UNAPPROVED What Are You Doing In My Forest

Tyr Show More
2 years, 7 months ago

Literature - 830 words +7

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The sun slowly began to sink upon the island. Bird songs began to tapper off as the sun got closer and closer to the horizon. A brown cryo wandered the forest of the island, his curious nature having him trying to track down the birds as their songs began to come to an end.

Tyr was always so curious about things and tracking down the unknown, it often blinded him from common sense. So as the bird calls died off and were replaced by an eerie metal sound he didn't even think or hesitate to investigate the source of said sound.

The sun continued to dip down into the horizon and twilight grasped the lands in an eerie lighting. Making his way through the forest he squinted his eyes trying to see in the ever darkening light as his eyes adjusted to it slowly but surely.

Soon he came to an opening, and within the middle was a light blue, almost glowing cryo. It seemed to pace back and forth in the small opening, a chain wrapped around its leg giving off the continuous clanking noise that had drawn Tyr in. He stayed within the shadows of the trees as he looked the female over, unsure if they were friend or foe. The clanking continued as she paces the open area before suddenly coming to a halt, lifting her nose into the air and taking a deep inhale.

As she breathed in Tyr suddenly panicked realizing he was upwind from the stranger and she would easily be able to detect him. Just as his worst fears came to mind the female's neck snapped as her head spun to look in his direction. Her pale blue eyes were mesmerizing and Tyre found himself frozen as he stared within them. They seemed to hold so many mysteries and secrets within them, it felt as though he was looking to the void itself. Though his train of thought suddenly shifted as the female's lips curled into a fierce snarl.

"Oh shit." Tyr whispered as the blue female began to charge him.

Turning tail Tyr let out a cry trying to implicate he meant no harm but the female didn't seem phased. Even with the heavy chain around her leg it didn't seem to stop her from quickly closing the gap between the two and pouncing on Tyr's back.

"Please I mean no harm!" Tyr cried out at the stranger sank her claws into his hide.

"Then get out of my territory." The stranger hissed before digging her teeth into the back of his neck.

Wincing in pain Tyr cried out, vigorously shaking his whole body trying to dislodge the stranger. However the female stayed firmly in place, his quick jerking movements only making her dig her claws and teeth deeper into his flesh. Looking around franticly Tyr knew he had to get her off before she could harm him anymore and his eyes landed on a large tree. Without a second though Tyr ran at the tree before flinging his entire body toward it, back first. With a sickening thud the blue female finally released Tyr and let out her own cry of pain as the two fell to the ground. The moment Tyr felt his dislodged he jumped to his feet, spinning on his heel to face his assailant.

The female hissed as she got back on her feet, though a large area of her back was already showing a large bruise from the impact with the tree. Tyr slowly backed away, his gaze never breaking from her own as the two seemed locked within one one's gaze.

"I mean no harm." Tyr restated his previous comment but more firmly this time. He had shown he was willing to defend himself from her, but aside from defending he made no hostile advances towards her.

Hissing again she bared her teeth, now covered in Tyr's blood, "If you truly mean no harm why have you encroached into my territory?" her voice was raspy and almost air like, and though Tyr heard what she had said it was almost as though it took awhile for him to process her words.

"I... I was just looking for the song birds-"

As he spoke she quickly cut him off with an angry snarl, "You mean you were looking for the prey in MY territory? If it is within my lands, it is my prey and you have no right to steal them away from me."

Blinking slowly Tyr lowered his head, this wasn't the first time his curiosity had gotten him in trouble. "I am sorry Ma'am I... I was just curious, it won't happen again."

"You best hope it doesn't." The words resonated within Tyr head and before he could process her threat she turned into the forest and disappeared into the foliage. The only sign she had been there at all was sound of her clanking chain as she drew further and further away.