Tell Me a Secret

2 years, 8 months ago

Prompt #5 - Truth or Dare RP Party

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This is the night - the night highlighted on the invitation, which was a sticky note with ‘Sleepover @ 7pm on Friday’ and the word fun written all over it like confetti.  Perhaps you should have double-checked that it WAS at the Cafe, and thats on you.  The person who’d invited you to come had said that all beacon members were invited to attend, to relax and get to know their fellow employees, to eat snacks of all kinds…. and it seemed like an idea.  whatever idea it seemed like was up to you, but it was certainly an idea.  “Maybe we can even play Truth or Dare, or some other fun earth party traditions.” they had said. “Or throw wine at each other.” they had added, though you might have been under the legal drinking age of 19.

A light, cool rain broke the heat wave that had settled in Mirstone for a week.  The mood throughout the town was peaceful, relieved, quiet.  The doors of the recently closed-for-the-day-Cafe were swung open, propped by large plants that normally lived inside.  Warm light poured out onto the cobblestone street, and as you approach an entrance, you can hear the conversation between the people inside and see that the chairs and tables have been pushed mostly out of the way, still usable, with plenty of floorspace.

It's an evening full of possibilities, good luck on one of your first travels… and remember, your success within these dimensions could very well depend on any of the people you meet tonight!


Sozz || Casper — 09/25/2021
The chatter is coming from a radio playing a talk show about climate change, a silly little emo named Casper holds onto the radio, possessively, as if someone has tried to take it from him before.  He’s in overalls, with a skull t-shirt and hundreds and hundreds of silly bands. More than usual.  There seems to be some noise in the back, possibly from staff wrapping up.  He is waiting to greet you with a straight-faced what’s up.  Enter if you DARE

Plague Wing | Set — 09/25/2021
Of course, at 7 PM on the dot, Set strolled in with the biggest grin on his face. He was one to always attend social events given a free schedule, and a sleepover was no exception. He loved getting to be with people, after all, so why wouldn't he? And even if he didn't... Truth or Dare sounded fun. What juicy, spicy gossip would be dropped on everyone here? Who knows! He sure as hell didn't want to miss out on it!
He made a small bow to Casper, and chirped, "Hello, hello! Hope your day has been halcyonic!" before nestling himself against one of the pillows, happily humming to himself and watching for more people to go ahead and make their way in as well. He wanted to talk to everyone, so even though he had made himself cozy, he wasn't going to sit around for very long.

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
Amirah giggled almost mischievously as she dragged along a somewhat reluctant Daniel with them.  They haven't even known each other for long but she wanted to make sure their new friend was in on the sleepover because he has to. Also to actually get to know the guy because she really just learned he was a fellow Beacon person and decided "I will take you now."
He didn't want to hurt her by fighting back against the drag, but Daniel also couldn't help trying anyways because why did Amirah need to drag him by wrapping an arm around his neck??
"Look can you just- I don't think I even got your name properly-" "Amirah! Nice to meet'cha~" "Okay, I'm Daniel, can you please let go, I can't properly walk-"
And then he promptly ends up falling to the ground because they immediately unhanded him just to jump in excitement and wave at the others she had just spotted at the venue. "Hey hey heyyy!! Y'all gonna be apart of the sleepover??" They grinned widely while Daniel just had to deal with picking himself off the ground and fixing his look for a moment. Welp, he's already here and she'll probably try to drag him right back if he'd even try to leave, so he's stuck for now.

Deliderp — 09/25/2021
Ackerley hopped off his parent's car and waved to his dad then took a bag, a pillow and a small luggage inside the cafe. He was wearing a dark brown shirt and dark blue jean. He seem immediately nervous has he noticed a few people standing in. He didn't wandered toward anyone yet. But he wondered why one of them was holding a radio this dearly. The subject was interesting. He turned to a corner to put down his things and to breath a little to give more self-convince that things will be alright. He wanted to stop begin afraid of other, so wanted to try be around them to learn to trust again and his family was encouraging him. He didn't wanted to back out even if this was terribly stressful. While thinking he is facing a wall like a creepy person lmao.

Moo | Jules🦆 — 09/25/2021
She felt she was too old for this sort of event.... Even if she hadn't been to many sleepovers to begin with. However, her grandparents' encouragement made her give in and at least check it out.

Jules was grown-- If worst comes to worst and she felt uncomfortable or out of place, she could just say her farewells and leave. Right?

...At least she always had her duck bag as moral support.

She thanked the person at the front. An accessory they were wearing caught her eye, "Oh, I like your earrings! Or plugs. I wouldn't want to assume."

With a smile, she headed into the cafe. Here's to new experiences! (edited)

Sozz || Casper — 09/25/2021
Casper held up a finger to try and silence Set, pointing at his radio.  And then Amirah, who was dropping people onto the floor.  Taking a long pause and glancing between them, and the boy who was staring at a wall…odd… he was much less noticeably impatient with Jules, as they obviously like ducks.

they were really showing up, now.

the talk show wrapped up a good looong 15 seconds later,  he switched to a pop station and set the radio down.  “I’m okay, it’s been completely halyionic.” he answered Set, waved at Amirah, who seemed like a lot.  then smiled at Jules. “they’re plugs.  I like your bag.”

“Does anyone know the boy who’s currently staring at the wall?”

Ghost — 09/25/2021
Artemi walked in to the guest area of the cafe, her arms covered in platters of deserts. Seeing Beacon members visiting for the event brought a smile to her lips and a perk in her step. She slid the plates on the longest table at the cafe so that it was free for the taking.

The blonde clapped her hands after her short job was done, eager to pursue the opportunity to interact with her new co-workers. "Ah, hello, Jules!" She greeted, glancing over to find a recognizable female with the duck bag. "I didn't know you were bringing a familiar to the party." Artemi joked, taking a plate of tiramisu with her. "Two questions." She giggled, holding up two fingers. "Does the buddy have a name? And would you two like a plate of tiramisu? It's very sweet. I'm proud of how they came out."

moo | Jules🦆

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
"Eh? Who's staring at what now- OH, HEY!! Ackerleeyyy!! Nice to see you again, buddyyy~!!" Amirah quickly skipped over to the boy, immediately pulling him into a friendly but tight hug for at least a moment. "Been a bit! Here for the sleep over too??" They gave him a big smile, sort of pushing herself up by the tips of her toes with excitement alll clear. Deliderp

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"I'm proud of you for making them, oh, sister dear!"- A male voice coming from the kitchen could be heard talking to Artemi.

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
Daniel just stares at Amirah pretty much disregarding his own existence right now and begins to debate on leaving now while he still can.

Ghost — 09/25/2021
"If you're proud of me, then come over and eat one! I haven't seen you eat one yet!" Artemi laughed, teasing him with a whine-like voice.

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
Sunny sneaked inside, like a ninja, in a large bunny hoodie, and probably a onesie in her backpack. The girl stood by the entrance for a moment, looking around at the people there, smiling to herself and rocking on her heels. It was gonna be fun, right ? Right!

-"Everybody is so lively"- She smiled, catching Daniel and shuffling over to him before joining everyone else.
-"Hi! You look lonely, are you? I am Anna, I can come with you if you do not want to be alone!"- Sunny offered.

Moo | Jules🦆 — 09/25/2021
She smiled back at Casper, "Thanks. It's my favorite bag by far."

Jules blinked at the sound of her name, turning to.... Artemi, she believed. She really needed to start putting names to faces quicker.

"Ah, hi!" she grinned, then gave a confused tilt to her head at teh mention of a familiar, "Oh, it isn't a familiar, just my favorite bag. I nickname it Ducky."

Jules nodded at the offer for tiramisu and thanked Artemi one the plate was in her hands. She took a bite and her smile grew.

"I like it! It's really good."
Ghost (edited)

Plague Wing | Set — 09/25/2021
Set, quite unfortunately, did not know how to shut up, so he kept humming. A lot. He hummed only louder as people began to come in.
"That's just tremendous!" Set chirped, in reply to Casper. "Absolutely tremendous!"
... He might have forgotten something, because he had walked in with nothing besides the clothes he was currently wearing. Still, he hummed happily as he began to rub his fingers on his mask and keep watching, just for a few more moments. (edited)

Sozz || Casper — 09/25/2021
Casper’s smile deteriorated as Artemi went to question Jules, looking between them for a moment, she seemed engaged now.  The tiramisu probably wasn’t vegan, so it was better he wasn’t offered any, too.  He looked across the room to try and make eye contact with Set, “I’m Casper, by the way.” He informed Set, then pulled off a purple silly band shaped like a cat and launched it at him.

Deliderp — 09/25/2021
Ackerley hear a voice taking him out of his thinking then notice Amirah walk quickly toward him and... a bunch of people staring at him. He blushed not because of the hug, but because he realized how weird he must be looking to the few people that noticed him. He was just trying to get mentally ready. He was slow at replying to Amirah seemed like a lot was going really fast in his mind before he make an forced wavy smile looking at Amirah looking a little tense face still showing some red color has he said sounding quiet and calm comparing to her:"Yeah. I thought could be a good experience. Nice to see you too." Arkraiden

Trouble — 09/25/2021
DJ looks at the building with his arms wrapped around him, clad in a crop top and a pair of shorts and of course his signature black sunhat. THe cold doesn't bother him somehow as he enters through the door and smiles softly at the smell of baked goods. But ech....people. Well, at least there's one person he's familiar with. Fuck, he's with an extrovert. FUCK.
Deliderp  (kinda mentioned >>)

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"I'm coming, don't you fret!"- Gavriil chuckled from inside the kitchen, closing something and setting up one or two timers by the beeping noises that came before his footsteps and subsequently the young man wearing an apron that read 'Kiss The Cook'.

-"I got some cookies in the oven, a vegan batch too, for those who prefer those!"- He announced, and walked over to his sister, taking one of the plates of tiramisu she had.
-"Thank you!"- Gavriil hummed, teasingly giving her a quick smooch on the cheek.

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
Daniel perked up a bit surprised with getting approached by someone else but he mustered up a little smile for her. "Oh- yeah, uhm... I'm Daniel, nice to meet you, Anna. I uh, don't really need the company but you're free to stick around, I guess, eheh..." His hand trailed up to the back of his head, somewhat scratching with nervousness. Wow, suddenly there seemed to be a lot more people around huh. @Totoroki

Plague Wing | Set — 09/25/2021
Noticing Casper trying to make eye contact with him, he glanced right back. "And I'm Set! Lovely to meet you, Casper!" he chirped... Before the silly band was launced at him. It hit his chest, and even though such a small silly band shouldn't hurt at all, he made the loudest, most dramatic "AGHHH!" as it hit him.
After a few moments of holding his chest where it hit and being a dramatic little man, he finally glanced down at the cat silly band and grabbed it. "Thank you!" he chirped to Casper.
@Sozz || Casper (edited)

dovey619 | Moria — 09/25/2021
Even though Moria only just entered the building, she already regrets agreeing to do this. Her nanny, Eleanor, thought she should take this sleepover as an opportunity to get to know the other beacon members. But, of course, Moria didn't like the idea of staying overnight with a bunch of people she didn't know, so instead they compromised. Moria will stay at least a couple of hours there and she gets to bring her switch with her.

She took a look around the place and saw that people were already chatting with each other. Okay, good. This means I can sneak past them and look for a nice empty spot to play my games. She adjusted her hat and mask a bit before beginning her quest. With this much space I should easily be able to find a place away from the crowd.

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"Daniel, i like your name!"- Sunny replied. -"And okay! I will stay around here, then sneak over there when more food comes out of the kitchen"- She added, sharing her masterplan with Dan and giggling to herself.

Still being close to the entrance tho, she caught another person walking in and waved at Moria.
-"Hello! I like your hat!"- She took a step in her direction and waved again. -"I am Anna, what is your name ?"-
Arkraiden dovey619 | Moria

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
"Hell yeah man! This is gonna be fun, I'm telling ya!" They giggled happily, patting Ackerley's back before realizing how red his face was. "Uh- hey, you feeling all good there? Need water or something? Hydrate before you diedrate, yknow??" She snickered a littler, though their face was actually showing a bit of concern right then to how he seemed to be feeling. Deliderp

Ghost — 09/25/2021
Artemi released a small giggle when Jules missed her joke, letting her know that the duck wasn't a familiar. "It's alright, I was kidding with you. Ducky's super adorable, though. Do you have other animal purses or are you starting your collection with Ducky? I know a friend that had an elephant plushie for a purse and it was absolutely adorable." She said, grinning as Jules took the plate. Her smile grew bigger as she watched the other enjoy it as well. "That's really good to hear~ Glad to know my cooking skills didn't dwindle while I was out recruiting newbies."
moo | Jules🦆

Artemi turned her head as Gavriil walked over, handing him a plate. Her face scrunched as he leaned in to kiss her. "Ewwww-" She joked as wiped the kiss off her cheek. "I thought the apron said 'Kiss the Cook', not 'Caution: Cook Kisses You'." The blonde pointed out as she slapped his chest where the text was, similar to a slap on the back.

Sozz || Casper — 09/25/2021
Casper snorted at Set’s reaction, a little cringe.. but he thought it was funny.  He nodded towards him, it was no problem.  He had hundreds and hundreds of silly bands after all plague Wing | Set

Glancing back at Jules and Artemi, and seeing they were still engaged, and the name Ducky was not a reference to his childhood nickname and in fact the name of her bag, he turned his gaze to the entrance to catch Moria walking in, from where he was sitting he could easily watch people come in.  He took another silly band, green and shaped like a wine bottle or something, and launched it at her. dovey619 | Moria .

No one was safe from this.  You’ll all get yours. Even if he’s appeased with vegan cookies (gavriil)

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
Gavriil laughs, reaching for a spoon from a nearby table to try the tiramisu.
-"Both, it's both!"- He replied cheerfully, before taking a bite and smiling widely. -"This is really good"- The young man added, letting out a small 'hmph' at the slap, and swallowing what he had in his mouth.
-"Is really good!"- Gavriil repeated.

-"I'll be bringing more food over soon, and drinks too! Make yourselves comfortable, and thank you for coming, guys, it's a pleasure to have you here!"- The young man raised his voice so everyone could hear him, before walking back to the kitchen to tend to his cookies.

Deliderp — 09/25/2021
Ackerley seemed to go for a more natural smile to the friendly pat. Then Amirah seemed suddenly concerned. His eyes went tiny has he blushed even harder he put his hand over his cheeks suddenly aware of it and squeaked even more embarrassed now :"I-I'm alright!! I just need a moment-" suddenly turning away to try hide his embarrassed face then noticed DJ he seem to calm down immediately and said quietly to DJ:"H-hello DJ!" totally not an improvised escape plan. Arkraiden @Trouble

ThePrismOwl — 09/25/2021
The cold rainy night is enveloped with a cool breeze, as it blows on the biking girl's face along with the tears from the sky. The rain wasn't that strong, but a gentle one. Wearing a pink raincoat covering her entire physique, Natasha biked her way safely to where the cafe is! No slipping in any roads, nor any trippings onto a tree or a rock stump. She made it to her destination with no bruises. (Rolled 19)

Putting her bike in the designated parking lot, Natasha makes her way into the Café. Seeing as the place is crowded with faces familiar and new, she ruffles herself up as she removes her raincoat, holding onto it to look for somewhere to dry it for later.

Trouble — 09/25/2021
The star haired gender neutral's ears perk up hearing his name, already eating some of the tiramasu. It's not cheesecake but dear lord does it taste like heaven. He swallows it and walks over to Ackerley with a soft smile.
"Greetings, Ackerley. Didn't expect to see you here in this gathering."

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
"Oh, thanks." Daniel sighed a bit but kept up the smile. Seems like she was a nice one besides the plans for food theft. "Hah, well goodluck with that then." He shrugged with a bit of support for her success whenever she'll decide to do that. Momentarily looks over at the new person Anna took notice of before looking away to see the table being prepped with food by the siblings. Hmm, maybe he could just...take a moment to go over there right now to get some... His gaze lingered more at Gavriil's apron after noticing it had words and then snapped himself out of it as the guy went back into the kitchen. Nope, not now Daniel, get a hold of yourself. @Totoroki

dovey619 | Moria — 09/25/2021
Welp, so much for being sneaky. "Oh, uh, thanks." She replied to the sudden compliment. When she asked for her name, Moria grips the strap of her switch case and looked away from the stranger. "Moria."  She answered. @Totoroki

She felt something hit her shoulder, looked down, then picks up a silly band. "Who the fuck threw this?"

💙Nomminus💙 — 09/25/2021
Morty huffed in effort as he wheeled in a wagon missing its front wheels, filled with several boxes containing old air mattresses and some pillows with dated covers piled on top, as well as a large and heavy camping pack on his back. "I -huff- brought uhh -hff- extra sleeping stuff!!" He announced proudly as he entered the cafe. "blankets and flashlights too and and a spirit box...or three." He rattled on sheepishly.

the-nyan-cat-x3 — 09/25/2021
Raven made his way to the cafe on foot, not caring about the incoming darkness. He has a flashlight, it won't matter if it gets dark! He holds a 12 pack of soda in his other hand.

"Heyy! What's up nerds!"

He gave a big smile as he entered the cafe, holding up the soda.

"Where do I put this?"

Moo | Jules🦆 — 09/25/2021
Jules let out a half-hearted chuckle-- This wasn't the first joke that flew over her head in her 24 years of life.

She laughed her mistake off before humming in thought at the question.

"I'm not too sure. Though I think I do have a few duck-themed bags in my closet. Maybe it might kick off a plush-duck-bag collection..." the thought made her grin. "An elephant plush bag does sound really cute."

She chuckled at Artemi's comments about her cooking skills, and soon agreeing as she took another bite.

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
"Oh, okay then!" Amirah actually respecting boundaries?? Seemed to be happening for only a moment as she stepped back to give Ackerley a bit of space but then immediately perked up as he greeted someone else. Who's that?? DJ? Are they gonna play some music or something?? "Hey, hi there! Are you two friends? I'm Amirah, nice to meet'cha!!" Boundary respects have been thrown as they went right over to the pretty star haired person. Deliderp  @Trouble

Plague Wing | Set — 09/25/2021
After a few moments of fiddling around with the silly band, he put it on his wrist. He got up, apparently going to talk to someone...
... But didn't even move a step before suddenly whipping his head around everywhere, as if he were looking for something. Looks like somebody finally realized!
After a few moments, he wailed loudly, "I FORGOT SYLVIA IN MY VEHICLE!" With that, he bolted out, almost running into poor Raven on the way.
Don't worry, he'll be back in, like, a minute.

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"Morty!"- A voice called out from outside still, and soon after a tall and drenched young man walked in, shaking the broken dollar store umbrella , before giving up and leaving it leaning against the outside.
-"That's a lot, if you needed help, you could've told me!"- Noah huffed, shaking some of the water off his hair. -"I probably look like a wet dog now"- he took his jacket off, noticing a blond girl that also seemed to had just gotten there.
-"Uh, want me to take your coat and hang it up too, or ?"-

Trouble — 09/25/2021
That smile turns into a poker face as he glances down towards Amirah.
"....Yes. In a way, we are friends. "
He raises a hand up to the short one.
"I'm DJ."
Deliderp Arkraiden

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"Thank you! I will make sure to grab some for you!"- Sunny promised, noticing Dan's gaze wander, and grinning to herself as she saw where to, or who it wandered to. She inched a bit closer.  -"Maybe you can go get some ahead of time ?"- She teased.
The girl then turned to Moria, who's name she had just learned.
-"Moria, that is a nice name too!"- She hummed, and the silly band stroke before she could say anything else.
dovey619 | Moria
-"Oop!"- Sunny looked around for the culprit, but in between all the people, it wasn't the easiest, so she went for the next best option, and waved her arms up in the air.
-"Over here, can I have a silly band too, please ?"-
@Sozz || Casper

Ghost — 09/25/2021
Artemi cackled at Gavriil's apron being both and cackling louder when he made the hmph noise. "Oh really? Then tell me the ratio of kisses received to given at the end of this party. If you give more than when you receive, I'll have to go get you a new apron. Big warning label and all." She joked, already considering the gift since it wasn't too long until Christmas. HALLOWEEN FIRST, THOUGH. "Thank you for letting me know it's good, though!" She said, giving a double thumbs up. "You go get more food, I'm stealing your shoes as host." The blonde said cockily as she rocked back and forth in her heels. "Actually- Give me your shoes. I want your shoes. You wear my heels. We're the same shoe size." She said as the idea immediately struck her, pulling her socked feet out of her heels and yoinked the back of Gavriil's jacket.

Sozz || Casper — 09/25/2021
Casper was settling into his people watching position, he took a very extremely loud mental note of how flustered the Wall Starer (Ackerley) was taking to the Person Dropper (Amirah).  It was details like these that could make or break truth or dare.

Keeping as straight a face as he could as Moria asked who did that, he hoped she wouldn’t notice even though he has hundreds and hundreds of silly bands on his arms -Until he stared wide-eyed at Set, whoever Sylvia was it better not have been a dog or else he’d have to be really really angry.  He got a very serious look on his face as he thought about all the mean things he’d yell.

He leaned back on the barstool he was on near the front door, looking pissed off about nothing.    After a moment Casper stood up and took the soda from Justin, he walked two steps to the side and put it on the main counter. the-nyan-cat-x3

“You blew my cover.” Casper said, dejectedly, to Sunny, then found a rabbit silly band that was light blue and figured it was fate.  He had heard that she liked bunnies. @Totoroki (edited)

ThePrismOwl — 09/25/2021
"Uh, that rain almost messed up my hair.." she checks to see if her hairdo got any wet surfaces it, before holding onto her wet raincoat. "Gosh, does this place even have a hanger of some kind or?-" As she tries to look for somewhere she can rest it on, a voice calls her.

"Ah um sure, I don't min- aaaa??" She gets startled with the massive tall physique of the guy that stood before her. Damn, he's so tall, it's breaking my neck. "U-u-umm... sure??? I mean if you don't mind and all.. <-<" she pouts on the side.


Deliderp — 09/25/2021
Ackerley smiled better, the color on his face slowly fading away forgetting/pushing away in his mind what just happened. He put down his hands and say face still a little red :"Same to you!" Then Amirah jumped in talking Ackerley looked a little confused, but nodded to her question. Yeah it was probably the person he felt the safer around in the Beacon company. He noticed someone walk in saying they brought more sleeping equipment. He looked for a few seconds before turn his head away by reflex. Totally not afraid to make an eye contact for some reason and drove back his attention to Amirah and DJ and said quietly:"I train and work at the Beacon with DJ sometime." @Trouble Arkraiden @💙Nomminus💙 (smol mention free to make Morty notice the staring or not)

werewolved — 09/25/2021
A little pre-game drinking never hurt anyone, was exactly the thought Stein had just before xe attended the little meet and greet the Beacon Company was holding.

Just drunk enough to socialize without succumbing to the potent social anxiety that plagued xyr life, Stein shuffled in with a particularly sour expression. Xe looked straight off a "Dark Academia Fashion" pinterest board, hands tucked neatly into xyr pressed black, chiffon pants. Over xyr slightly over-sized dual toned button up was a chunky plaid cardigan. Xe'd worn xyr nice shoes, too, along with a fancy watch and some jewelry.

This was xyr "look nice and impress people outfit", of which xe only had one. Xyr mom, who'd stressed the importance of a good outfit and making a nice impression, would be proud.

At least xe hoped.

Uncomfortably, xe eyed a man who rushed by in some sort of mask. Right. Socializing was a task that Stein WOULD accomplish. Scooting by the gaggle at the entrance, xe gave them the once-over (particularly Noah, whom of which xe was curious about due to knowing xyr, cousin, but quickly looked away in embarrassment because Wow Attractive), then squeaked by everyone else to waffle near the window seats. (edited)

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
Amirah straight up hi-fives DJ even if they didn't mean for that, just saw the hand raise and felt like that was what's happening. Then looked back at Ackerley and making an exaggerated gasp. "Oh- OH WAIT, this is the one you've been training with? Cool! I like training up for the things haha! What kinda weapons do you tend to use for that? I usually go daggers and crossbow since that's what I made my dtv have mainly besides magic ehehe!!" They grin widely, hands forming fists and they seemed to shake with excitement. Man, is her energy ever going down? Deliderp @Trouble

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"Oh, but what if I loose count, will you help me, sister dear ?"- Gavriil jokes from the kitchen already, turning off a beeping timer.
There was some shuffling, and a faint 'my shoes ? wait, wait, hold on', among other noises, before the chef walked out of the kitchen with his shoes in hand and plopped them on the floor by Artemi.
-"Here, hand those heels over"- He added, reaching down, and easily slipping his sister's shoes in, before walking away, as graceful as a swan, in his newly acquired heels.

the-nyan-cat-x3 — 09/25/2021
"Oh! Thanks, Casper! I probably should've looked around hehe. How are ya? This is gonna be fun, right?!"

( @Sozz || Casper )

He seems... very excited about this. Sure he's been to a sleepover in the past, but this was different!! This was with lots of people as opposed to just one!!!

Ghost — 09/25/2021
Artemi talked to Jules in the meantime, waiting for Gavriil to take her heels. "It is! So soft~" She remembered fondly, grinning. "Well, I'm excited to see your duck bag family. You gotta show me when you get a Harlequin or Mandarin duck. Those are supper cute." The blonde said, papping the girl's shoulder.

Her face continued scrunching when Gavriil asked if she would help him keep count. "I don't wanna count how many times I catch you making out with people. Nevermind, you go have fun." When he handed her his shoes, she released a gremlin noise of triumph. "HAHA, YES. You go king, I'll take it from here." Artemi said readily as she hopped into his dress shoes.

moo | Jules🦆 @Totoroki

dovey619 | Moria — 09/25/2021
A nice name huh... It's kinda weird hearing someone call her name nice when it isn't her actual first name.

When Moria noticed that Anna's attention was on whoever threw the silly band, she took the chance to sneaky away from her and went back to looking for a good spot to play her game.

Trouble — 09/25/2021
DJ was expecting a handshake there but whatever. He lets his hand fall to his hip.
"I have claws."
He answers simply.
"My dtv is a cat."
Boy this woman's draining the hell out of him and it's only been (Insert some minutes because I straight up don't know how much time passed).
Arkraiden  Deliderp

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"I'm sorry!"- Sunny replied to Casper, fumbling trying to catch the silly band, but having to pick it up from the floor in the end. -"Oh! This is really cute!"- She slipped it on, running in between the people there to get to Casper, and pulled a small baggy of fuzzy peaches and offered it to him.
-"For you, we can trade! Do you like them ?"-
@Sozz || Casper

Plague Wing | Set — 09/25/2021
After a few moments, Set walked back in. This time, he was carrying a large, white, and fluffy dragon plushie- presumably the Sylvia he was yelling about a minute ago. He also carried some earbuds and a neatly folded onesie, with rabbit ears sticking out of it. Aw.
He set the onesie and earbuds to the side, before glancing around for someone who wasn't being talked to, with Sylvia still in his arms.
His eyes finally rested on Stein, by the windows. Xe would do! He walked over to xym, not caring about the somewhat sour look on xyr face. "Hello!" he chirped to xym, "How is your eventide?"

💙Nomminus💙 — 09/25/2021
"Noah!" Morty called over with excitement as soon as he heard the man's voice. Delighted to have a familiar face around here. "Ooh- that's ok! I uh...I needed the exercise." He chuckled through a few more heavy huffs as he caught his breath. "Maybe we can find you a uh, a towel?" He suggested, then gave a cheeky little smile. "Or-or hang out under the bathroom dryer."
He looked around the main room of the cafe, to see who all was there, and happened to catch the longer gaze of someone, waving over to him with a quick smile - but it seemed the guy turned away too soon.
He then looked over to the girl with the light banana coloured dreadlocks as Noah did and smiled over to her. "H-hey! Nice to meet you." He greeted. "I'm Morty, what's your name?"
He happened to keep looking around and saw his cousin squeaking through, he let out an excited gasp and waved to Stein with a frantic cheerfulness, happy to see xym out and about, hopefully some socializing would be good for xym.

Moo | Jules🦆 — 09/25/2021
"Oh, for sure," she received the shoulder pats with a smile.

She looked over and saw Gavriil walk out in heels, raising her eyebrows while another bite of tiramisu was in her mouth. They didn't look easy to walk in, either. Wow.

I wish I could walk in heels that well...

Jules couldn't help but smile seeing Artemi jump into the shoes afterwards, grateful that the spoon in the mouth quieted her laugh.

Ghost @Totoroki(?? I am small brained rn I'm sorry sdfgh-) (edited)

Sozz || Casper — 09/25/2021
“Yes, serendipitous .” Casper…agreed? With Justin, in a flat tone… he glanced at Jules, then Artemi, hesitated and said “yeah I’m fine, thanks”.  the-nyan-cat-x3  Trying to make eye contact with Stein as xe walked in, taking in xyr ravishing aesthetic.  A classy emo.  And a way out of having idle chatter.  Never mind xyr taken.

The look he had plastered to his face as Sunny approached him, quickly, was one of sheer uncertainty and panic.  He stood fast and looked down at the bag of fuzzy peaches.  He took them without thinking, and said “……..why do you just carry these around?” As if he didn’t wear hundreds and hundreds of silly bands.  @Totoroki He thank said a brusque thanks.  Then stared at her and waited for her to go away

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
Daniel jolted slightly, apparently not expecting Sunny to still be paying much attention to him at that moment and so his smile was slightly strained, probably a bit embarrassed too. "I- sure. I'll get some for you too." The food. The food of course. @Totoroki
He then went off to just...tiramisu and then cookies were getting done... God damn, Gavriil walked in those heels perfectly. "...when's the game starting..." He mumbled, more so thinking out loud to get his mind away from the other as he got some tiramisu.

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"I don't mind"- Noah slowly replied, taking her coat, and hanging it up as well. He shook water off his hand, rubbing it on his shirt before offering it for a handshake in greeting.
-"Uh, I'm Noah, by the way"-
He noticed Stein from the corner of his eye, the outfit caught his attention, and he guessed the one wearing didn't look half bad either. Noah raised his other hand to wave, but alas, there Xe went. (Stein mention, hi ily @werewolved )
Then he turned his attention back to Morty and Natasha.
-"I'll just, stand and dry off eventually..."- He concluded, tho a towel didn't sound like a bad idea.
-"Which way was the bathroom again ?"-
@💙Nomminus💙 (edited)

Deliderp — 09/25/2021
Ackerley blinked to Amirah's surprise. Training with what? He reply after DJ did :"I practice self-defense... My dtv is a wizard not a fighter at all. I try sometime train with weapons because it could be useful someday maybe." He mumble ashamed "I sometime struggle at opening door has them sometime." He peeked again at Morty then recognized Natasha. He suddenly felt relieved seeing there was a few people he was familiar to at least. Should be a good experience. @Trouble Arkraiden

the-nyan-cat-x3 — 09/25/2021
Raven strolled farther into the building, choosing to sit on one of the blanket piles and thus claiming the spot as his own. He then takes out his switch and announces,

"I have smash bros if anyone wants to get their butt kicked!"

werewolved — 09/25/2021
Stein offered Morty back a genuine, relieved smile, confidence bolstered. Xe had an ally here, if anything. Morty received a slight wave.
In a bit of a substantially better mood, xe watched one of the siblings of the café put on a pair of heels with slight curiousity, before turning xyr eyes away immediately at the mention of him making out with people.

As the masked man approached, Stein turned xyr eyes to the window, brow furrowing. Drats. The general air of dont talk to me didn't work on extroverts.

Xe crossed their arms, offering Set a brief, pressed-lip smile. "Faring well. Half hoping the volume in here quiets down a little or the game starts but..." Xe shrugged with a half hearted laugh, "It's a party so..."

"You're the owner of the... Theatre, right? I'm Stein," Xe introduced xymself, sticking a hand out that Set hopefully had the hands to return.

plague Wing | Set
(mentions) @💙Nomminus💙 @Totoroki Ghost

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"Because..."- Sunny stopped for a moment, thinking. Why again ?
-"I am not sure, because I like them, probably! Maybe other people like them too!"- She nodded, that was a good enough answer. -"Thank you for the band!"- That said, she turned around and went to pick up her other two newly met buds.
@Sozz || Casper
She made her way back to Daniel just in time to catch something about a game starting.
-"Oh! Maybe soon!"- The girl noticed the large amount of pillows piled to one side and pointed towards them. -"Do you want to go sit there, it looks like a good place!"-
-"Pillow pile! Pillow Pile!"- She hummed while on her way there.

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
"Oh!! We kinda got stuff similar- mine's sorta a cat! Fox? Wolf? Whatever a Zorua is haha! And dang, cool cool, mine's a sorcerer! So kinda like a wizard! WAIT SMASH BROS?!?" Amirah responded to the two in front of them to then suddenly switch the excitement train over to whoever just called out about having smash bros. "I want in, I want in!" Her attention was now completely shifted away from Ackerley and DJ to immediately somehow make their way over to Raven. "Hey- I don't know you yet! I'm Amirah, you??" Deliderp @Trouble the-nyan-cat-x3

ThePrismOwl — 09/25/2021
"Alright, thank you." She gives her raincoat to the tall guy as she observes him to hang it up. She reaches for the handshake. "Oh, um hi there! The name's Natasha, nice to meet you, Mr. Noah-" ah crap, curse these honorifics!

"Ah shoot I'm sorry- it's a habit." She says her apologies. She wore a white hoodie covering her thighs, with pink and white striped stockings paired with her yellow sneakers. "I might need to do something in the bathroom too, are we all supposed to be in our pajamas or what??" She asked.

@Totoroki @💙Nomminus💙

dovey619 | Moria — 09/25/2021
This spot looks good. She plops her switch bag on the floor then herself. She unzips the bag then pulls her switch and turns it on. Oh right I was playing smash bros. Eh gonna keep it in. She then takes her mini bookbag off before leaning on the wall and goes ham on beattin up the npc.

the-nyan-cat-x3 — 09/25/2021
Raven laughs at their enthusiasm, patting the spot next to him and offering a controller.

"Justin! Or Raven. Whichever you prefer! Nice to meetcha!"

He does little taps on the ground to his sides in excitement.


Plague Wing | Set — 09/25/2021
Set made a grin back. "I'm pleased to hear that! I'm sure that they'll hush down! At least, they will in due time!" He only managed to grin wider as xe mentioned the theatre. "Yes, yes, that's me! Terrific and lovely to meet you, Stein! I'm Set!" He readjusted Sylvia into one of his arms to free up the other, before reaching out and shaking xyr hand.

💙Nomminus💙 — 09/25/2021
"I think they're uh! That way!" Morty replied, pointing in whichever direction the bathrooms were in.
@Totoroki ThePrismOwl and then headed over there after dropping off his broken wagon somewhere, he too had to go to the bathroom.

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
Daniel did his best to make sure the tiramisu he got wouldn't fall to the ground like he did at the start of this whole thing. He blinked a few times with Sunny getting back to him and pointed out the pillow pile. Huh, seems like it was nice spot. "Ah- sure then. Hey, uh, want a bit?" He offered the tiramisu to her. @Totoroki

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"Mr."- Noah repeated. -"That's 'cause you haven't seen me clean shaved"- He joked. -"Just Noah works, Natasha"- Then turned over to the direction Morty was pointing on.
-"Are we ? I think I'll pass"- Noah replied. Surely he had a pair of pants with him somewhere, or did he left those at home ? He looked at himself up and down, and there was no bag, nothing.
-"Forgot mine anyway"-
He then gently patted Morty and Natasha's backs.
-"Never split up in a horror movie, right ?"- That said, he started walking along with Morty.
ThePrismOwl @💙Nomminus💙

Deliderp — 09/25/2021
Ackerley looked at Amirah suddenly nyoom away toward Raven (that he knew too) and put a hand over his mouth restraining a laugh. He sigh and looked back to DJ and said :"She's pretty friendly. She work at the cafe sometime too." He look at the table then pour himself a glass of water and drink some before look again at the people around them and said quietly again with a little smile:"I never had a sleepover before. I hope they won't be too hard with the truth or dare game." @Trouble (edited)

Sozz || Casper — 09/25/2021
As soon as Sunny left Casper felt disappointed she had! OH HOW HE HATED EMOTIONS.  He went to sit down next to Moria and let out a long-suffering sigh, he kept an eye on the others as he started to take off his sillybands and sort them arbitrarily.

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
Amirah happily took the controller, crossing her legs as they sat down and gave him a nod. "Oh cool, your names sound cool haha! Justin then~ Ready to get beaten?" She grinned with mischief. Amirah what are you planning. the-nyan-cat-x3

Ghost — 09/25/2021
Artemi released a sigh of relief as she situated herself into Gavriil's shoes. "Lost a few inches, but a fine price to pay for comfort." She huffed triumphantly, nodding to herself. Glancing over at Jules, the blonde raised and eyebrow and giggled. "Yeah, I used to be surprised when I learned that he can walk in them as well. Maybe, most-likely it's because I put him through my antics so much." Artemi theorized, laughing and giving a shrug with a wave of her hand. "Makes me wanna see if he can run in them. But that's a hassle for me to give him on another day." She devised to herself, mischievously rubbing a hand on her chin. Cracking a lot of plans tonight.

Hearing that people were gathering to the pillow pile, Artemi held up an arm for the girl to take so that they can head over to the others. "You wanna head over and join the others? It's Truth or Dare. With a lively bunch as this, I'm sure something interesting will go down." She chuckled.

moo | Jules🦆 @Totoroki (mention)

the-nyan-cat-x3 — 09/25/2021
“Hah! I was about to ask you the same thing!”

He chooses the random stage option, picking Kirby for himself. Oh how he can’t wait to see how this turns out.


Trouble — 09/25/2021
He had to hold back a sigh of relief as star man's energy is beginning to seep back into his body.
"Huh, never been in one either. It could be fun."
Or utter hell but he'd rather not make Ackerley feel anxious.

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"If you do not mind!"- Sunny replied, quickly looking around for a spoon or a little fork to grab a piece of it. -"Thank you!"- She hummed, devouring the sweet almost right away.
-"Come on, we can sit down, so your tiramisu isn't in danger of falling anymore"- The girl joked.
On her way there, however, an idea crossed her mind and the girl stopped abruptly, looking around, grinning playfully, taking a deep breath and raising her voice.
-"Anyone want to play Truth or Dare ?"-
@╭— 💡 The Beacon Company

Trouble — 09/25/2021
The blond haired male's rushing to the cafe and ignoring the pain ebbing from his back from falling, opening the door and panting heavily.
"Made it!"
Arthur wheezed.
"I slept through my alarm!"

werewolved — 09/25/2021
Xyr eyes trailed over to the others as someone yelled about playing some sort of game. Hopefully Set was correct.
Ah so xe was correct. Stein could appreciate a lover of the arts, especially he was obviously passionate enough to buy a theatre. Xe made the mental note to actually check out the theatre in person, rather than just eyeball it from the sidewalk.

Shaking Set's hand, xe huffed a laugh, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Set. And your companion." Xe motioned to Sylvia with a slight smile.

Ah the ~ festivities ~ were starting. Xe hummed, watching others gather at the pillow pile.
"Are you joining truth or dare?"

plague Wing | Set

💙Nomminus💙 — 09/25/2021
Morty nodded to Noah. "never! Safety in numbers." He chimed in agreement. "I think I might have an extra sweater with me if you want it - I uhm, I always buy a few sizes bigger than I need so it might fit you!"

ThePrismOwl — 09/25/2021
"Ah! Is that so?? I just thought you were older and all- not that it's a bad thing! But umm yeah, okay Noah.." she pouted in slight embarrassment. Before she went her way to the bathroom to change clothes, she jolts a little with the back pat. Guess that was some friendly gesture?? Yeah, it is. After thanking Morty for the directions, she goes her way to the bathroom.

Stepping out, she's now wearing a sleeveless white top with pajamas decorated with banana patterns, barefoot even. Guess she wanted to be comfy, hehe~ She heard a familiar voice from the crowd. Turning her head, she sees Sunny calling out for a game of Truth or Dare. Well, guess there are a few friendly faces in this room, she figured there'd be no harm joining in. "Hey Sunny!" She waves hello to her friend.


Moo | Jules🦆 — 09/25/2021
Jules's smile grew.

"It definitely takes a lot of skill. I remember the one time I ran in heels while running late..... and right next to a flight of stairs, no less," she chuckled, good will replacing the nostalgia in her words, "But I hope he has a much better time than I did, if it happens."

Jules hummed in thought before giving a nod. She figured to at least give it a try-- The last time she played the game was when she was a kid.

She put her spoon under the thumb of the hand holding her plate, taking Artemi's arm as they made their way over.

Ghost (edited)

Deliderp — 09/25/2021
Ackerley whispered to DJ surprised:"We'ill see then. Huh. Seem like the tod is now then." He knew enough Sunny to tell he could trust her, kinda. He finish drinking his water then walk to the pillow pile and... just sit in silence. His mind went blank to what to say to express that he want to join the game nervously staring at a pillow now. @Trouble @Totoroki

Plague Wing | Set — 09/25/2021
Set perked up a bit as Sylvia was motioned to. Not many actually knew he had a stuffed animal, much less that he needed her to sleep, so... That was comforting to hear from xym.
He only perked up even more as the Truth or Dare was announced. Ooh! Gossip time! Set chirped in response, "Yes, I quite believe I will!" He turned, stepped once towards the pile, then looked back at Stein. "How about you?"

💙Nomminus💙 — 09/25/2021
Tria was a little bit late, wandering in with a large mocha ice capp after closing and shaking off her umbrella. She was excited for the sleep over, but the moment she heard the words 'truth or dare' she stopped in her tracks, which caused he wet shoes to squeak on the floor. She stared wide eyed for a moment as a few very distinct memories flashed in her mind. She turned on her heels and walked back outside to take a breath. It's a different group, it'll be fine right? There's staff here, and the knives are safely put away. It'll be ok. She turned back after a few long sips of her ice capp and made her way to the pile of pillows to join the game. (edited)

dovey619 | Moria — 09/25/2021
Because of her hat, she didn't notice Casper sitting down besides her until she heard him sighing. She peeks over and sees him messing around with his silly bands. "...You okay dude?" She asked. @Sozz || Casper

She pokes her head up at the mention of a truth or dare game. True or dare... how long has it been since she last played that game? Maybe... she can play for a round or two? Wouldn't hurt she guessed.

the-nyan-cat-x3 — 09/25/2021
Justin completely obliterates Amirah, cackling once the results come on screen.

“You were saying~?”

He pats their head, still laughing to himself.


Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
Amirah snickered and made herself comfortable as they chose Lucario and got ready to fight.
But apparently tonight wasn't her hecking night because fate said no.
"Oh my godddd, whhhyyyyy???" They began whining and groaning, dramatically leaning back and very tempted but restraining herself from not throwing the controller. It's not theirs! They shouldn't! "I- you just got lucky!!" the-nyan-cat-x3 (edited)

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
-"I'll take it, thanks"- Noah replied. Definitely better than a slightly moist shirt! Arriving to the bathrooms, he stopped and gestured one bathroom, since they both had just a 'restroom' sign.
-"We'll go in this one, see you outside"- He told Natasha before stepping inside.
Once inside, he found a spot underneath the hand dryer and sat down.

Trouble — 09/25/2021
DJ made his way to the pillows and plop himself down.
"I'm sure it'll be fine. No one's gonna dare someone to jump out a window."
The star jokes.

Arthur basically faceplants in a pillow to soothe his aching legs, knees and back. The blond man is clad in a white tank top and plaid pajama pants. His jacket is tied around his waist and his bun's messier than usual.
Deliderp (edited)

Sozz || Casper — 09/25/2021
Casper didn't look away from his task, he paused for a minute, deciding whether to respond or not.  "No I'm not, but its fine." he decided on, staring at a pile of red ones - those are his favorite - "I wish extroverts would treat me more like an estranged relative and less like their best friend ever.  I can't live up to that expectation." he was SERIOUS.  dovey619 | Moria

Totoroki — 09/25/2021
Sunny bounced in place, already getting excited, since people seemed to hear her and want to play. That'd be fun, right ?
She looked around, smiling widely and shuffling over to Ackerley.
-"Friend!"- The girl called out to him. -"Ackerley, truth or dare ?"-

werewolved — 09/25/2021
Stein had unfortunately been struck with the don't have stuffies when you're older complex, but was now living vicariously through Set. A big fluffy dragon was something to be jealous of, no matter what, anyways.

Xe shrugged, giving the group of people a strained look.
"Yeah," xe said with a sigh, "I think I'll go get something to drink first. You can go on ahead."

plague Wing | Set (so u can go MEET MORE PPL <3)

Arkraiden — 09/25/2021
"Pff- yeah haha. Wouldn't want that now." Daniel carefully got down with a nice pillow instead of kind of taking up more of the pile in case others wanted in on that. @Totoroki
Ah, Sunny was starting up a game huh? Truth or Dare, that'ss... Guess he can still stay around for that. He watched as she went over to one of the guys that he saw Amirah go to. Guess people know people, who would have thought. For now was just sit baackk and watch.