Relationships with all the Townspeople

2 years, 7 months ago

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Alex: Friends. They talk an okay amount, not close friends but they have things they can talk about together.

Elliott:  Acquaintance/Friend. Will say hi if they run into each other, Thunder likes to hear about his writing progress

Sam: Boyfriend. Thunder fell for this sunshine guy shortly after meeting him. Sam has tried to teach him skateboarding. Thunder enjoys listening to Sam practice music and occasionally joins in, even if he's not very good yet

Sebastian: Best Friend. Another guy Thunder immediately got a crush on. Hangs out with him at his place, chilling out together in the rainstorms, or when there's band practice that Thunder is attending. (They can also be in a poly relationship)

Shane: Best friends. Thunder and him chat about hard times and getting better. Thunder is fully supportive of him and will visit him in the Saloon or at his house just to hang out and take a break from farm work

Abigail: Friends. Knows her only cause of the band but they have similar interests so sometimes hang out without the other boys

Emily: Acquaintance, kinda. Thunder finds her really weird and is a bit uncomfortable around her, can't figure her out so doesn't talk to her without needing to. Only goes into her house to use her sewing machine until he can get his own

Haley: Enemy. Annoying, don't get along at all

Leah: Acquaintance.  Raine's girlfriend. Will occasionally talk to her about art or Raine 

Jas: Acquaintance. know mostly cause they are related to Shane and so they talk occasionally when he visits. He doesn't really know what to do around small children so he never starts the conversations

Marnie: Acquaintance. Will talk sometimes when he is visiting Shane. Thunder is usually the one buying animal and animal supplies for Honest farm so they will visit a little then as well

Don't know well: Penny, Caroline, Maru, Demetrius, George, Jodi, Lewis, Linus, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Vincent, Willy, Wizard, Gunther, Harvey, Evelyn and George