Do I know you?

GoId zombee
2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 5 days ago
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Chapter 3
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Set right after the events of the ascent of the Archmage. Medea is abducted by Witchfinders, and Kerelas rescues her.

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Medea had scrambled as best she could with her hands tied behind her back to get closer to the mage girl, hearing the sounds of scuffle all around the wagon. They didn’t have much time, so she tossed aside her dignity and pulled at the girl’s binding at her wrists with her teeth, apologizing in her head when the girl winced at a tug too harsh, the rope burning on her skin.

It paid off though, as yells outside the wagon were abruptly cut off, silence coming closer to the open back. The girl slipped the rope off her wrists and pulled down the gag at her mouth, and Medea felt comfortable that her screaming magic was now free to defend them both if need be. The air was tense as the girl tried to help Medea to her knees, but a shadow at the back of the covered wagon stopped them both short.

A quick glance – no witchfinder pin, bodies on the road she could see over the man’s shoulder, no yelling. Medea deeply frowned, then scowled at his attention to the stupid fucking tear at her arm that wouldn’t stop getting her into trouble. She angled her shoulder away as much as she could into the girl’s side, but at his stiff question, she paused.

A look to the girl whose name she still didn’t know, and back to the man’s attention locked to the stars at her shoulder, her first answer was a slow, “No..?” phrased like a confused question. “Medea. And her name is,” She paused, looking to the girl. “Saria,” She answered stiffly. “Saria. Charmed, both of us. Anyway, you wouldn’t happen to have a knife, would you? I’m assuming you’re not with the chuckleheads who arrested us for no good reason, and I’m not much of a fan of being tied up.” He was probably someone sent by Antioch, but it was strange that he'd get the name wrong. Antioch normally didn't hire people who made mistakes.

She sat up properly with a soft grunt, brows raised at the man. Just in case, she added: “Oh, and no funny business, please, or she’ll scream. It’ll be really unpleasant for everyone involved and I’d rather not lose my eardrums today if it’s all the same to you.”