Ginger Tea

2 years, 8 months ago
1231 1

Big cat meets little cat drabble

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Dual toned eyes looked over the bandages on his arm. Dried blood peaked through spots he failed to cover properly. The pain was…bearable he supposed. Soren supposed it was his fault in the end. Picking a fight with someone he didn’t stand a chance against. If he had a solid grasp on how his magic worked… Soren sighed leaning back against the alley’s walls. He won in the end. That’s all that mattered. His mission was complete and he would be rewarded when he returned. Right? 

If he returned…

The quiet rumble from his stomach said he had something else to do before that. To think someone could have an appetite after brutally murdering some poor Ashuri. Only a psychopath. Soren smiled to himself. Admittedly he was a psychopath. But first to do something about the searing pain coursing from his wounds. Soren stretched one of his arms out as he scrolled through nearby locations on his phone. Nothing too big…nothing commercial. He had to stay on the downlow. Soren paused on a botany shop. Maybe something natural was the way to go here. And he could always flirt his way into getting the shop keeper to stay quiet…And maybe get a discount…he was kinda broke as is. He tried to put his money problems aside putting his earbuds in to listen to something to calm him down. Music worked well in quelling his bloodlust. Peaceful yet upbeat pop songs. No one expected him to be into that

Walking up to the quaint shop he paused before the door. Maybe this was a bad idea. Were his eyes still glowing? Maybe he should just go home and let his boss heal him up. But he didn’t want to be a wimp. Soren took an internal deep breath as he pushed the door open. The scent of plants and fresh soil hit him hard. So this is what nature smelt like. Living in the city his whole life locked away in the cult he had barely seen plant life like this. The leapord took slow steps through the shop honestly not completely sure what he was looking for. He knew basics of natural remedies, one of the few things his parents taught him as a kid. 

“Hi! Welcome to my shop! If you need help findin’ something feel free to ask”

The bright perky voice caught him off guard. A bright pink haired ashuri was tending to flowers at the counter. Must be the owner. Soren took one of her earbuds out to be courteous also to track the others movements. That’s on being paranoid he supposed. Last thing he wanted was for this seemingly peaceful ashuri to actually be a slayer. His mana was low and he was an easy pick. He kept to himself looking at the various herbs that lined the shelves of the shop and reading over their uses. His ears tilted at the sound of steps approaching him. 

“Are you looking for something specific?”

There’s that sweet voice again. Soren brushed his hair behind his ear and glanced to the smaller Ashuri. His kabuki was holstered on his leg and hands rested in front of him. This ashuri wasn’t wearing shoes. Their socks were covered in dirt. Where were their shoes? Soren was staring. He pulled his eyes away and back to the herbs. “I’m looking for something to relieve pain.” He said simply trying not to reveal more than he had to. The smaller Ashuri slipped in front of him looking through their plants to pick the right plants for him. Soren watched as the space between them closed. This small Ashuri seemed to have no cares about what Soren could do to him. He admired such confidence. He picked out a small ginger plant and started towards the counter, “I don’t have a plant for that, but I know a tea that will help. I’m Hyun-ki by the way.”

“Oh- um thank you-” Soren whispered following after him, hands awkwardly resting in his pockets, “I’m Soren.” 

“Soren! That’s a lovely name. Well this ginger tea will help with any pain you might have.” Hyun went on to explain as he started working on it. Soren leaned on the counter watching as the smaller worked on grinding it up. Hyun went on to continue talking about the plant’s properties in medicine and similar plants that might help if this one didn’t. Call him crazy but the pain seemed to dull while listening to the other. Perhaps it was just a good distraction.

Hours went by and here Soren was sitting in this kids shop drinking tea. His pain was long gone after his second cup. Here he was on his fifth just because he wanted to spend more time here. Despite flirting with the guy he didn’t seem to notice of care. Soren was far from upset. For once he was happy to just talk to someone. Or we’ll listen to him. Hyun was in the middle of showing him different cactus plants when Soren’s phone rang. He swallowed and pulled it out asking Hyun to pause. He reluctantly answered it hearing a cold voice on the other side. They didn’t wait for his response before hanging up. Soren supposed nothing good could last forever. “Sorry. That was my uh…boss.” Soren whispered pocketing his phone again. “It was nice meeting you Hyun. Here this should cover everything.” He started to take out his wallet to give Hyun whatever he had on hand.

“Oh no it’s fine! It’s on the house today! You can catch me next time.” The bubbly pink ashuri brushed it off like it was nothing. Soren normally would insist on paying but being as broke as he was there wasn’t much he could do. He simply smiled and nodded.

“Are you…is the shop open tomorrow?” Soren asked feeling as his voice dropped to a soft tone. Normally so confident in himself he felt like it was ok to be himself for a moment. Just Soren. An ashuri that wasn’t too sure of himself. That needed a friend. And Hyun…Hyun seemed ok being that for him. 

“Yes it is. I’ll leave my doors open for you. Late afternoon is when i’m the least busy. I know as a slayer you probably don’t wanna get caught in a crowd huh?” 

“Slayer…” Soren repeated. He never once gave up his rank. Hyun smiled and pointed to the now bandaged burn marks on Soren’s arms.

“I could tell by the markings on your arms that whatever fight you got in your didn’t let up on them. And your eyes were glowing when you came in.” Hyun explained drawing something on the counter with his finger, “I don’t mind. I’m not scared of you. You seem really nice.”

Soren’s heart stopped for a best. Nice? Not scared? Words he had never heard directed towards him. He smiled tilting his head slightly, “Ah? Interesting way of saying you’re into me.” He said with a wink before turning towards the door, “See you tomorrow babe!” With that he went out into the night the tinkling of the store bells jingling behind him.