Maskoff's Circus

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
3 3370

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

Indigo arrives a bit late to Markov's harvest festival... But arrives just in time for the Aftershow

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... A Battle of Wits

    Indigo had made it about halfway from the pool to the exit of the tent, when a loud commotion behind him caused him to turn around. And he managed to catch Crusher’s outburst, as the Cypherus suddenly grew massive in size, taking up a major portion of the tent space, and called all the other Grems within to challenge him.

    He knew instantly there was no way he could beat Crusher in a straight up fight like this, not when Crusher made the terms of the challenge. Indie looked towards the exit of the tent, then back towards Crusher, there was no way he would be able to make a run for it and not be caught before he could make it. Which meant his only option was to somehow manage to get that hot dog flag off Crusher’s back.

    As he watched, he saw multiple Grems attempt to swarm after Crusher in an attempt to use quantity over quality, though that hope was quickly dashed as he seemed to effortlessly swipe them all away. If Indigo wanted that flag, he would have to outplay the cypherus in some way… but how?

    He would have to think fast though, cause a moment later, Crusher turned their attention to him, his face turned into a beastial snarl as he charged. In just a few seconds Crusher was ontop of Indigo, pinning him to the ground with a massive hand.

    “Blue boy eh! You think it’s fun to use one of your fancy tricks to beat ME?” he yelled out, pressing Indigo into the ground as he exclaimed it. “Knew you couldn’t win in a FAIR FIGHT, so you had to use some fancy little TOY to beat me! WELL, let’s see you get out of THIS!”

    Indigo was panicking, he had no idea what Crusher was planning, but he didn’t like the sight of all the energy venting around the cypherus’ body. Whatever was happening, it wasn’t good, and Indie had to get away, or at least do something.

    In a flash, he knew what he needed to do. A quick momentary glance around the room, all the other Grem’s were either too busy recovering from what Crusher had already done to them, formulating plans amongst each other, or were hiding behind equipment, hoping to not have Crusher bring their wrath upon them. He felt he would be able to get out of this without too many people knowing his secret.

    He threw his hand forward, reaching towards Crusher’s face. Now, Crusher was too large, his face too far away for Indigo to reach and grab it, and they knew that. But, it was just close enough for something else to hit them.

    A trail of water manifested around Indigo’s hand, quickly spreading and shooting, hitting Crusher in the face, splashing the water directly in his eyes. They had not been expecting the sudden extension to Indigo’s attack, and were completely caught off guard by the water splashing against their face. They couldn’t keep themselves from letting go of their pin on Indigo, and moving backwards from both the surprise, and the liquid in their eyes.

    Seeing his chance, Indigo quickly jumped off the ground and to his feet, using this brief moment of surprise to its full advantage. He quickly moved around Crusher, leaping up towards his back, and snatching the flag that was stuck there. And as soon as it was in his grip, he leapt away.

    By then, Crusher had managed to wipe his face, the heat coming from him evaporating any excess water. He turned his rage-filled face to Indigo, but the expression changed to shock when he saw the flag in their grip. He let out another large roar, but didn’t advance. 

    “Well then Blue Boy… Looks like there is a bit more to you then I thought, I guess you’re strong enough, you’re free to go…” it was painfully obvious Crusher didn’t want to admit this, but they had set the rules of this battle, and Indigo had beaten them.

    The Cypherus reached over to somewhere Indie couldn’t see, and pulled out another flag, slapping it onto his back, “Now get outta here, I got plenty of other glory seekers to take care of. Or stick around if you want some more FUN!” And once finished, he leapt back into the fray, targeting some of the other Grems to have bested him earlier.

    To Indigo, this was a no brainer, he ran for the exit, not wasting any more time in getting out of here.

    Once he had escaped the tent, he ran and ran for a good while longer, not wanting to be caught up if some other catastrophe were to take place with Crusher.

    He sat himself down on top of a bale of hay, needing a break to catch his breath. And after a moment, pulled out the crystal he had been given earlier. He wasn’t quite sure what it was, or if it even did anything, but at the very least, it would be a nice reminder of the whole event… Not that he felt he could forget it even if he wanted to.

    He couldn’t help but jumping, when a trash can near him suddenly started rattling, and moments later, falling over.

    Indigo stared at it, wondering what other new fresh hell he would have to deal with. Though, he was pleasantly surprised when all that came out, was what looked like some weird mix between a dragon and… a pumpkin?

    He blinked at it slowly, his brain stalling due to all the stress from today, unsure of what to make of this new development. Though he was shaken out of that when the creature made a small chirp towards him, sounding not unlike a gecko, before waddling over to his leg and nuzzling their head against it.

    He blinked again, still unsure what to do, but eventually settled on reaching down, and picking the creature up, and setting it in his lap.”Well then… I have no idea what you are, but it seems like you like me?”

    The creature made a little squeak this time, sounding happy as they repeated it towards him.

    Indigo let out a little laugh, “Well then…  No idea what I should do with ya... “ He thought for a moment, letting out a gentle ‘hmm’ sound. “Well, would you wanna come home with me? Would be nice to have a little guy like you back home..”

    The creature’s eyes seemed to light up, as it chirped happily over and over for a few seconds, as all the residual stress left Indigo, “Looks like you’re all up for it! Can’t wait to show ya home… once we get out of this place.”

    Though one last thought went through him. “Should… probably see if there’s anyone around here who knows what you actually are first…”

Author's Notes

And here is my entry for the second part of the prompt! Finally got  around to using my mutation ticket specifically for a scene in this that  I thought would be fitting! Let's hope that none of those other Grems caught sight of Indie using his powers, or if they did, let's hope they don't remember once this all blows over... He doesn't need the extra stress of GremCorps chasing him down after all this.