Room to Do Better

2 years, 7 months ago

Lamprey goes on a patrol with her friends.

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  “Cats of the Web Colony, gather before me for your orders!”

  Lamprey’s head raised at Lune’s call. Blue skies, the comfort of her friends, and a potential meal were ahead, yet she found it difficult to get up from her nest. Lamprey just wasn’t sure what she was doing anymore. She didn’t want to stop having her fun, but she questioned what she was doing in the Web Colony. Was this the right calling for her?

  Whatever, she was overthinking things. She took a deep breath to collect herself before lifting herself to her paws. The brambles of her den trembled and gently picked at her fur as she brushed past it.

  There was Lune, the white molly’s voice was gentle but Lamprey could tell the others respected her a lot. Little bows, plenty of thank-you’s, kind of like Lune was a kind mentor to the colony. Lamprey watched with a small smile until she caught Lune’s eye.

  “Ah, Lamprey!” 

  Lune nodded toward a small group— Mocha, Thrasher, and Red, “You’re on patrol with them. Go around the border and make sure it’s scented well.”

  Lamprey dipped her head shyly. “Thank you, Lune.”

  Twigs snapped beneath Lamprey’s feet. The spotted molly’s ears swiveled as she heard someone get closer to her— on her blind side view. She quickly turned her head to get a better view.

  Mocha leaned into her. “Lamprey!” Lamprey’s pupil shifted toward Red and Thrasher, then back to Mocha. Both of them were walking silently ahead, so she assumed Mocha thought it’d be easier to talk to her.

  Once he knew he caught her attention, he pointed his muzzle up to the sky and slowed his pace. “I love walking on days like this. It’s totally nice out here, especially with-” Mocha jumped, “eep!”

  “What’s wrong? A bug or something?” Lamprey stopped and curiously checked around Mocha. 

  “No,” Mocha mewed, shaking his paw. “Darn thorn.” He tried to find some light in it as he glanced back up at Lamprey with a purr and a smile. “Wanted to spoil my comment of happiness, I guess! Too bad for it, the good is outweighing the bad or whatever.” He picked at the thorn, clearly having some trouble getting it out.

  Lamprey snorted at how Mocha spoke. It was like he was taking vocabulary tips from Thrasher but didn’t know how to word any of it.

  “Well, no big deal. C’mere, gimme your paw.”

  Mocha held it out and Lamprey gently plucked it out. Mocha immediately eased, then looked at the distant figures of Red and Thrasher. He didn’t seem to mind that they’d gotten so far without them, as he got right back up and skipped on along. Lamprey walked beside him, and when an idea popped into her head, she leaned over to mischievously whisper something in his ear.

  “Let’s run past ‘em.”

  Mocha gave a blank stare at first before nodding with a determined look. Lamprey stopped him with her tail, before quietly counting down. The two barrelled past Red and Thrasher with laughter.

  Thrasher’s ears flattened with irritation as Mocha left him whirling. “We’re on duty, Mocha! Slow down!”

  Lamprey stopped in her tracks, letting dust fly up. “Says him~” Lamprey giggled a little to Mocha, and he returned a giddy smile. Lamprey slowed down as they were told to, matching Mocha’s steps. 

  He always seemed so unbothered. Even around Thrasher… was that why they were friends? Because Mocha could… kind of “handle” Thrasher’s attitude? Lamprey had learned to like everyone. But sometimes, it felt superficial. Mocha was very popular in the Web Colony, yet he never seemed to regret being around anyone.

  “Sometimes it feels like Lune’s really doing all the work here,” Thrasher quietly and idly meowed. Lamprey’s ears perked at the sudden comment. Thrasher looked away as soon as he spilled the comment, as if unconcerned. Or perhaps in a show of unsureness of how the others would respond.

  Mocha propped himself up. “But we’re doing work too! Like right now.” It was an innocent reply, but Lamprey guessed he was slightly missing the point.

  “What do you mean?” Lamprey paused.

  Thrasher pointed his muzzle to the forest. Deeper in was the Overlord’s Section. “I mean Spider’s always off on his own. Lune said she was the one to suggest expanding the borders.”

  Red stopped as well too, only looking back at the others. When Lamprey checked his expression, a stoic face stared back.

  “They work as a team, don’t they? Lune’s allowed to make suggestions. That’s how it goes,” Lamprey mewed, looking back in confusion.

  “That’s not it, though.” He closed his eyes. “She’s the one who alerted him about the coyotes. She’s always been sorting patrols, keeping us in order. And Lamprey, you know, she started the Web Colony too.”

  Lamprey’s flicked. “She didn’t start the Web Colony. We were only a group that Overlord Spider took over. He decided where we should live and how things should work. That’s the Web Colony.”

  “So what, you think Spider is just all sunshine and rainbows?”

  Huh? Lamprey stepped back defensively. “Thrasher, that isn’t what I said at all… Spider’s not doing everything, nor is Lune.” Her eye narrowed. “Why are you mentioning this, anyway?”

  Thrasher looked down at his paws. “Spider hasn’t been here in forever. He could be dead and we wouldn’t even know it. We’re being watched over only by Lune. Yet we’re supposed to call him our Overlord.” Thrasher scoffed, then murmured under his breath, “Overlord… what kind of title is that, anyway?”

  Mocha had been quietly listening in, but he finally decided to add something to the conversation, probably out of concern judging by his tone. “Thrasher, are you… not happy here?”

  Lamprey thought the same as Mocha. Thrasher was making himself sound like a rebel… more so than Lamprey herself. Of course, it was okay to question things. But this was how Spider and Lune decided to work. Why were they saying it was wrong on Lune’s behalf when she’s the one who went along with it from the beginning?

  “I’m happy,” Thrasher reassured with a wave of his tail.

  “So you’re just starting things then.” Lamprey glared at him.

  “No. But I know everyone thinks it.”

  Are you sure? Lamprey kept the comment to herself. She didn’t believe it, and she doubted Red or Mocha did either.

  Red finally spoke up, and at first, Lamprey was relieved to hear him say Thrasher was wrong. But… he didn’t. “Thrasher’s got a point. How come our mighty Overlord is off in his den doing whatever until Lune tells him something’s wrong?” Then, he gave a pointed glance toward Lamprey.

  Lamprey’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. Why did it matter, if things got done? It wasn’t like Lune’s life was unfair because she had to tell the Overlord what was happening in the colony. Sure, she supposed he should be more involved in the Web Colony, but what was this conversation achieving? Lamprey nonchalantly looked down at the ground and pawed at it.

  “Are you going to bring it up to Lune, then?”

  Thrasher hesitated. “If I did, what would Lune do about it?”

  “She could decide if she wanted to do things herself or not,” Red grimly responded.

  Lamprey couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Was Red suggesting Lune overthrow Spider? Over what?! Spider was the Overlord, it was clear that he called almost every shot with the Web Colony. He’d ultimately made every decision for the Web Colony so far. And here was Thrasher and Red, saying they should toss him aside.

  “What would Lune think about you two, saying she should go against her own leader, her friend?”

  Thrasher avoided her gaze. “Whatever.” He walked past, obviously wanting to avoid furthering the conversation. But Lamprey didn’t feel reassured by it ending like this. Why had this been brought up? Was she not seeing something they were?

  Red shot her a glare before following Thrasher. Lamprey’s muscles seemed to weaken as she wondered if she did something wrong. She wasn’t trying to stop them from asking questions, but it seemed to her like they were implying something Lune wouldn’t want herself. “Red…” she whispered, her heart sinking. Why did he always do this to her?

  Left behind, Lamprey thought bitterly, her claws digging into the ground. Then Mocha’s tail gently touched her side. “Don’t worry, Lamprey. Let’s just stay here for a moment and then go see them again. Okay?”

  Lamprey didn’t say anything, but her answer was yes. Mocha was kind. Kinder than Red. So… why’d she think Red was her friend?

  “Mocha, do you agree with them?”

  He sat down beside her. “I dunno… I mean, there’s always room to do better, right?”

  Lamprey blinked the emotion from her eye. Lamprey didn’t care for Mocha’s answer to the question at this point, she just knew he’d give a more civil response. One that she could respect, even if she didn’t see things that way. Somehow, you’re more thoughtful than the rest, Lamprey thought as she carefully leaned against Mocha.