Kalon Prompts

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
4 3727

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Written for the MYO Event of 2021 for development points. All writing is completed and taken straight from the development thread

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Author's Notes

1/4 Prompts total, 1/2 prompts for Astra. 1,124 words.

How did he meet his lover?

Astra remembers everything vividly, despite all these years.

The two had been with each other since the beginning, and have stuck together since. The couple was quite inseparable even after all of this time. Wherever Astra was, Kismet wouldn't be too far away. They'd play out side for hours all day as kits. Astra took the time to carefully watch over Kismet every time, as his friend tended to get injured often. However, sometimes, he did miss it at times.

"Ow!" Kismet whispers to itself, and Astra almost instantly turns. Without saying another word, he walks over, grabbing Kismet's right paw to check for any injuries. Upon glancing at its right paw, he spots some dots of blood and lets out a soft noise. Kismet seems upset, but he's silent. "Again? You really must be more careful, silly!" Astra whispers, reaching for his friend's paw. "I'm sorry," Kismet whispers through a small whine, the contact with his paw stung a bit. "You don't have to apologize to me, I love you lots silly!" Astra gives a smile, continuing once the slightly injured kalon seemed calmer. "It's just.. Kismet, This is the seventh time it's happened in just this week! I do tend to worry, you know.. what if I wasn't able to be here?" Kismet is quiet, so the smaller kalon gets up, pulling his friend with him. "Come on Kis, let's go!" Astra skitters to go find his father in the backyard, and his friend travels shortly behind, unable to hide a smile as Astra runs across the grass.

When they begin to grow, Kismet is the one running around, late at night. They tread quietly, constantly looking around incase someone were to see them. But there's nobody, nobody but Astra, and when Kismet reaches him, Astra pulls him into a gentle hug. "Thank the heavens, you got here safe..." His friend purrs, nuzzling into his neck. "I've missed you! I'm so happy, so happy.." Kismet hums quietly, preparing what he wants to say. "I was here last night... But I missed you too. Have you been okay, Astraeus?" Astra pulls away, a big smile on his face.
"There's no need to be formal," He giggles out, and Kismet grows a soft smile. They were always fond of Astra's softer side. "Well- To answer your question, I have been alright, Kismet! It gets lonely during the day, though.. I really think you should find a way to come when it's earlier so we get more time together-" "You know I can't. I try, Astraeus, I just don't know how to.. I can't make time nowadays, and..." Kismet's mumbling eventually trails off.

For once, he doesn't know what to say. When his smile begins to fade, so does Astra's. "Oh, darling, it's okay. I- I know I shouldn't push. It just doesn't feel fair. What if you were to get caught now?" Astra's ears twitch, and he lowers his head, looking up at his closest friend. "I won't," The kalon concludes, closing his eyes so he can focus on his words. "I wouldn't risk that. I'd love to see you more, but for now, this will be enough, right..?" Kismet sounds nervous. Astraeus can read it like a book. "Hey, look at me." Astra brings a paw to Kismet's face, and they lean into the touch. "Don't sound so sad, Kis, I love you! I know we both want more time! It's going to get better, don't you think?" His best friend nods, and Astra begins to purr. "See! We'll fix it in time silly! Some day, we'll live together, on our own, and we won't have to worry about any of this."
On their own? When did they both establish that? Astra seems to get flustered by his own words, but he could tell Kismet was too. "I think... I think I'd like that, Astra." The small Kalon seems shocked by the nickname, and pulls Kismet into another hug to hide his face. "Then it's settled, yeah? Let's get you inside, We have to get you back out of here by the morning."

With Kismet visiting nightly, Astra spent days taking longer naps. When his parents asked him why, he simply said he'd been getting a bit more tired recently. It was the truth after all, staying up so late every night took a toll on his sleep schedule. Despite this, they worked through it, and the time passed.

Astra felt a stronger and stronger connection as the time flew. He couldn't place a paw on it even if he tried. Were they always like this? Kismet began to use nicknames instead of his full name recently, and it kept him with a constantly fluttery stomach. But it felt nice. He'd read romance stories, and he'd looked at the way his parents loved, and hoped one day he could do that with Kismet.
If he'd known the difference between a normal kind of love, and this love, why hadn't he spoken sooner? Did his friend ever feel the same?

Today, when Astra woke up from his afternoon nap, he paced around. For the rest of the day. And he thought. He thought hard, and when night came, he sleepily trudged outside over to Kismet. He lazily laid next to Kismet, looking up at the stars.

For once in what he believed was forever, Kismet rambled. Astra wasn't paying full attention, and he did feel bad about that, but he did try to listen. It was harder when his thoughts began to fill. Astra nuzzled into Kismet's horns. It seemed to snap Kismet out of his ramble session, so the taller kalon whined out a small apology, an "I'm sorry for talking so much. I simply missed you very much, Astra". And Kismet knows what Astra will say, but they usually do. It's easy to read each other with this much closeness. "There's no need to apologize to me, I've told you this since we were little, moonlight."
The butterflies in Astra's stomach return, and he concludes that maybe his thoughts are right.
That maybe, his small "I love you"s through the years meant more. And when he says it this time, it counts, and they both know what it means. "Kismet, you know I love you more than anyone, right?" It feels too intimate.

And for that moment Kismet pauses to collect his thoughts, Astra is nervous. His thoughts mush again, and he feels fuzzy.

"Don't sound so sad, Astra," His friend's voice snaps him out of his thoughts, and when he listens, he feels embarrassed.
"I love you too. You're my favorite." Kismet gives him a soft lick across his cheek.
And that seemed to indicate enough for the both of them.