Fall Event 2021 - Incense Marcher

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
2 932

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Fall is a busy time, fresh crops have been harvested and all the new fall themed incenses can be made for the following year to keep the everlasting mood of the fall alive. Not to forget all the honoring and guarding.

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1. Apples and Wheat

    Fisher stretched. The latest delivery from the fields would be coming soon. He’s so excited! Some of his favorite smells were from the autumn season. There was pumpkin, apple, pumpkin apple pie, there are just so many amazing scents of incense this time of year! Fisher’s tail flicked as he began to daydream about all the scents. He shook off the daydream and inched forward hoping to see the delivery over the hills.

    The multi-colored ajalkin couldn’t sit still. This would be the first year that Louise would be joining him! Louise was practically family, seeing that her and Cassandra were incredibly close. The younger white ajalkin was an excellent learner and took to being a new incense marcher in stride. She would be meeting up with Fisher after he received the new delivery. Then Fisher would begin teaching her all the basics of making, prepping, and using incense. Honestly, he was extremely giddy about teaching Louise!

    THERE! Over the hill came a lumbering ajalkin with a cart tied to their body. That had to be the delivery! Fisher jumped up and began to dash towards the lumbering ajalkin. The elder incense marcher grinned as he closed the distance between himself and the delivery. He was moving so fast that his ears were forcefully pinned down to his head.

    “Timothy! You’ve made it,” Fisher yelled out. His face held such a large grin that his eyes were practically closed fully.

    The cart pulling ajalkin looked up, “Fisher! Hello! It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other!”

    The two made some small talk as they walked back to the small village where Fisher resided. Timothy spoke about the harvest and how this year was, thankfully, bountiful. The cart they pulled was overflowing with all different types of harvest. There was wheat, apples, corn, turnips, beets, and many more. Fisher was excited to get his hands on the product.

    Fisher was quick to help Timothy set up shop. The two chatted, loudly, about their lives and the directions they’ve taken. Last Fisher had seen Timothy he had just met Atem-Ra and now the two of them were together raising a young ajalkin! Life couldn’t be better! Well other than grabbing some of those nice looking apples.

    With the shop set up Fisher was quick to make his selections. He, of course, grabbed multiple different kinds of apples, some carrots, and some wheat. He’d come back to Timothy’s makeshift shop if he needed any more items from the harvest.

The next few hours were spent with Louise making some simple fall incense. The two came up with the idea of mixing the sweet apple with the fresh scent of newly trimmed wheat. The smell was amazing. Fisher couldn’t believe that he’s never thought to mix those two scents together! He grinned at the young incense marcher. She’d do amazing out there!