Costume Party

2 years, 7 months ago

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Peppermint grinned and looked at the pile of linens on her bed. She had been in a much better mood since the seasons had begun changing from the oppressive heat of summer began shifting to the cool crisp mornings. While Autumn wasn’t her favorite season, it was certainly a sign of the upcoming winter. Soon snowflakes would be slowly drifting down from cottony clouds to the ground beneath her hooves, and she simply couldn’t wait.

This spooky festival was the one that kicked off the upcoming season, and she genuinely enjoyed it every year. First was the harvest of all the great foods like apple turnovers, pumpkin pie, sunflower seed bread…okay maybe she was mostly excited for the desserts, but honestly the entire season made her vibrate with anticipation and excitement.

Her tail swished behind her as she once again turned back to the linens. Peppermint hadn’t realized she was pacing around her room, subconsciously working off some of the extra energy that had been building as she thought about the upcoming party for the evening. Right now, the pile looked like unkempt scraps of white fabric. Someone oblivious to her upcoming plans might think they were leftovers from a sewing project or even the start of a soft warm quilt to snuggle up in for the night, but Peppermint knew better.

She delicately picked up the end of the fabric, carefully laying it across her shoulders, and began meticulously wrapping it around herself. Each piece of linen was long enough to wrap around herself several times, but the placement had to be juuust right. For aesthetics, of course. She continued wrapping herself meticulously, careful to leave enough of her soft green fur showing, contrasting with the off-white of the linen to look sickly enough to be off-putting, and made sure to leave her eyes visible. It wasn’t to ensure she could see, but she wanted to be able to have the perfect hollow gaze that passed through whoever she was spending time with that evening, for the perfect unsettling mummy feel.

The young Pouflon took a few steps around, making sure she could both move comfortably, and also should she want to in the stereotypical reanimated mummy walk as well. She couldn’t help but giggle to herself when she saw her stiff movements in the mirror in front of her. It may not be the most creative costume she ever wore, but it certainly was enjoyable!

She couldn’t wait to see what costume Spearmint had come up with, but it certainly would be a good one. She moved towards her doorway, taking one last look at herself in the mirror to make sure any last minute details were seen to before heading out for the evening. She made an ugly face once more, her tongue lolling to the side and eyes slipping out of focus, and an equally awful noise escaping her mouth before sliding into a fit of laughter. With a confident smile, a nod of her head in satisfaction, and a final tap of her foot, she headed out the door, knowing a great time was before her.

Author's Notes

Prompt: 3c +250 words: +2c Total: 5c