.

Hazelcry looked at him like he was silly.

"I'm gonna be the best warrior!" Hazelcry replied with a determined grin. "I'll make Moorclan famous all across the world. Everyone will know our name."

She looked wistfully over the land before turning back to Vireoclaw.

"What about you? What big warrior dreams do you have?" she asked.

"I just want to be able to take care of everyone," Vireoclaw replied with a smile. "It would be nice if I could find a way to keep the whole clan fed."

"I think we can achieve both our goals," Hazelcry said with a nod. Her eyes suddenly widened and her face fell.

"Oh no; they're gonna start wondering where we've been," she hissed, causing Vireoclaw to bite back laughter.

Hazelcry noticed and stuck out her tongue at him.

"Race you down the hill!" she cried, and then she was gone.

Vireoclaw couldn't help but laugh before taking off after her.