Orchid and Kara Collection

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 4 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Fanfics about Orchid and Kara Danvers

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Title: Longings
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers/Supergirl, Orchid, Mon-El
Pairing: Orchid x Kara Danvers/Supergirl
Ratings: K+
Warnings: N/A
Author Notes: drabble

Orchid looked at the table as he watched Kara and Mon-El talking. He couldn't help but feel a little worked up as he saw them laughing. He looked at Mon-El and then back at himself. Of course she liked him more, Mon-El looked more human and normal than Orchid did. Orchid had orange skin and green eyes with fire colored hair. Of course he'd stand out. He crossed his arms and walked out of the D.E.O.'s main hall, where most of the agents were as they looked into anything that might catch their attention. He stopped in a hallway nearby and looked at the watch on his wrist.

The watch was a gift from his mentor and former commanding officer. She had given it to him so he could walk around without being scrutinized about how he looked. Which helped him with blending in amongst the Earthlings. The watch was able to alter his appearance too look more human -- it was a Kryptonian device after all so it was pretty high tech. Orchid frowned as he looked at it. He knew he'd never get to see his mentor again but still knowing that she was with him in spirit was good enough for him. He sighed and ran a hand through his orange hair.

"Man, I'm not going to get used to this." He muttered as he walked outside to get some air. He walked a little ways from the D.E.O. building to lean on a column. He crossed his arms, leaned his head back after putting on a pair of sunglasses to look at the crowd of people. They weren't going in any specific direction. Just rushing from one place to another like worker bees. Always having somewhere to go that wasn't here. Though, that's not how Orchid was feeling about it right now.

He just wanted somewhere to belong and he thought he saw it in Kara but figured he was wrong. Ever since Mon-El and her have been becoming chummy, he'd felt more and more jealous. Not of Mon-El, just what he was. He understood that to Kara, Mon-El reminded her of her home -- of Krypton. It was something that broke his heart but it was something that wasn't entirely foreign to him as well. He yearned for Tamaran and a way to go back to his old life. He wanted nothing less! Though, the idea of him getting there any time soon was next to none. He was exiled; forbidden from ever returning there.

"So they got on your nerves too?" Winn scoffed as he stood next to Orchid, shuffling his hands in an anxious manner.

"No, I just needed some fresh air." Orchid said, straightening himself up and pushing himself off the column. "I'd ask how anyone can stand looking like a human but..."

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Winn retorted. "Though... I don't have to hide being me..."

"Exactly." Orchid nodded. "You think J'onn will be okay with me flying off?"

"I don't think so?" Winn said, very unsure.

"You're right, why would he want to let an alien out anyways." Orchid scoffed. "Especially since he's got a few of us on a short leash."

"Probably not the reason, Orchid." Winn said, again fiddling with his hands anxiously.

"I've hidden my identity for so long I hardly remember what I look like." Orchid sighed. He opened his mouth to say something when an agent hollered at them to join them.

"You might get your chance!" Winn grinned as they walked back into the building.

"I'm not getting my hopes up." Orchid frowned as he followed him.

Once inside, J'onn explained to them all that there was another alien sighting. Kara dashed away with Mon-El to go save the day. All Orchid could get from all that was just another twinge of pain as the two superheroes ran off. He sighed and walked towards his desk, looking through the reports from the military about any information concerning the alien they found. He didn't really care whether they caught him or not, even though Kara was going to get him. A few minutes passed and Orchid collected all the necessary information to another agent.

"That should have everything Kara will need." He explained. The agent said her thanks and ran off. He checked his watch to see that his shift was over and started to grab his things. Orchid said his goodbyes as he left the building.

Once he walked past the doors, he mindlessly made his way towards the bar Alex and Winn told him about. Aliens were often seen there mingling with other outworlders who longed for some normalcy. Orchid had grown to like the bar really. He had met all sorts of people and all of them shared the same pain he had. He also liked it because he didn't have to hide his identity to the world. Didn't have to pretend to be something he wasn't. Nor did he have to feel ashamed of himself.

After a few minutes of walking past some of the residents of National City, he slipped into an alleyway. A shortcut that Kara and Jimmy shared with him. Though, he wasn't really paying attention to the people around him as they mindlessly wandered, grasping for any handouts. He was busy thinking of Kara and Mon-El again. His mind replaying the teasing he saw them doing whenever he tried to talk to Kara or anyone really. An exasperated sigh breathed past his lips as a sound of thud sounded nearby, followed by some giggling. Orchid didn't need to take many guesses as to who was behind it. He saw Kara and Mon-El walking out nearby, acting like a pair of children with some goofy secret.

"Orchid!" Kara grinned as she saw him.

"Hey." He nodded. "So I guess you're done for the night?"

"I mean, when is anyone really done being a superhero?" She giggled. He felt something clutch at his heart again as he looked at the excited look on her face. Everyone who knew Kara knew how much she loved being able to help people and the excitement on her face felt like it was starting to kill him. The gleeful look in her blue eyes, the abundance of energy that beamed from her smile, all of it just of it felt like it was starting to smother him. He knew he was in love with her but there wasn't much he could do against someone like Mon-El; especially since they were going on. He must've had a goofy look on his face because Mon-El pulled Kara towards him. Orchid just rolled his eyes.

"You got a point, Kara." Orchid said as he patted the imaginary dirt off his chest.

"So you going to do the thing?" Kara asked, nodding towards his watch.

"It's not a big deal, you know." He said.

"I mean he's just going from human looking to being a Tamaran." Mon-El shrugged. Though Orchid knew it was a slight against him. He fought against the urge to say anything and cleared his throat. He saw the excitement on Kara's face again and reached for his watch. He pressed a button on the side of it and, like magic, his appearance looked more Tamaranean than human. His orange skin, fire colored hair and green eyes all appeared. As if there was a curse placed on him that made him feel more like himself at night. Though he felt like it was just that.

"It's still cool that that happens!!" Kara squealed as she nudged Orchid's arm.

"If you say so." Orchid said, scratching his head. Without another word, they continued their walk towards the bar.

Orchid and Mon-El shared the occasional glare here and there as Kara talked about the alien she just brought in. Though as soon as they walked past the door, Mon-El seemed more interested in keep them as far from Orchid as he could. Which wasn't new to him really. He understood why Mon-El was jealous but it's not like Orchid was going to steal Kara from him. He wasn't that cruel or obsessive. He liked Kara a lot, but he wasn't going to stoop so low as to do that. Orchid made his way towards the counter and sat down. He ordered a drink as he arranged himself and his things. He looked around the bar, curious as to who else was with him this early in the night.

Orchid didn't spot too many people and could hear incessant giggling coming form Kara somewhere out of his field of view. It irked him but for the reason that it wasn't him making her laugh. He felt a hand pat his shoulders a few times and looked over to see Jimmy sitting next to him. He ordered a drink as he settled next to Orchid.

"What's with the brooding look?" He asked.

"I'll give you two guesses." Orchid muttered as he reached for the drink he ordered. Jimmy looked back to see Kara and Mon-El sitting together in a booth and sighed.

"I see what you mean." Jimmy said. "It happens."

"Says the guy who was actually with her for more than a second." Orchid said, taking a drink.

"Point taken." Jimmy nodded. "Winn said you were kinda down today. Everything all right?"

"Yeah, just feeling homesick is all." Orchid replied and looked over at Kara. "Just feeling homesick like everyone else."