pear :0

2 years, 7 months ago

super adorable commission i got from Stringworms on Sylestia!

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Jaspair had left a week ago for paris. Davis understood, of course. he couldnt stop the man from going to work, he wasnt going to overstep boundaries like that. however, he couldnt help but miss the man. Their home felt so empty without him.

Davis sighs, burying his head in his hands. his room was sobland without the bright, beaming smile Jaspair brought with him every time he entered. The kitchen was depressingly silent, not filled with Jass laugh or the sound of their conversations.

Davis didnt like to think about the partners that came before Jaspair. It hurt, a raw, stinging pain in his chest that brings tears to his eyes and makes him want to shut himself in his room and hide from the world. But with Jas gone, he cant help but think of them, think of how they left him.

The first that comes to mind is Elan. The man had just up and disappeared one day, and Davis had never seen him again. Sometimes, Davis thinks that Jas is going to do that to him. to fly somewhere nice and exotic and so much more interesting than him, and hell love it more than he loves Davis.

He shakes the thought from his head, fighting the tears threatening to spill over his cheeks. He peers down into the empty mug in his hands, sighing. By now, the thing has grown cold, and what little drink inside was begging to leave odd rings on the inside of the mug.

He throws the blankets off his legs, grumbling to himself as he pads into the kitchen, setting the empty mug in the sink. he stares at the coffee maker, biting his lip and debating whether or not to get another mug of the stuff.

Hes too busy debating the pros and cons of more coffee that he doesnt hear the quiet footsteps creeping up behind him, doesnt feel the eyes fixed intently on his back as he decides yes, he does want another cup of coffee. Hes just reaching up to grab one of the handles of the dark wooden cabinets when it happens; two arms wrap around his middle and a familiar voice greets him.

did you miss me, Cheescake? a familiar voice chuckles, and he can feel the man smiling into the middle of his back. he whips around, eyes falling on the man hugging him. he breaks out in a smile, arms wrapping around the man in turn.  I got off work early, and I decided to surprise you the man explains, resting his head on Daviss chest.

pear! he cheers, and suddenly his fears seem so much smaller than they were. Of course his pear would never leave him, Germany couldnt be more fun than sitting in their odd, mismatched house calling each other their silly nicknames. No, Jas was not Elan, he wouldnt leave him like that.