Prompt 5: Trick or Treat time

2 years, 7 months ago

Divine can't wait to get into costume and head off trick or treating with their new friend Binx, Max and their guardian Varen

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Divine stumbles, almost tripping over as they try to drag on the outfit as fast as possible, but they also want to try and be careful, they spent so long trying to make this with Abner, they don’t want to ruin it before they’ve even left the house, that would just be incredibly sad. Part of them is rather sad that Abner’s not coming out trick or treating with them, even Max is leaving and they’re going to be meeting up with their new friend Binx and even their father (though Divine is a little worried about this as they’ve not met their friend’s father, but Varen will be there, so it’s fine).
However, they are very excited that they’re all going as a theme, one that he and Binx spent a long time thinking over, what should their theme be? A few different franchises were thrown around, Jurassic World, Pokemon, Danny Phantom (though he got a gentle thump for that suggestion), Ben 10, and a few more that he can’t recall that Binx themselves suggested. It wasn’t until a couple days after, while they were bouncing around ideas with the guardians that are coming with them that the idea of dressing up based off of Minecraft came out. Once shared out, it was the idea agreed upon, but what Minecraft thing should be their theme, different content creators were thrown out quite fast as they weren’t sure how to make it coherent amongst who they watched. So, they decided upon going with mobs, picking their own personal favourite of the mobs for which they should dress up as.
After some heavy thinking, as Divine has a lot of favourite mobs, but he can also use those to dress Max and Varen up, Max being dragged along because he loves as many walks as he can get in a day. A couple more days passed before him and Binx decided on their costumes, Binx’s family being a Ghast and Enderman respectively and Divine’s going as a Creeper, Max is a Moobloom and Varen said that he wanted to come as a Warden.
Abner and Divine wanted to make their own costumes, well Abner said he wasn’t having any of his family go out in purchased costumes, so Divine happily agreed to join in and help him create the costumes.

This is why Divine is now hurrying his way into their costume, and they’re also trying their hardest not to damage it, especially as they’ve not had a chance to show it off yet.
“Divine, are you ready yet?” Viren calls from downstairs, already fully dressed and having somehow managed to shimmy Max into a costume, which he’s not too sure if he’ll manage to keep on the creature while they go out trick or treating but oh well, it’s really the thought that counts, isn’t it.
“Nearly, Var!” He calls back down, while tugging on the final part. Luckily, Abner sorted out their face paint and head accessories first, before they went to go get dressed, so all they have to do is finish doing up the outfit and they’re off and ready to go and meet up with Binx and their dad.
They straighten up their little tail, which is designed to sit on top of their Ampha tail, their ear flicks slightly, luckily not firing off anymore of the green chalk dye that they’ve used to make their ears a little more creeper coloured, which unfortunately wasn’t staying earlier. Finally, they do a little shimmy and they’re all done and ready, costume done up fully and they head out of their room.

Coming to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, they’re greeted by a very over enthusiastic Maximillian dressed as a Moobloom, the main outfit built off of a yellow harness with the little yellow flowers being made of pom poms and little sticks painted green being the stems, this costume was mostly Divine’s little idea.
“Right, are you ready, sweety? Or, we’re going to run late and poor Binx will think you’ve changed your mind on them.” Viren explains and Divine nods ferociously in response.
“Yeah, all ready to go now, do I look good Ab?” Divine asks, his tail swishing slightly behind themselves as they look over lovingly at Abner who can’t help but grin,
“Of course.” He states while coming over to pull Divine into a tight hug before then patting down the back of the outfit, pulling them into doing a little twirl to check a full 180 of the outfit and how it fits on Divine’s body now that it’s fully created, the crunch came down that meant they didn’t have time to try on the finished thing beforehand. Clearly happy with the 180, Abner nods before quickly pulling them into another hug, before releasing them and gently shoving towards Varen, who’s already clutching the three trick or treat bags, a craft he got to work on, and they’re Minecraft style buckets, Divine having his plushie Axolotl sticking out of it.
Divine rushes over to them before then grabbing their bucket off of Varen with a grin, so Varen opens up the door.
“We’ll take care, Abner, so you should as well, feel free to bring your pumpkin inside if there are too many trick or treaters for your liking.” Varen smiles before leaning back to press a kiss onto Abner’s forehead which shoots a blush across all of Abner’s face as he stammers back at his partner with a bit of an embarrassed glare in return which just makes Varen laugh and disappear out of the door, quickly followed by a bouncing Divine, and 'barking’ Max in their wake.

In the end the three of them have to jog slightly to catch up so that they’re not too late to the meet up point, though they defiantly are by a couple of minutes but luckily Binx and their dad doesn’t seem too bored or like they’ve been waiting too long. As Varen, slightly hesitantly, introduces himself to Binx’s father, Divine greets their friend. Binx looks uber cool in gho’s Ghast costume, and to be fair their dad looks rather intimidating in their Enderman outfit, they’re even taller than Abner, or at least they seem to be as they are trying to measure the other man up to someone who isn’t there with them. The two of them sort of just vibe together before Max comes across and nuzzles into their hands and Binx’s eyes are drawn straight onto Max’s outfit,
“Oh, who’s a cute lil Mooshroom, you are, yes you are!” Binx exclaims, their tail wagging behind them as their wings open and close with a flutter. “You and your dad did an excellent job.” Divine doesn’t bother to correct them.
“Right are you two ready to head off then?” Varen asks and they both nod furiously, what they haven’t told their guardians is that they’ve got a little competition going on, whoever ends up with the least candy has to host a dinner. The reason they haven’t told the adults this is they’d just not let it happen, but the two decided that if they loose, they instead ask their guardian if the other can come over for a dinner together. So, the race is on, who can end up with the most candy.
As they race off ahead of their guardians, both adults can’t help but smile at each other, thinking their children are just having fun, and excited to spend time together and gather as much candy as they can. Varen’s main task for himself however, is to gather as much as he can, to share with Abner once they get back home, Divine’s old enough that they can take care of themselves, and Binx seems just as sensible, though there defiantly seems to be something competitive going on between the two of them, though they home that the two are still going to have fun and this silly competition (as it will be silly) doesn’t distract them and make their evening less enjoyable.
Varen does pause for a second, Jack, Binx’s dad, seems very familiar too him but he doesn’t know why, he’s sure that an Ampha that looks like Jack would stand out to him firm in his mind, but he just cant put his finger on where he could have seen them before. However, he shakes this from his mind to focus back on the trick or treating, tonight’s a night of oddly small sweets, fun and cheap scares, well that and Abner getting to enjoy himself with making them outfits, he does sort of hope that Divine doesn’t get too much into cosplaying otherwise he knows he’s going to be buried under piles of costumes and materials belonging to the two of them.