Don't stop.

2 years, 7 months ago

Left alone with his brother in critical condition, and the beeping of he heart monitor, Hannibal has only one request.

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It was nearly silent in the room, only the hum and beep of machines could be heard.

Hannibal was the only one in the room at this time, the rest of the Henriksen’s off sleeping or working…

He didn’t like this silence, He didn’t like the beeping. He didn’t like seeing his brother hooked to the machines or bandaged up like a mummy from one of those books he couldn’t be bothered to remember… But he wouldn’t let Mathias wake up without someone there.

The doctors said it could be anywhere from days to months for Mathias to pull through… if he pulled through…

So he sat, head buried in his knees as he sat... His feathers seemed to ruffle with every beep of the heart monitor...







“Det er ligegyldigt, hvor langsomt du går, så længe du ikke stopper…”

Author's Notes

"Det er ligegyldigt, hvor langsomt du går, så længe du ikke stopper" is approximately translated to "It doesn't matter how long you take, just so long as you don't stop."