Haunted House

2 years, 8 months ago

Promptober 5

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The line for Mrs. Myrtle's Haunted Emporium and Maze was long. Both lockettes and humans were here because it was the scariest haunted house in the world. Or so the advertisement said. The air was brisk and leaves fell chaotically to the ground. It was dark and there were barely any stars. People who weren't in line, were sitting in a barn waiting for their friends and family to be done, as they sipped hot cider. Magna was growing tired of waiting, swearing on her life her bags under her eyes were growing. She even thought she was getting grey hairs. She was also tired of hearing the same songs for over an hour, eager to set the creepy mood. They didn't scare her, as much as they seemed to scare the children in front of her. Masked figures guided people along and finally let her in. She walked with a crowd of about eight through a fabricated door, and was instantly met with a strobe light. Her eyes took a moment to adjust as she was being pushed by everyone through a hallway and down to the kitchen. Someone stepped on her tail causing her to scream a bit, but the house itself was tame. So far, nothing attempted to scare her, and there wasn't any loud sounds or creepy decorations. This didn't last long though, as she stepped through the threshold of the kitchen and saw dismembered body parts lined neatly on the wall. Blood oozed from them and she heard a damned scream. She tried not to think about it too much, trying to keep her ears from swiveling on all the sounds happening. Someone noticed there was no exit. The people in front of her, had hard time figuring out which way to go. Eventually someone decided to try one of the many doors against the back wall and everyone followed suit.

The door they chose led them to a bridge that seemed to be spinning. Sickening colors and loud music caused her senses to go awry and she had to grip the railing for dear life. The fur on her tail stood on end, and her ears were in full propeller mode. She trembled as she hesitantly crossed, being met with fake spiders and other creepy crawlers. She didn't exactly have a phobia of insects, but she couldn't take the thought of them. After the bridge, they went through a maze portion. This caused them to become separated, as masked people with chainsaws chased them. Magna's breathing became short and raspy as she sprinted along with everyone. The maze was lined with blinding lights and fog, but the chainsaw sound didn't stop Magna from excepting and reuniting with the crowd. Magna asked how much longer they had to go, and another Lock mentioned how this was only the beginning. They still had a haunted car ride through the woods, and then one final portion of the house. Magna seemed to relax a bit after hearing there was a ride. Her breathing went back to normal.

The cars were waiting for them, as haybills were stacked alongside the road to guide them. They got into them, four a piece, and were hauled off. As hey rode, people jumped onto the top of the car and banged the roof. The roaring of chainsaws sang out in the distance. The wind picked up and the leaves now did a violent dance. The fog was thickened. Magna was impressed by the human tricks and felt genuine fear. She was happy though to sit for a bit as her legs ached from standing in the line and then sprinting. The car ride seemed to last for eternity, before the silhouette of the house became a beacon of hope in the distance. It seemed they did a giant loop, but when they got out of the fog and inside the house, the layout was different. Instead of the nauseating bridge and the kitchen, this was just a series of hallways and doors. Fingers brushed against their legs, causing a few people to jump. A witch popped up from the corner of a hallway and was almost smacked by a purse. The hallway they traveled down, ended in two doors. Both of them said exit but only one of them actually lead outside. The other lead to more of the haunted house before taking you back outside. A skeleton was there, asking who wanted to continue and who had enough. Magna decided she'd have enough. It was late and she had a date with her girlfriend and video games.