Alrighty, Aphrodite

2 years, 11 months ago

Uhh idk lol

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"Aphroditeeee?" Henrik called out for his bondmate. It is a hot blistering day in the swamp where they reside. The mosquitoes are buzzing around fervently searching for their next meal, much as Henrik searches for his wife. He swats at them roughly. They are almost as annoying as the pests that scurry among the landscape.

"Aphrodite?!" Henrik calls again, becoming increasingly nervous about where his wife is. This heat isn't good for her or the baby. All of the potential horrific scenarios run through his head as he looks for her. 

"What if she got attacked? What if she passed out? What if she fell and can't get up? What if she drowned?!" Henrik can't help the thoughts coming in thick and fast. He tries to rationalize with himself and work up explanations to the possibilities but it doesn't work.

Growing even more fearful of the situation he may find himself in, he continues to call out for his wife.  While not quite panicking yet he can feel it coming on quickly. He needs to find Aphrodite soon or his anxiety will get the better of him. 

With one last ditch effort he calls out for her forcefully and loud. He can feel his throat vibrate as he screams her name with, at this point, has become primal fear. His voice is hoarse from yelling but he doesn't care.

"Over here!" Finally the angelic voice of Aphrodite rings out between the trees. Henrik rushes over to her aid, still assuming something must have happened to keep her from calling back to him.

"Aphrodite!" He cries as she lays on the soft grass in front of him.

"What?" She answers, visibly confused by his meltdown.

"Why weren't you answering me?! I was so worried!" Henrik answers back, on the verge of tears now. Both from sheer terror and relief. 

"I was sleeping, dear. Its a lot of work carrying a baby." Her voice is soft and delicate. It's weak though. It's quite easy to tell she isn't doing well.

Henrik sighs heavily. "Why do you sleep here? It's not safe. What if something found you? What if a grinner found you?!" He pauses for a moment. He takes in a deep breath before letting it out in another exasperated sigh. "They can smell your illness..."

Aphrodite swats at him playfully. "That's just a myth, you know that."

While Aphrodite is quick to dismiss the claims, Henrik isn't so easily convinced. "How do you know?"

Aphrodite's lazy and carefree expression turns to a more serious one as she look straight into Henrik's eyes. It sends shivers up his spine. It isn't often that she looks at him like this.

"You can't smell the illness on me, can you?" Her voice is tinged with fear, undetectable to the everyday toskal. But to Henrik it is clear.

He takes a bit to respond, thinking about how to answer. In truth, he can smell it. He can smell it quite clearly. It's a sickly sweet smell, that should he have not grown used to it now, would make his stomach turn.

He puts on a brave face and smiles for her, "Of course not, honey. All I can smell is your beautiful natural scent."

She smiles back at him warmly, the corners of her mouth reaching both cheeks, pushing them up over her eyes. "Awe, thank you. See? There's nothing to worry about then, right?"

He tries to hide the pain behind his smile as he continues to lie for her, "Haha, right. I always worry for no reason."

A mosquito lands on Aphrodite's belly and Henrik gently swats it off. "They want you because you're so sweet, haha," He comments 

"Or they want the baby," she replies jokingly. Right as she gets her words out she winces in pain and folds up clutching her belly.

She groans in clear pain as she holds her belly tightly. Between labored breaths she explains what's wrong, " he's kicking." 

Henrik drops down next to her and starts rubbing her belly in an attempt to calm the fetus inside of her. They're unsure whether it was the rubbing motion or if the baby just tired itself out, but eventually it stops kicking and Aphrodite is able to relax again. 

Aphrodite is still rather breathless from the ordeal, but she attempts to speak regardless. "Thank you, dear."

"Of course, my love. You do not need to thank me for ensuring your comfort. Especially when you so desperately need your breath!" Henrik makes an attempt to encourage her to take care of herself better. 

"I don't need it that badly..." She says solemnly. She hasn't told Henrik yet, but she can tell her time here is coming to a close. Her illness is progressing every day and she can feel her body beginning to shut down. 

Every breath she takes is a struggle now. She has had no appetite, her body just doesn't have enough energy to process her food anymore. She still eats for Henrik though as to not let him know how bad it really is. It is hard for her to think about him now, knowing what she does.

She got sick years ago. It started out as a little cough. A small rogue pain in her chest every once in a while. As time went on it slowly gotten worse. The little cough turned into fits and difficulty breathing. The small pains centralized in her chest have now spread throughout her whole body. 

She didn't expect to get pregnant. She didn't want to get pregnant. Not for a lack of desire for them, but for her illness. Her body is already so exhausted. It can't handle a pregnancy, but here we are. 

She's gone downhill so fast since she's become pregnant. The so few resources her body so horribly needs are being spread even thinner with the baby now. She doesn't care for herself anymore, she know it's too late already. She takes care of herself for the baby and for Henrik though. Despite wanting to be there for her child, she knows it's already too late for her. 

Henrik forces a smile for Aphrodite, despite seeing how ill she is. "Come on hon, let us get you somewhere a bit cooler." He gives his best attempt to pick her up but struggles greatly. She is much larger than him, and with the added weight of the baby it's difficult for him to do so. With his best tries given, he gives up and instead opts to help her up to walk herself. Aphrodite struggles but eventually manages to get up and walk with Henrik.

He holds her arm in his and with slow careful steps, he takes her home, back to a little makeshift hut in the swamp. It's not much but it's a roof over their heads and a bit cooler than the swamp around them. 

He pushes the door open easily. The latch is old and doesn't work very well anymore. "I need to fix that..." Henrik grumbles lowly. He proceeds to lead Aphrodite in and into the hut, setting her down on her bed. She lays down quickly and her breathing becomes labored once more.

He puts his hand on Aphrodite's head, "You're head is hot..." He observes. Her fever is raging again, another sign that her sickness is not improving. 

"It's ok, Henrik. I'll be fine." Aphrodite reaches up to caress his face and comfort him. They exchange a somber smile, both knowing the truth. Its not fine, she won't be fine. They both know it, Aphrodite more than Henrik. 

They sit together in silence for a while as Aphrodite's breath becomes increasingly more raspy and difficult. Eventually, she falls asleep, despite her difficulty breathing. Henrik wipes her forehead, pushing a stray hair out of the way to get a clear view of her face again. 

She is so beautiful... He can't help but think so himself. He notices her start having pains again in her sleep, grasping her belly again. The baby must be kicking again, or so he thought. He rubs her belly again as it has seemingly worked before, and once again it does. Aphrodite doesn't wake up from the pains and instead continues her slumber.

After sitting with her for an extended period of time, Henrik gets up and leaves the hut, leaving his wife in peace. They're out of medicine again. Aphrodite keeps telling him not go out to get her more, she's not worth it, but Henrik doesn't agree with her. He seizes the opportunity to go out and find her some while she is asleep and cannot protest.

"I went out to find you medicine. I will be back in a few days," A note reads. Henrik sets the note down on a table nearby for Aphrodite to find when she wakes up. 

An unfortunate sigh escapes his lips as he glances at his sleeping wife once more. Her breathing has evened out slightly, but it's obvious it's still labored. He doesn't want to leave her alone, but she needs this medication.

With a heavy heart, he sets out of the hut, leaving his wife and unborn child alone in the hut. They live in a fairly safe area, but he could never be too careful. He is incredibly anxious thinking about what might happen to her while he's gone, but thinking about what will happen to her if he doesn't leave is much worse.

"Ok...So... The sun is over there, and the herbs grow in the forest which is..." He thinks out loud as he begins to take the journey, "over there!" He points to the opposite direction of the sun and begins walking that way. He doesn't stop for a break and just keeps walking, fearful of staying out too long. Henrik wants to get back home to Aphrodite as quickly as possible. The moon begins to creep over the horizon as the sun sets. Henrik's eyes start to grow weary along with his tired legs. He doesn't want to stop and sleep, but his body forces him to lay down and rest for the night. 

The sound of birds chirping wakes him up pleasantly, offering him a moment of solace, forgetting about why he's out there and forgetting about Aphrodite's illness. It doesn't take long for his memory to return though, and he sets out once more for the herbs that his wife so desperately needs. 

He begins his walking for the day, and at first, it appears another boring uneventful day is ahead of him. He walks mindlessly and almost doesn't notice the trees beginning to thicken around him. Before long he emerges into a thicket of trees and forest. 

Henrik begins to fervently search for the herbs Aphrodite needs. They are scarce and rare, and he takes a while to find one. He searches the forest all day and doesn't find a single one. The sun begins to go down once more, and he spots the herb he needs. It has a beautiful green stem topped with a bright pink flower. He sighs in relief as he plucks the plant, saving the flower as a gift for Aphrodite.

He examines the flower in the low light, turning it over and observing it closely. It would compliment her so nicely. Despite the light conditions beginning to become unfavorable, he pushes on in search for more of the plants. His persistence is awarded as he finds a grove full of them. He quickly picks as many as he can carry.

With his arms full of herbs and flowers to turn into medicine for Aphrodite, he now has a new found energy, No need for sleep now! Or so he thinks anyway, even with the sun now down and the moon shining brightly upon the ground, he sets off back to his home, and his wife and child.