Atlagia Halloween 2021

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
4 1677

Entry 4
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

The Halloween season has come to Atlagia.

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Corn Maze - Alice

Walking up to the corn maze, ticket in hand, Alice got an excited smile. She always wanted to try a spooky corn maze, but she had always been busy in the past. Handing the ticket to the person at the entrance she began her trek through the labyrinthine structure.

As she walked in she had two choices straight away, left or right. Looking to the right it was obviously a dead end to fool people entering, so she decided to go to the left. Walking along through the maze of corn she saw spider webs with fake spiders, and a couple bats hanging overhead. Turning the corner a scarecrow with stitched lips and burlap hands jumped out at her, causing her to jump slightly and begin to giggle.

Continuing through she passed hanging skeletons, and a few random body parts sticking out of the corn. When the next turn came up a mummy was laying against the wall, not moving at all as she would have expected. Just past the mummy though a hand reached out of the wall of corn and played at trying to grab her, to which she just giggled again to herself.

She started to worry that the people working the maze were going to be disappointed with her giggling reactions, but that's when she hit a dead end. Looking around she was a bit confused because there was no other way to go. Just as she was about to turn around she noticed the way she came had closed off.

Turning back to the dead end she was face to face with a scarecrow again, this time covered in blood and seeming to be made of flesh rather than burlap. With a creepy motioning of his hand he opened the dead end to reveal more maze, and let her pass. She couldnt help but think it was a bit cute how creepy that scarecrow looked though, very well done.

Continuing her trek she looked behind her, noting that that wall was a dead end now again. Only being able to continue forward now she came to a section that seemed to be overgrown with the corn. Barely able to see ahead of her she continued, pushing corn and webs out of the way. Suddenly a figure leapt out in front of her, causing her to gasp then giggle again, the image of a zombie farmer slowly moving aside to let her pass.

Making her way through the overgrowth she came to what seemed to be a creepy bleeding tree, which had a branch pointing to the next turn of the maze. A small area that was like a fresh graveyard was next, the soil on the ground kind of soft to walk on. That's when a panel opened on the ground and zombie popped out of it. Giggling at how much work must have gone into this maze she moved on.

Finally she figured she was close to the exit, seeing similar displays more similar to the beginning of the maze. Turning a corner again though she came across what seemed to be the same fleshy scarecrow from before, only he was standing next to a sign that said 'You can never leave the maze'. Giving him a warm smile she just nodded, said "That sounds fun", and continued to turn the corner.

Finding herself at another dead end she looked back to where the scarecrow was, who was nowhere to be seen now. Looking back to the dead end though it seemed to have opened and revealed the exit. With a skip in her step she made her way out of the maze, a wide grin on her lips as she looked back and watched the exit close back up behind her.