Other AUs

2 years, 7 months ago
10 months, 17 days ago
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Entry 4
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Gotta write all the info and stuff

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Kitsune AU

(Yurei) is a vengeful sprit thing Associated with bad luck, love, sorrow, jealousy, asoiated with emotion and causing bad things

(kitsune route) -Some how finds out about santo's half yokai-ness and wants to make a contract with him. Definitely wants to make a contract with him before any other kitsune do. -Would probably promise to keep frost and Shiro safe -would definitely catch the doki doki for Santo. This can happen either before or during the contract

(Yokai route) -She either haunts's a cretin area or town. She's a powerful kind since all the negative emotions/bad luck manifest in some way to hurt the area/people in that location. Maybe it's a storm, maybe things get cursed, maybe there's a drought because pissed off, people accused of cheating ending up getting drowned, or people going missing, ect.

-It's not a fun time to have Fí's sprit hanging around

-Probably has her own shrine thingy

-- hunted down by Santo, info on her dug up by Shiro. Now travels with them. Probably was sacrificed a long time ago by the town against her will. Probably because of eyes

Tiga(human) Special flesh that yokai hunger for

A human that wants to own her own plot if land but was roped into a very very mean contract to help two Kitsune Plz help


A Kitsune who spent most of his time sleeping. Woke up recently and now freely wonders the land.

Future friend to tiga, ryker, and Ryland

Ryland (Kitsune) ↳The second half of the famed Kitsune Kerlandry. Harbors the 4 tails that give his fused counterpart the strength to take a hard hit & hit back even harder.

↳One of the two Kitsune that employ a human with a special flesh in an attempt to bait Yokai.

↳Not particularly bright, every time he opens his mouth nothing serious ever comes out of it, unless he's agreeing with Ryker. He lives for the freedom being a Kitsune gives him, & the dangers as well. He harbors a love for fighting, his extraordinary strength giving him an almost high whenever he gets to put it to use.

Santo (Shiftling) ↳The child of a Yokai & a human, giving him an unworldly strength & strange bond to other yokai, all while keeping up a human appearance. Much liek Kitsune, he can form "contracts" with Yokai, & in turn can use their abilities to his own will, & even has his own Yokai-liek monstrous transformation.

↳A Yokai Hunter that specializes in capturing & disposing of Yokai. He is also the protector of Burakku & Fì, & former mentor to Ryland.

↳Focused always on moving forward, Santo's everything a Hunter needs to be. He's able to keep a leveled head in any situation, is determined to finish his job & protect his people, & is an extraordinary warrior without an equal.

Burakku/Frost (Human) ↳A human with the special flesh Yokai hunger for.

↳Only known as Santo & Fi's daughter, she has spent all her life in their care.

↳Rather quiet, Burakku is truly a pure soul. She's a kind kid, always willing to help out, either by doing small but important tasks for Santo, or by using her smile to brighten the day. She wishes to grow up & become as strong as a warrior as Santo, so she never leaves his side, even when facing dangerous Yokai or Kitsunes.

Shiro (Shiftling) ↳The child of a Yokai & a human, giving him an unworldly strength & strange bond to other yokai, all while keeping up a human appearance. Much liek Kitsune, he can form "contracts" with Yokai, & in turn can use their abilities to his own will, & even has his own Yokai-liek monstrous transformation.

↳A Yokai Hunter that specializes in Yokai research & information gathering, information distribution, & selling of Yokai to Kitsunes.

↳A rambunctious girl with a temper, the only thing that can keep her sane are her Yokai studies. Her interest in Yokai stems from the rarity of her kind, as she wishes to learn the secrets of all Yokai & spread her knowledge with the world. Selling Yokai...just happened to be good business surprisingly.

Alpha (Mujina) ↳A Yokai with the appearance of a badger with the ability to take the form of other Yokai, humans, & Kitsunes alike. When taking their form, she obtains their appearance, memories, & abilities.

↳A Yokai the wanders the world with her human companion Hibi.

↳The personality adopted from the original owner of Alpha's current appearance happened to be very wild & excited. She lives as if she was a Kitsune, valuing her freedom & strength above anything, using them to care for her loved ones. The Mujina follows this mentality completely, using the unparalleled strength to protect her human sister Hibi.

Hibi (Human) ↳A human with the special flesh Yokai hunger for.

↳A human that wanders the world with her Yokai companion Alpha.

↳With her unparalleled intellectual, Hibi lives for researching Yokai & their connections to the world. Always in deep thought, she will ramble on about every feature of a Yokai for hours, pondering if there's any hidden abilities or habits she hasn't recorded yet.

-Ringmaster Traveling circus man who collects yokai and 'helps' kitsune get back on their feet.

Helps out villages troubled by yokai to repurpose them in the circus. Give them new homes : D

He eats them both. And makes others eat them too.

Used kitsune jewel to make contracts. Uses the jewel to call people who ate the respective kitsune's flesh.( Maybe without the jewel and the more people eat of that kitsune's flesh the more mindless they become?? Maybe people with the yummy flesh don't get affected? Maybe get affected more? Increase in fleshy yummy ness)