To Die is to Gain Power

5 years, 7 months ago
374 1

Mild Violence
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At age seven, Garan was one of the few boys his age not worried about heroes and quirks. He was just playing. His friends had quirks, his parents had quirks. The world was to busy with quirks. There are other things to think about. Like school and that weird girl down the way that calls you her "der Freund" when you are not her boyfriend. Playing games in the road with friends is something he enjoyed. Usually cars went slow around houses.
So it was fairly safe and most parents had nothing to fear.
Except they did.
A run away car.
Brake failure.

Garan Geist: Coma
Age: Seven
Patient was struck by a car and suffers from broken bones (Right leg, Collar bone, Three ribs, and a small spinal fracture), he also seems to have suffered from a head injury.



All these people... All those people couldn't hear him. He sat up. He felt a tug. He swung his legs over the edge of the weird bed and saw an issue. His legs hadn't  moved. He turns to look and there he was.

Now, that was enough to startle anyone. He twitches backwards, slipping off the cot. He snaps away. The world blurred and left him behind. Everything shifted and he was alone.


'I'm dead. I must be.' He lifted his hand, glittery and pale. 'Surely I must be. But... what is this?'

He thought hard about what had happened.

He thought about his parents, and suddenly he snapped again. He caught a glance of his mother and father, but they weren't in the hospital.

And the world shifts again.

He was back in the nowhere.

It took what felt like forever to figure out how to stay in place. He kept thinking hard about a person or place to stay "put."

And by the time he figured that out, he had missed a year.

He knew that cause he saw a calendar. He spent three years, watching his family and friends. He'd check on himself.

Three years.

Before he touched his hand.

His own hand.

And his eyes open.