Ultramarine Hymn

2 years, 8 months ago

The slightest bit of morning light flickered through the gaps in the blinds, lighting the room with its soft golden hue.

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For #TFLtober !!
(Day One - Warm&Cozy)

The slightest bit of morning light flickered through the gaps in the blinds, lighting the room with its soft golden hue. Reishi barely stirred where he was sleeping in his and Makoto's shared bed, as he unconsciously burrowed closer to the warmth that had wrapped itself around him during the night.
He peeled an eye open, only to be met with a face full of bright red hair. Reishi's heart would twinge at the sight as he smiled fondly, allowing his eyes to drift shut.

He felt calloused hands tighten around his waist, pulling him closer. And he did the same, entangling his hands behind his neck, running his hands through that mess of hair. The feeling of arms around him, holding him close, it was slowly becoming more and more of a familiarity for him.
I’ve never felt this comfortable in my life…

Makoto grumbled tiredly under his breath, having been woken up by that slight movement on his boyfriend’s behalf. He was just barely awake, but no way in hell was he gonna let go of that cool calming presence.

Reishi’s heart felt somehow whole, being held in those arms. Decidedly he didn’t even lean back from their close proximity to press a light kiss against his boyfriend’s chin.

Makoto's eyes shot open as he felt his body heat up from the contact, a blush worthy of the fire that flickered lowly in his chest, burned on his cheeks. He wasn’t fully awake before, but he sure as hell was now.
“... Damn Rei...”
He was still getting accustomed to Reishi instigating this sort of affection. But it was a fuckin’ great change, it made him feel damn near giddy every time.
“If you keep waking me up like that? ‘might become a morning person.”

Reishi’s face also reddened slightly from Makoto’s reaction, as he let out a small, but unrestrained laugh.
You? A morning person?” The same Makoto who grumbled every time he got woken up before 12??? He couldn’t imagine that.
Warmth swelled in his chest, and he pulled back ever so slightly, just so he could gaze into Makoto’s beautiful crimson eyes. I might have to do that more often.

Makoto feigned an unconvincing-irritated expression, although just hearing that soft laughter? It broke. He couldn’t help but grin, “aaaaalmost as unbelievable as you sleeping in for once.” The sound of Reishi's laughter was like music to his ears.
Although as Reishi shifted, his features came into view for Makoto. And while his crimson eyes were still tired and blinking back sleep, he stared into the inviting waters of Reishi’s eyes… a vast ocean that he found it ridiculously easy to get lost in.
He mumbled lowly, a grunt of agreement. It was the truth, though… he didn’t mind waking up a little earlier for this.
“... ‘sides, I sleep better next to you.” It’s easier to get up, and I feel a lot safer.

Like I'm at home. A real home.

Although, it was a little contradictory too… because having Reishi by his side made it more tempting to stay here.  “But I sure as hell don’t wanna get up yet.” He leaned in, cupping Reishi’s face in his hands, bunting their heads together gently.
His hands slowly reached upwards, tracing the faint freckles that stood out against Reishi’s pink cheeks. Cute.