Slayer Instincts

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
2 2425

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Yoshiro and Lyra Rehabilitation stories

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Winter Chills

A cool winter breeze blew through the shiri’s hair. Sunset eyes scanned the people below, deft fingers slowly rebound the bandages on her arms, cat like ears tilting at nearby noises. A crack then a crunch as someone approached her. Sneaking up on her was near impossible. She had to keep her guard up at all times or risk being assasinated. She took a deep breath. Guardian, older than her but still young, they had a similar scent of home. Dawn Shrine. Amazing. So someone had figured it out. But this wasn’t a girl. This wasn’t Chiharu. Someone new. Fresh blood. 

“What do you want? You aren’t the first and you certainly won’t be the last guardian to try and purify me.” 

Lyra was calm. This ashuri didn’t pose a threat to her. From their scent she could tell they lacked bloodlust to take her on and lacked the family lineage to match her. Her eyes scanned the crowd once more before standing to face the one who approached her. Now seeing his face she could guess maybe almost thirty or a little younger, 5’9, husky shiri, young possibly naive. Familiar. She recognized his face. Perhaps someone that had interrupted her hunts before. Her memories as a slayer were always foggy. Her fingers rested on the katana at her side but she made no move to attack him. 

“I can tell by the lack of lashing out at me that there’s still some good in you” The male said calmly standing a bit away from her. His eyes shone with innocence. This was perhaps only is first or second outing on his own. She made a face, typical to send a young guardian out on his own. She scoffed looking back to the city below. A cool breeze brushed by getting a visible shudder out of her before she sat back down.

“Give up and go home. Tell them you couldn’t find me.” She suggested cooly pulling out her soul keeper weapon and beginning the tedious process of mantaining it. But the other didn’t make a move to leave. In fact he had the audacity to sit next to her. She felt his eyes on her. She slowly looked up and cleared her throat. He blinked twice before looking away. Why was he acting like this. Familiar. Like a fan..fanboy… It couldn’t be. Then again he was older than her. It was…possible. Her hair fell in front of her face as a light blush coloured her cheeks. Imagine that. The guardian assigned to her enjoyed her music. 

“Aren't you cold Lyra?” Yoshiro asked as another breeze past by getting an obvious fidget out of the smaller. He himself had his jacket on as well as his gloves. Far from cold. She was wearing a short sleeve crop top with bandages up to her elbows. And a skirt that blew in the wind every time it passed. She looked cold. He slowly took off his jacket to offer it to her, getting a small glance from the slayer beside him. “Here…wear my jacket” 

Lyra stared at the article of clothing being offered to her. She cleared her throat trying to stifle her shivers. She was too proud for something like that. She wanted him to leave before she ended up stabbing him through the heart. “Thanks but i’m fine.” She said simply hoping her cool attitude would get him to leave.

Yoshiro looked back to the city in front of him, leaving his jacket beside her in hopes she would give in and take it. What did Ashe say to talk about. Music, Dancing, Games. All interests she had but given the desolate expression on her face he doubted that any of these would work. “Lyra. I think Ashe would want you to get better.”

Lyra took a sharp intake of air, cold eyes staring up at the sky. “Ashe is dead.” A lie that she had to believe for this to work. Yoshiro nodded slightly knowing he was treading on dangerous ground.

“Yes…but. Lyra. Even if he’s gone now he would want you to get better. He wouldn’t want this for you.” Yoshiro looked over to her, sunset eyes were starting to tear up. He bit his lip pushing his jacket into her lap, “…take my jacket. You're going to get a cold”

“…thank you…” Lyra whispered finally putting on his jacket. It was too big on her but she didn’t seem to notice. She cried quietly into the sleeve, trying to keep herself quiet. How embarrassing getting worked up over nothing. She felt a hand on her shoulder which for once she didn’t move away from. As much as she denied it, she could really use the comfort. “I didn’t want him to get hurt-” she whispered into his shirt. Yoshiro gently patted her back finally making some headway with her. Usually she snapped at him and threatened him but here finally she was opening up. He listened to her, everything she had to share. How she didn’t want to be a slayer but had urges to fight. How she wanted to change. How she missed her twin. As the sun finally set she relaxed up against his shoulder, “thanks, Yoshiro. For listening to me whine haha.” 

“It wasn’t whining. But you’re welcome. I really think I can help you, Lyra. Just give me a chance.” 

Lyra closed her eyes feeling a hand in her hair. No. She couldn’t do that. Not yet. She sat up correctly and took off his jacket. “I’ll think about it. If you can find me again…I’ll consider it.” Lyra stood handing his jacket back, “I really will this time. I promise.” 

“I’ll take that. Maybe next time I’ll bring you a snack to!”

“Snack…” Lyra's ears seemed to perk up but that might’ve been because of Yoshiro’s ringing phone. Her was his ringtone. She smiled then laughed softly as Yoshiro quickly turned it off, “It seems the shrine is looking for you. You better get back. Bye Bye, Love. Till next time.” With that she summoned her kabuki cloaking herself in darkness and vanishing into the night. Yoshiro found himself left flustered on the rooftop.

“L-love??” Yoshiro stammered before quickly calling back his field leader, “Ashe! I made headway! I think i’m getting somewhere you helped so much-” he rambled the moment Ashe picked up. He repeated everything that happened while Ashe half listened on the other side of the phone. At least he was excited about this…

Lyra was watching from the ground. Yoshiro seemed so excited about this. She laughed to herself wishing she could hear what he was saying before walking off. Maybe she could do this. Maybe she could be better.