A Father's Penance [GB]

2 years, 8 months ago

Tarragonpaw (Tarragoncrash) and Dustytrail (NPC) make amends as the latter's amnesia begins to clear.

Originally posted April 7th, 2021

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Dusty had hopped his way here as fast as he could in pursuit of his heart. His child. The only one who's face, who's name, who's smile stuck in his foggy mind. Memories had started coming back to him, slowly. Memories of Pumpkinspark, of Ia. Of his own father's death. So much had happened, and so much was still unremembered.  He had ignored his own injuries. Had used every ounce of Ian training he remembered. Rocking his body sharply to the side with each step as he'd run to Ela. As he'd run to vem. Vi was in one of the healers dens when he arrived, begging the flustered healer to let him see his child. His Tarra. He'd been warned that Tarragonpaw was sleeping off vir injuries. But nothing could have prepared him to see his child so injured. "Tarra..." A hoarse whisper, not meant to wake vem up. "By the gold... I'm so sorry..." He felt tears welling in his eyes. "I failed you..." He sat his aching body down next to his sleeping child, softly, gently, grooming the fur atop vir head. Humming a song he used to sing back when... Back when Tarra? Or... Was it Sand? When they were kits. It didn't matter. He was here. Tarragonpaw was here. Have I failed you as a father, or a mentor? He wondered sadly, or have I failed you as both...?


Tarragonpaw was handling vir injuries well. The injuries weren't going to go away very quickly... the deep wounds would scar and the vision in that one eye was certainly completely lost. The youngster would survive though, vir will to do so being far too strong for them to give up now. Besides... Vi had practically enjoyed the fight. That pump of adrenaline... it was addictive.  Tarragonpaw had not been awake when Dustytrail had arrived, although vi soon began to stir. Perhaps it was the sound of his voice that stirred vem, or perhaps vi was just waking up on vir own. A sleepy mumble slipped from vir lips as vi noted the strange sensation of something rubbing over vir forehead. When vi opened vir good eye and saw that it was Dustytrail, surprise flickered across vir expression... and they blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Finally remember me?" Sarcasm at its finest.


As Tarragonpaw stirred, Dusty kept humming softly, wondering if vi remembered this little melody. Wondering if vi had ever even heard it. All of vir scars and wounds... vir eye... horrible injuries, all of them. Runs in the family I guess... he thought bitterly. Had his leg not been lost, would he have been  able to save Tarra's eye? To keep his child, and apprentice, from being wounded at all? He'd have given himself over to the deviates if it meant Tarra would be save.  

Finally remember me?

Dusty flinched, as if struck by an invisible blow, at Tarragon's words, his humming stopping as he stared at his paws. Vi was right to be angry, to be sarcastic. Dusty knew he deserved every word of it, and more. But that didn't change that it hurt. Each time vi made a quip, or a sarcastic remark, Dusty felt it just as strongly as he'd felt the bite of the fox that had nearly killed him. "I'm here for you, Tarragonpaw." Was all he replied, keeping his voice as level as he could, doing his best to ignore the pain he was in, both physical and emotional. He'd not fared well in the battle himself, though none of his injuries were serious, running here had certainly made them worse, not better. "Tarra..." He began, a soft sigh escaping him, "Tarra... I'm sorry." It would never be enough, but it was all he could say...


Tarragonpaw noted the way that Dustytrail flinched and... a small part of vem felt satisfied to see that reaction. So vir father was hurting? Good. Vi wanted him to hurt as much as vi had. But... was it really Dustytrail's fault? Had he really forgotten about vem? Over time, Tarragonpaw had come to believe his claims... but that didn't make it any easier. The sense of abandonment was still strong. But now that vir father was here... now that he was truly here and seemed to be remembering more and more with each passing minute... Tarragonpaw didn't have the desire to fight anymore. Vi was okay. Mentally? Quite chipper! Vi had kicked some ass. Had some fun. Physically? Exhausted. That physical exhaustion bled over into mental weariness and vi no longer had the desire to hold a grudge. Instead, the tiny enby simply let out a soft sigh and scooted forwards to slump against Dustytrail's shoulder. "Took ya long enough."


Tarragon surprised him, when vi scooted forward and slumped against his shoulder. Took ya long enough. It had, hadn't it? Even if he still didn't remember everything. Even if he never did, he would never forget his love for his children. Settling himself down to sit, Dusty wrapped a foreleg around his Tarra, pulling vem close. "It took far too long, and I will spend the rest of my life making sure you never have to question my love for you, Tarragonpaw..." He murmured, resting his head atop his child's. "I know you don't like the sappy stuff but... Tarra..." Dusty let a soft, rumbling purr start up in his chest. "I'll always love you. No matter what else happens."  He gently groomed the top of Tarra's head, purring softly, and holding his beloved child close. I'll show you Tarra... I'll make it up to you, all those moons you were without me. I'll be the father you deserved. A soft sigh escaped him. Tarragon was going to get blood all over vem, if vi kept leaning on Dusty like this. But... He didn't want to push vem away. He hummed again, that same soft lullaby he'd hummed before. A gentle melody meant to calm and comfort Tarragon. I swear I'll make it up to you.


The tan tom pulled vem closer and vi offered no resistance, settling in against vir father's side. The spotted apprentice took note of the sensation of blood against vir fur, but honestly didn't care. It was just... nice to be this close to Dustytrail again, without any resentment. Only peace. Vir father and mentor stated that he'd always love vem, no matter what, and began to groom vir face gently. Those comforting words and the gentle grooming soon had vem growing sleepy. Slowly, slowly... vir eyes closed... until a soft sigh slipped from vir lips and vi slipped off until sleep. Vir dreams weren't exactly what you'd call peaceful. Actually... they started out as nightmares. Nightmares about things that had happened, had not happened, and still could happen. Tarragonpaw had never been one to be afraid of much... but Shadowfall had rattled vem, even if vi would never admit it to a single soul... even vir own. Fortunately though, Dustrunner's presence was of much comfort. The young feline twitched in vir sleep a few times, but the soft coos of vir father and his gentle touch was enough to ease vem out of the nightmares... and into a much more peaceful slumber.