Chimereon Halloween Event 2021

2 years, 7 months ago

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Max sorted through his things making sure he had everything he wanted to bring with him to the Halloween party that night. He’d carefully planned out his costume that year and he hoped it would make the right impression. Starzy was going as an astronaut this year, or so she said. Being so fascinated with the stars, it would be more surprising if she’d chosen anything else. She did do something detective themed last time, but Max still felt that she’d be more fitting dressed as someone either from or explored the stars. He’d considered suggesting her dressing as an alien, but she had already planned put her costume, so he figured he’d save it for the next year. It was nearly 8pm now, and he’d have to get a move on if he was to make it to the party on time. He threw his duffle bag over his shoulder and scooted quickly from his earthy home. He met Starzy at the nearby bus stop that would take them to the other side of town. The party would be starting around 10pm, but the ride would take them at least an hour to get there. The bus, well more of a trolly, arrived at the stop at 8:30, right as Max was turning the last corner to the street. He huffed as he broke into a quick sprint, catching up to Starzy as she stood by the door waving. The two clambered onto the car and sat near the back. Starzy was already wearing part of her costume, having the helmet off and next to her on the seat. The white of the suit contrasted her darker blue and bright greens nicely. They chatted as the shuttle headed off on its route.

When they finally arrived at the party, they could see an enormous amount of Chimereons all filing into the entrance to the large ballroom that had been converted for the event. Starzy and Max shuffled off to the side so that Max could put on his costume before entering. Opening his bag, he carefully pulled out the pieces of his handmade cockatrice costume. The long spiked tail fit snugly over his curled real one. Bat wings were tied on with Starzy’s help, allowing Max’s feathers to rest on top, giving them a mixed look. The last piece he pulled out was a large pair of horns. He had to pin them to his feathers individually because his large red comb wouldn’t allow for any kind of headbands. He grinned wide as he posed for Starzy. “Well, what do ya think?” “It looks great on you! Nice color choices with the red horns and green tail. I really would mistake you for a real cockatrice.” “You’re just saying that to make me feel good,” Max argued. “No! I honestly think you did an amazing job on your costume. You put a lot of thought into what your wanted to be this year and it shows.” Starzy smiled and gave Max a hug, “now lets go in before we miss the costume contest!” The two Chimereons joined the crowd of others entering the building. There we so many costumes around them that they had to keep close to each other as to not lose sight of the other. Once inside, they chose to get some refreshments before taking their seats by the contest stage. Starzy had gotten herself one of the small sandwiches and a glass of punch from the table. Max had only grabbed a drink before he left Starzy in the audience, exited to be participating in this year’s contest. He would be number 16 of the contestants, showcasing his outfit in front of the judges. All the chams backstage were nervous, huddling together with the others they knew and not saying much to anyone else. It was a shame Starzy hadn’t joined Max this year, and he waited in the back alone as he awaited the start of the show. It wasn’t too long before the lights dimmed and an announcer cham began the show’s introductions. Each of the judges got their names called, followed by a few thank yous to those who had helped set everything up for the night. As chams began to take to the stage, Max pulled out a small capsule that he’d gotten earlier that week. If it worked properly, he’d be able to pop it into his mouth and breath a small amount of fire. He felt it would add to the look he was going for and was excited to see the reactions he’d get. Once his number was called, he popped the capsule into his mouth, holding it against his cheek to avoid biting it right away. He walked down the runway, swinging his hips to add to the tail motion and raising his arms to show the wings. He paused at the end, posing for the judges. He crouched down to all fours, biting the capsule and releasing a small burst of flames. The crowd cheered as he stood back up again, bearing his teeth. He waved as he walked back to the curtains, happy that everything had worked out. Once behind the curtains again, he felt he could finally relax a little. There were still many contestants after him, so they were allowed to go back and sit in the audience to make room for the next contestants. He was happy to be back beside Starzy once he’d made it off of the stage. She hugged him once he sat, congratulating him on a great show. There were many other costumes that followed that also used small magic tricks to spice up their acts. Regardless of the outcome, Max was still really happy they had come and that he’d gotten to participate. Once everyone had finished showing their costumes, the announcer thanked the judges and sponsors yet again, stating the results would be shared later that night. Chams filed out of the seats and headed to various other events and things that were happening around the party. There were many booths set up for young chams to go trick or treating while there, others had small games that could be played for candy prizes. Out the back doors was a large garden terrace and open field. Many chams out here were dancing to the music a dj was playing or conversing in the hallways. To the far right, where the building turned and formed an L shape, there were signs for a haunted house. Max dragged Starzy along with him, laughing as they stumbled towards the house. They each got a ticket upon entering, allowing them to earn a prize if they made it all the way through the house. The stepped into the darkness behind the plastic entryway. Chams could be heard screaming from further in the maze, and others were pushing their way past them to exit back out the entrance, fear on all of their faces. Max and Starzy gulped. In the end, they barely made it through the haunted house. Max got spooked by nearly every cham hiding around a corner, and Starzy couldn’t handle the jump-scares of things popping out at them on devices. Once they saw the light of the exit, they both booked it as fast as they could, laughing historically once they’d made it out, hearts beating a mile a minute. They handed their tickets to the cham supervising the end of the maze and both got to pick out a plush toy from the booth behind them. Starzy picked out a cute green alien man while Max grabbed the sheet ghost plush. Plushes in hand, they returned to the main hall, ready to sit and relax until the winners of the contest were announced.

It was nearly dawn when they finally made it back to their block. Max wore his 5th place ribbon with pride, and swung his ghost plush about as he and Starzy headed back to his place. She would be staying over for the night, too tired to make the trip back to her own place before sun-up. The party had been awesome and both we excited for the next year. Maybe they’d be braver in the maze. Both hoped that it would be just as much fun as it was this year.

Happy Halloween!