Crashing Flowers- Spirit Meme [GB]

2 years, 8 months ago

Tarragoncrash and Cornflower (NPC) briefly contemplate the spirits.

Originally posted April 19th, 2021

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"YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! I'M GONNA SMASH YOU TO SMITHEREENS!" The loud screeches of a particularly rowdy feline rang throughout Nara's lands. A few nature spirits of the small clay variety ran through the underbrush, giggling mischievously... and a small spotted feline was soon seen charging after them. Tarragoncrash was pissed. The little hunter had been just about to take down a large hare when the clay spirits had shown up, spooking the hare just for the hell of it. Now, vi was chasing them down as quickly as vi could manage, with every intention of smashing them to bits and not caring that it would cause no damage to them whatsoever.


Cornflower had been napping in a rather out of the way place in Nara’s territory, enjoying the buzzing of bees and solitude of nature. It reminded her of her kithood, with her family. Thinking of them always made her a little sad, but Nara was her family now, and that made her happy. Things in the territories were confusing, to say the least, what with all the spirits and stars and whatever else was going on, but she didn’t mind. It was all exciting at least! The clay spirits were kinda cute anyway. A loud, familiar screech startled her awake. Tarra! She leapt to her feet, charging off after her friend. She raced up by vir side, noticing that the spirits were the target in this chase. ”Tarragon what’d they do?” She asked with a grin, ”Not that it matters, bet I can catch one faster than you!” She cheered, putting on a burst of speed to try and beat vem to one of the little creatures.


It didn’t take long for Tarragoncrash’s cries to draw the attention of others... Cornflower, namely. The young she-cat matched vir strides, asking what the clay spirits had done. Tarragoncrash braced virself for some sort of long lecture or scolding about leaving the spirits alone, but to vir delight... Cornflower challenged vem to a race of sorts. Oh hell yeah, that was more like it! ”Little bastards scared my prey off!” vi cried as vi charged ahead. ”You’re totally wrong though... I’ll catch one first!” and with that the chase truly began. Tarragoncrash didn’t think much about how vi truly felt about the spirits, for in all honesty it aaa no different from how vi felt right now: irritated. Mischievous, good for nothing little shits.


Cornflower grinned widely. Oh this was gonna be fun! She didn't give a rat's ass about the spirits, be they nature, deviate, or stars. Other than thinking the little things were cute at least. But, no, all she really cared about was having fun and right now? Chasing these nature spirits was fun! "That's what you think bee brain!" She cheered, paws pounding the ground, and legs moving as fast as they could. "I'm gonna be the first to catch one of these things and that'll show you!" She let out a jubilant yowl, and leapt! She landed just shy of one, tripped, rolled ass over teakettle, and wound up in a heap half under a bush laughing so hard that tears streamed from her eyes. This was just her luck, but it didn't bother her. She aimed a lopsided grin at Tarragoncrash. "Guess you're gonna be the one to catch 'em huh?"


Bee brain!? That one was new! Tarragoncrash scoffed in response, but was a horrible multitasker. Vi had vir eyes on the prize- the clay kittens- so vi didn't take the time to come up with any sort of retort. Instead, vi switched gears and sped up, lanky limbs carrying vem across the ground with surprising speed. There was no denying that vi had once belonged to Ia, the clan of runners.  Out of the corner of vir good eye, Tarragoncrash saw Cornflower leap for one of the spirits... and vir heart leapt into vir throat. Oh no! She was going to catch it first! To vir delight, however, she missed... and, when Tarragoncrash sprang, vi didn't. Vir paws slammed down on the back of the clay spirit, causing it to crumble into the earth. Vi wasn't surprised when it popped back up a little ways away, giving them an earthy hiss before disappearing once more along with its counterparts. At last, they were gone! The spotted explorer grinned ear to ear as vi turned back to Cornflower, watching her roll about in laughter. What an odd molly. Vi didn't think vi'd ever seen someone laugh at their own expense before... but it was rather contagious and vi soon joined her in laughter. "I totally creamed you!"


Cornflower grinned as she watched Tarragon crash into one of the spirits, albeit upside down as she hadn't rolled over quite yet. The little thing popped up again a little ways away but he'd gotten what he wanted, and she'd gotten to watch the show. Rolling herself onto her belly, and stretching her paws out kneading at the dirt a bit before standing back up. "Yeah yeah sure ya did!" She said, blowing a raspberry at him. "I think I let'cha win." She grinned, "Race ya to Sunglow?" Nature spirits forgotten, she crouched in a play bow, and prepared to sprint off. She sure did like hanging out with Tarragoncrash. There never was a dull moment.