I’m only a fool for you

2 years, 7 months ago

Mild Sexual Content

Hahahahhahahah sobbing

Fucking uh angst ig?

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Lyra fell into Yoshiro’s lap, sobbing into his chest. So upset over a guy that didn’t give two shits about her or her feelings. Yoshiro cared. Yoshiro wanted her to be happy. That’s all he wanted for her. He wanted to see her smile. He didn’t want to see her like this..desolate crying into his chest. Holding onto him as if he would disappear. He wouldn’t do that to her. He wasn’t like that asshole slayer. That lame excuse of a boyfriend. He doubted that Seven felt anything for Lyra. Especially after seeing Lyra run to him and cry about how terrible Seven was to her. Yoshi couldn’t wrap his head around why Lyra would stay with him. She could do so much better. He was so much better. 

But Yoshiro knew his place. He was a friend. A shoulder for her to lean on. Someone reliable when her stupid boyfriend wasn’t there for her. But right now with his fingers in her hair and the scent of her cherry perfume overwhelming his senses? Was he really just a friend? Is that all she saw in him? He wanted to say something reassuring. He wanted her to stop crying. A week had passed and she was still stuck on him. She needed a push. Yeah..some convincing maybe…Lyra was already on the edge. Maybe she just needed a guiding hand to help her. 

“Kyong.” Yoshiro started. He rarely used her real name, as if respecting some unspoken boundary of hers. But it made her pause just for a moment. A moment was all he needed. “Kyong, you can do so much better than him. Seven didn’t bother changing for you. He wanted you to change for him and you did. You told me all about the things you changed and what you wished he would do for you. Truth is Kyong. You belittle yourself. You tell me that no one else will love you and being an ex slayer somehow makes you untouchable but you’re wrong. You’re willing to change and you should be able to find someone that is willing to grow with you. Seven is a stick in the mud and there's…there is surely someone out there that will love you more than he ever could.”

Lyra sniffled rubbing her head into his chest, crying slowly coming to a halt. She took a deep breath shifting in Yoshiro’s arms till she could see his eyes. So soft and pretty. He had so much hope and care…she wished she was more like him. “Do you really think that?” 

“I do. I genuinely believe you can do better than him.” Yoshiro repeated confidently, brushing her cheeks to wipe away stray tears. She laughed but smiled. He loved her smile. The way her sunset eyes crinkled slightly at the edges. The way she looked up at him. He wondered if this was the happiest she had been in a long time. 

“Yeah you're right.” Lyra finally whispered, dropping eye contact, “you’re so much better than him” 

Yoshiro’s heart froze. Was that a joke? Did she mean that? If so what did she mean by that??? Lyra! You can’t just say that and look away! Her eyes slowly rose to meet his again. He could feel her hand playing with the edge of his shirt. Time seemed to stop. Could he sit here forever? Sit and pretend this was real. Was it real? Did she really say that? Did she mean it? 

“Can I kiss you?”

The words left his mouth before he even thought about the implications of what he was asking. He expected her smile to fade. He expected her to laugh and run away. To say she was only joking. And he would say that he was too. What he didn’t expect was to her to whisper a yes. Or for him to take her cheeks in his hands. He didn’t expect her lips to be so warm or for her chapstick to taste like cola. But it did. Yoshiro didn’t want to pull away. He didn’t want this dream to end. He didn’t want to wake up and see it was all just a dream. So he didn’t.

Lyra let it happen. Eyes half closed as his lips met hers. She closed them never wanting to open them again. If she could just live in this fantasy a moment longer. Yoshiro was so gentle with her. She could almost pretend that it was ok. That Hyun was just a nightmare she made up. That Yoshiro actually liked her. That he wasn’t like everyone else. Tears threatened her eyes again. But she wasn’t sad. She couldn’t explain why she wanted to cry. She just wanted to hold onto him and never let go. If only a few minutes longer. If only they could continue this little dance, forgetting their responsibilities for just a few more seconds.

Waking up to the sound of birds. Yoshiro shifted being careful to not wake the girl on him. Their tails were tangled together and her hands were holding on tightly to him. Clinging as if he might leave her. Yoshiro shifted his hand from her back to her hair, tracing over the winding curse mark that was inlaid upon her skin. He was careful as he moved his hand to brush her hair out of her face. Despite everything she’s been through she was still so pretty. So put together…perfect. His heart pounded as he thought back on the night before. It was at her request. He agreed to everything. And she did too. But he couldn’t help but think back on it.

Was last night a mistake? 

Lyra shifted in his arms, still fast asleep. His heart fluttered and he slowly moved his hand to block the morning light from hitting her eyes. It might’ve been a mistake. But he didn’t regret it in the slightest. He loved her. And Yoshiro would fight every demon in the underworld to prove that to her. Whatever she needed, he would always be there for her. His eyes half closed as he listened to her soft breathing. He could stay like this forever if it meant he never had to admit the reality of their situation. A few more minutes…few more minutes in this fantasy.