Expected Death

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
2 565

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

The expected death .. his illness had already advanced a lot .. everyone cries

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Expectec Dead (Inglish)

All her life she had despised her son

But there it was

Taking care of her, taking care of her, being delicate with her .. Being good .. Something that she never did with hers son

But there she was, with a worried face, giving him her pills and treating her with love. Something she never did.

Aruel arrived with a worried face

- .. He has a few hours left .. -Aruel said while he looked at her sad

The skeleton without a half face shed a few tears and saw his mother who hated him

He was silent

Berry by her side was scared, she was going to leave Blue and Red .. whom she had raised, loved and loved as her children

Slowly her soul was breaking, it caused her pain and she tried not to cry

-Mom .. - The skeleton without a half face approached- Mom .. -I caress her hair delicately- Mom .. Even if you don't love me or my brother like a son .. Even if you hate us .. I I will always love you very much .. -I kiss her head and hug her to continue crying-

At that moment she felt horrible .. she had abandoned her son in a forest and left the other to his fate

So that the minor would come to say "I love you mom"

She looked at him with regret before closing her eyes forever.

Red and Blue cried .. They were barely 8 years old

The skeleton without a half face ran towards her husband and cried intensely

-Maybe he can be revived one day .. We just have to heal his soul -said Aruel looking down

That night the house felt sad.

Everyone missed her even if she was a bad person.