Don't Make Me Mad

5 years, 5 months ago
1167 1

Explicit Violence

Zack's temper gets the better of him, much to Eclair's dismay.

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The stars glimmer in the emptiness that was space as a lone ship, the Persephone, floated in the darkness, marching onward to whatever new home could possibly waiting for it. Yet, to the inhabitants, this ship was their home and their entire lives and not a lot of things could really, truly change their situation. Not really, anyway, but the continuing advancement of technology would always bring about some sort of change, whether good or bad. And yet, space and its stars remained the same, always glimmering in the distance while the ship pressed on, always so mysterious and wonderful to the eyes of many. And right now, peering out the window, was a human being, brown eyes glimmering with wonder and a hint of sorrow as he stared with his robotic arms crossed. Zack usually didn’t take the time to appreciate space, since it was usually empty in his eyes, but the darkness was a bit of a comfort, even with the light of the ship glowing on the lot of them. The darkness…so mysterious and engulfing. He wondered what life would be like if there was no such darkness, only a sky that he had heard so much about from his mentor when he was younger.

Shifting on his shoulder was a Pichu, the little lad twitching his big ears while a Plusle and Minun watched from afar, nibbling on some pastries that their trainer had just baked that morning. Eclair, the Pichu, was frowning as he stared at the abyss that was space before letting out a huff and looking over at the man’s face. The frown could only deepen at his stony expression before he reached out and poked at his cheek with a chubby arm. Brown eyes shifted over to the Pokemon as he smiled, though it did not reach his eyes. “What, bored?” he asked.

“Yes,” the Pichu huffed before clambering on top of Zack’s hair, causing his smile to be a bit more genuine.

“Thought so, let’s go to somewhere fun, okay?” With a nod of approval, Eclair pointed down the hall where several others were walking past. His trainer simply nodded as he moved away from the window and down the hall, nodding curtly to the passersby that continued to chat with each other. Tira and Misu trailed behind, continuing to eat their pastry by walking on two legs, despite moving faster on four. Still, Zack kept a leisurely pace as he walked, letting his Pokemon catch up to him with his small and confident strides.

A sound resounded in his ears as he heard yelling and his eyes narrowed with anger. “Let’s go check it out- Hey!” he yelped as Eclair yanked his hair.

“Let’s not, okay? Let’s really not,” he chattered worriedly as he tugged and tugged

“I need to go check it out, okay? Just- Lemme go Eclair, I got this.” There were noises of frustration and disapproval as he began to walk at a brisker pace, not paying attention to the fact that he was now leaving Tira and Misu behind. But just up ahead, in a corridor to his right, there was a man yelling at a woman as she looked downcast, clutching her book to her chest. A shout of anger caused him to stop yelling as he glared at the offending person. “What? Mind your own damn business,” he growled as he shoved the lady aside, puffing out his chest and crossing his arms. That did it.

“You-!” The man’s face was priceless as a robotic arm was pulled back and Zack charged forward, throwing his right arm out into a hook. He barely hit him, but it was enough to make him stumble. “What the hell man? Back off already!”

“You do not treat women like that! What kind of sick freak are you?!” Zack yelled back as he pulled his arm back for another punch. The man swore and quickly turned tail, running off as Zack began to chase him. “Coward! Get back here!” Eclair squealed as he clung on for dear life in his hair, squeezing his eyes shut and shouting at the top of his lungs for his trainer to stop, something Zack wasn’t even paying attention to. He did, however, pay attention to the fact that the man pivoted on his feet and socked him in the nose. He let out a hiss as he clutched his nose with one hand while using the other to punch back. Éclair let out a shriek as the man decided to aim for the Pichu, managing to hit him and send him flying down the corridor. His trainer could only see red as he launched himself at the man and began pummeling, ignoring the cries of “Freak!” and “Mercy!” he was shouting as he flailed pathetically. Eclair let out a groan as he pushed himself off the ground before seeing what his trainer was doing. Face palming at his antics, he called to the other two Pokemon Zack owned and pointed to the trainer, crackling with electricity. They nodded and all three of them gathered their powers before launching small bolts of electricity at the angered man. He gasped and his eyes bulged as he was shocked, standing stock still at the feeling coursing through his veins. The man managed to crawl out from underneath him and beat a hasty retreat, sporting a severely bruised face, a bloody nose, and a black eye. “Get back- ugh…” His fingers twitched erratically as his arms began to reboot, groaning with frustration as he glared at the offending items. He really wished he hadn’t lost his arms as a toddler now, he still wanted to punch the son of a-

Next thing he knew, there was high pitched squeaking in his ears as Eclair began to screech at him, tugging at his hair and sending static electricity through it. It puffed up into spikes immediately.

“You idiot! I told you not to do that! You should’ve minded your own business, you got hurt!” he said shrilly as he continued to send more jolts of static electricity.

“Eclair, I’m fine- Eclair. Eclair!” He winced as he was berated, trying to soothe the other’s anger. “Okay, okay. I’m calm now. I’m calm. Okay? Just stop. I can’t get to him at this rate- Eclair, shoosh. Shoooooosh.” There was a beep as his arms rebooted and he sighed, flexing his fingers before pushing himself off the ground shakily. His Pichu immediately clambered onto him, still lecturing him. “Okay, alright, stop. I’ll get myself patched up, alright? Hang tight.” The electric type made a frustrated noise and face palmed as they made a beeline for the medical wing, intent on getting his nose fixed.       

“Idiot,” he could only hiss as the four of them moved on. Seems like it was just another ordinary day where Zack lost his anger…