
2 years, 7 months ago

Tangle has a break from his duties. It’s the perfect time for gossip.

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  A wince came out of Tangle as a thorn pricked itself into his chin. Ugh! He shot a glare at his work partner, Ember, as she apologetically muffled a sorry and finally fixed the bramble into its place.

  Tangle had been assigned “bramble duty” with Ember, Snail, Beaver, and Francis. It was vexatiously menial compared to hunting or patrolling the border, working to weave together a barrier with cats who didn’t seem to care about getting it over with, besides Francis. Tangle pushed down his frustration as they finished the last section. That should keep a nosy intruder from attacking our camp, Tangle thought with some satisfaction. Hopefully, Lune would be happy with the work done; it didn’t look all too shabby.

  While Tangle and Francis quickly gave the brambles an inspection, Ember flopped down into the grass below and let a breath of clear contentment escape her chest. “We’re done! I doubt anybody’s gonna be gettin’ through that.”

  “Not without a million thorns puncturing them,” Francis hissed. “Bracken’s kittens better not get their paws on it.”

  “Worried?” Snail mewed with a cheeky smile. “They’re old enough to know, I think!”

  Tangle observed Francis’s expression. Somehow, he couldn’t look any more bothered than he already did. “‘Old enough’... As far as I’m concerned, every young cat is bumbling cluelessly until they’ve had a taste of the real world.”

  Beaver chimed in. “Oh, I’m sure they have, Francis. Every Web Colony cat has something to worry about, even the little ones.”

  Ember’s striking amber gaze seemed to follow Beaver’s paws to the brambles as he gently picked at them. “Yeah. That’s why we put this thing up…” Ember grew quiet for a moment, as if deep in thought, before continuing. “But if Spider came back, he’d just go through the entrance, wouldn’t he?” She sighed.

  “Such an insolent thought. Spider wouldn’t make it this far without shredded ears.” Francis’s tail flicked irritably. “What reason does he have to return, anyway? The Web Colony won’t take that rogue in again.”

  Tangle’s ears twitched as he looked between Ember and Francis. He was surprised they felt they could mention Spider now. To him, it seemed like an off-limits type of conversation. Who wanted to talk about their old, corrupt Overlord, especially after finishing work? Well, perhaps it was a little interesting.

  “But he’s senseless! If it was so bad that Lune had to kick him out, it’s obvious he doesn’t have the smarts to not try coming back.” Snail playfully purred. “He didn’t see that scratch coming, I betcha.”

  “Snail…” Ember gave a concerned look, “I’m sure he’s smarter than you think, he got so far in leadership. Who’s to say he’s not gonna come and take back the Web Colony?”

  It was interesting to hear the differing opinions. Tangle certainly had to agree with Ember, though. If Spider still thought the Web Colony was rightfully his, then he’d definitely try to reclaim it. The question was, how? Nobody talked about him, which led Tangle to believe they didn’t care that Lune took over as the Overlord.

 Tangle thought of how he himself felt about it all. Honestly, to him, it was like Lune was only the Overlord for show. She seemed to have worked decently as a communicator, but now she was stalling in making any decisions. If she was really so worried about the Fire Colony, how come she wasn’t making an effort to bring them back? Because she didn’t care.

  That must’ve been a controversial opinion, though, and Tangle wasn’t going to sacrifice his status. So he simply nodded along.

  “Take back the Web Colony?” Francis snorted. “Sure, he can try. The fool isn’t going to convince us into his side.” Francis turned away with a scowl. “I don’t have any more time to spend leisurely sitting in the grass with slackers, talking the day away about-” he growled, “Spider.”

  Francis trudged away until he was promptly intercepted by a tall figure. Upon seeing it, everybody in the group straightened up, even Snail.

  “Lune,” Francis dipped his head. “We’re finished with our work. If you see any mista-”

  “Oh, it looks great,” Lune softly interrupted. “But I couldn’t stray my ears from your conversation.” She pointed her muzzle down. “Do you truly think Spider will return?”

  “Of course not,” the dusty tom replied.

  “Then, we don’t need to concern ourselves with him. Even if he still lingers…” Tangle observed Lune’s heterochromatic eyes. For a moment, he could swear they faltered. “He won’t return,” she finished.

  When the group went quiet, Lune continued with a firmer tone. “If you’re really that concerned about Spider, bring it up to me so you don’t go spreading your gossip and panic. Do I make myself clear?”

  Tangle quickly glanced at the others, surprised by Lune’s words. They weren’t able to even talk about Spider, despite everything? Beaver, Ember, and Snail simply seemed uncomfortable, with their heads guiltily lowered. Perhaps Tangle just wasn’t as used to this, being a fairly new member. Still, he followed suit with their nods, then noticed how Francis was the only one who kept his head high.

  “My Overlord, I’m not the one who started this… this petty gossip. So, I hope you’ll leave me out of it,” he bitterly meowed before trying to walk past Lune. The boldness of this one, Tangle thought with wonder.

  Lune stopped him yet again, though this time with a glare. “Don’t speak to me that way.”

  Francis gave her an astonished stare, then stood back and dipped his head.

  Lune sighed. “My apologies, Francis, I’m just stressed. But I don’t care who started it. Don’t do it again.” The white molly then silently left. Knowing she could still be listening, Tangle wouldn’t make any comment on her attitude.

  Beaver quickly left, looking like he was squirming with discomfort over the tense atmosphere. Meanwhile, Snail and Ember lingered by Tangle to watch Francis leave.

  Acting out so idiotically… “Idiot,” Tangle murmured about Francis, just loud enough for Ember and Snail to hear. The two only nervously nodded. He didn’t usually feel pity, but it sucked that they were caught in the crossfire of an uncomfortable situation.

  So Tangle held his head high for them and guided them along with his tail.

  “Have you two eaten yet?” Tangle started the interaction anew, Ember and Snail seeming relieved as they became chatty again.