Crashing Shivers - Predator vs. Prey Meme [GB]

2 years, 8 months ago

Tarragoncrash and Shivercrawl discuss what they'd be if they weren't cats.

Originally posted July 26th, 2021

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"Tarragoncrash," it was a familiar, timid voice that filled the Naran's ears, growing closer as the distance shrank. It was evening, and though the cloak of darkness provided little solace from the heat it was still a haven for the hairless cat. Flies buzzed about, clouds of gnats gathering in the sweltering air. Briefly she wondered if they could feel the drastic change as well. "I was asked this earlier and thought it'd be fun hearing your answer." For once, she was unabashed about sharing the reasoning behind her actions, especially one driven by her own desire. "I was asked what animal I'd be, prey or predator. It had me wondering... but even after so much pondering I couldn't think of one for the life of me." The large huntress sat down on her haunches, thin tail curling around her paws. "So... what do you think I'd be?" The question was accompanied by a curious and expectant tilt of her head, pink eyes resting on her clan-mate. Would it be something silly? Or a genuine answer? Ah, who could tell with Tarragoncrash, anyway? That was the best part about vem!


A familiar voice reached the young cat's ears from where vi had been lazily lounging in the shade. His ears twitched with interest and he pushed himself up into a slightly more upright position, even if still lying down. "Well that's a very random question." The spotted feline responded with a little laugh, white tail waving with amusement as he looked up at the much larger cat. "HMMMM. I dunno. Good question. Something badass, for sure. What do you think?" Vi was already getting ahead of vemself now. "What answer did you give the questioner? I know what I think you would be! You'd totally be a rat." He didn't think about how hurtful that statement could be and probably wouldn't particularly, but hopefully vir next words would make up for it. "And not just because you have no fur like a rat's tail. Rats are super shy little critters, preferring to run and hide if they can... but they can totally kick as if they gotta. I've never seen you bare your fangs at someone before, but something tells me you could be a badass if provoked enough."


Shivercrawl's face fell slightly at Tarragoncrash's answer. An honest response, but...

A rat. 

Rats were often associated with filth and dirt, scuttling around carrion and other repulsive material. Their beady eyes, too, so dark and uncanny-- did she really hold such a resemblance? What a dreadful thought! Though, as the huntress listened to her Naran clan-mate continue, she found her mood lifting slightly. Vi explained the parallels between her own timid nature and the rodent's, and the comment about being able to 'kick ass' earned a chuckle from her maw.  "I suppose... rats can be cute," she began, thoughtful as she imagined them in her mind's eye. "They're not so different from mice." A smile tugged up the corners of her maw. "I've never been in a physical fight, either, or gotten even close-- but I hope you're right."


Tarragoncrash wasn't a very intelligent cat... but vi was smart enough to see the slightly forlorn expression on the furless dame's face. Fortunately, he had her laughing again before too long- ah yes, fairly good at that wasn't he? He prided himself in that! "Nope! Just more badass." He agreed about the comment regarding mice.  Tarragoncrash let out a loud gasp of surprise as she stated that she'd never been in a physical fight before. "Oh really now!?" Vi exclaimed dramatically. "Well then we will have to change that. I, Tarragoncrash, challenge you, Shivercrawl, to a battle! ..... Tomorrow morning. I'm lazy right now. Besides- you gotta tell me now, what sort of animal do you think I would be?"


"A battle?" The hairless cat echoed, an event that filled her with nervous excitement. Was she even prepared for a friendly spar? Um... my hunting skills will come in handy, probably-- but then again, those techniques are meant to be used on little rodents... not cats!  "Hm... what animal you would be? Well..." Shivercrawl trailed off thoughtfully before continuing. "It'd have to be a social, energetic animal... something brave, too. Hm... what about, hm... Oh! How about a badger?"


"Don't worry, I won't kick your ass enough to make you sore the next day." The spotted feline teased, grinning widely. She had his complete attention as he waited to hear what she had in mind regarding what sort of animal he'd be... and her response had him tilting his head to the side slightly.  "A badger..." Vi echoed, before letting out a little chuckle. "Not a very attractive animal, but I suppose that all the other traits are quite fitting." Badgers were pretty badass after all. "A badger and a rat... Quite interesting indeed!"