Mystery Dungeon

2 years, 7 months ago

Promptober 30

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Magna was ecstatic. She’d finally reached the last level of Hell’s Horrible Halloween, a new video game that came out ten hours ago. The last level consisted of the mystery dungeon. She felt herself relax, as she was finally going to defeat the demon queen. She managed to save her game only moments before, so she was prepared. She double checked her inventory, stocked up on healing potions and went in. The dungeon consisted of a wall of skeletons in the back, some jars to break incase you needed more mana, a floor surrounded by a moat of acid, and the Queen, sitting in a chair. The dramatic music started up, and the red and yellow lighting added to the ambiance. The scene was gorgeous. 

Her character began a monologue and then met the queen as the door to the dungeon closed behind her, the monologues continuing in the background. Magna didn’t care about any of this, missing most of the conversation. Once the talking stopped, Magna’s character was free to move and the battle ensued. Magna shouted as her character almost died a few times and the queen had 3 lives but after about three hours, of trial and error, she was finally able to do it.  The game credits rolled. Magna wasn’t sure how to feel. Yeah she was happy, but she was also empty, as she had nothing to play. The games she had, were all beaten several times for alternate endings and the like.

She asked her possession Trix but the possession had no advice. She wondered how many other people were playing it and what they thought. Why did game developers have to end the games so soon. She looked out her window and realized she’d been up all night, the thirteen hours feeling so short. She got up and took the game out of the council, and put it back into its case. She put the case on the shelf. Then she walked away.