Moondogs Lore

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
3 383

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Collection of bulletins about moondogs fun facts and lore

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Moondogs band name origin and eyes explanation

(Written by Mell0wMagazines )

As you know the band is called “The Moondogs” and thats not for no reason. 

Winston Lawson and Harrison Goodwin grew up together somewhat like neighbors since they were kids, and made a friend along the way, Richie Bright. The three of them formed a band together, called it “Winston and The Moondogs” designating Winston as the leader since he was the oldest of the three. They called themselves that name because of their eyes and patterns. Harrison has suns for eyes and a sun pattern on his tail, Winston has galaxies for eyes and moons on his ear and cheeks, and Richie has stars for eyes. and since 2/3 of them were dogs, they decided Moondogs would be a good name. 

But in 1961 they were on the hunt for a 4th member and at the annual Southdale Music Festival they met their soon-to-be bassist James Cartney. His eyes are unique like the other four , but aren’t Sky or Space themed, he has records for eyes, not exactly fitting with the others but it still symbolizes his part in the band. With the arrival of James, Winston meets his match and the band decides to change their band name from “Winston and The Moondogs” to just “The Moondogs” after James suggested they be equal. James is seen as the one to be that final push The Moondogs needed. The talent and ideas he brung to the table were able to push The Moondogs to stardom. He’s not the sole reason they got popular, but definitely a big help. All four of their talents combined just ended up being a perfect combination. His eyes are records which symbolize how he helped the band skyrocket to fame. and though his eyes don’t “fit” with the other three, they do in the sense that his eyes symbolize the Band’s rise to fame.