Cheetos and Milk

2 years, 7 months ago
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Time moved so slowly. 

Deep purple eyes stared up at the ticking clock as if staring at it would make time move faster. He groaned putting his head in his hands and staring at the paper in front of him. All he had was the sketch of his base and three lines that formed a smiley face. Why was this so hard? A few years ago this came so naturally. He could make hundreds of sketches a week. Now managing to get out one was a miracle. His head hit the table with a soft thud. 

Polaris wanted out.

He wanted a no stress job.

Something boring.

In an office.

God no.

That would be terrible. 

Nova slowly walked into the study after hearing the thud. His purple roommate was back at it again trying to find his inspiration. He couldn’t say he was surprised. This was the norm for them now that Polaris was stuck in art block or whatever. Nova’s wings tucked against his back as he walked in ensuring not to hit anything off of the creepy mannequins Polaris had in here. 

Polaris’s ears tilted slightly at the sound of crunching over him. He slowly sat up to see Nova looking over his work. Polaris slowly looked back to the paper in front of him, “can I help you.” 

Nova was so upbeat compared to Polaris’s depressed monotone, “Are you hungry? I have Cheetos and milk.”

Polaris’s bored expression quickly twisted to concern and disgust, “Cheetos and milk…” 

“Yes. Cheetos and milk. It tastes pretty good! Here try one!”

Polaris side eyed the chip being held in front of him. Weird, “I swear you act like a pregnant lady…” he whispered brushing his hair out of his face and looking back to the paper in front of him. 

“Aww I do not! Plus I know my little bird gets hangry.” Nova leaned down holding the chip up to polaris’s lips, “come on try it! It tastes good!”

The fantochi was silent, tapping his pencil against the desk. He swallowed before opening his mouth and letting nova feed him. Moist….he didn’t like the texture. Polaris made a face but slowly swallowed. He supposed it wasn’t too bad. He definitely has had worse before. Polaris shrugged but found himself opening his mouth for another one. Nova laughed satisfied with this result. Of course Polaris liked it! Nova was an expert at food combinations. 

“Told you so!”

“Hmm…I didn’t have lunch i’ll eat whatever now…”

“I can make you lunch if you want?” Nova offered as he moved to face Polaris. He half leaned on the desk watching as the other drew over the same lines, “Polarissss~ what do you want for lunch?”

Polaris sighed dramtically banging his head on the table, “to finish this stupid outfit.”

“I don’t think I can cook that” Nova mumbled tapping his lips. He blinked before slowly moving his hand to the back of Polaris's head, “hey now you don’t need to beat yourself over this-”

“I’m a failure at life. I can’t even make a stupid costume.” Polaris threw his hands up and grabbed Nova’s shoulders, “I can’t even make a Halloween costume! I’m so useless!” Polaris went back to sulking hiding his head in his hands. 

Nova sighed as Polaris dramatically hid his head in his hands. “You’re not useless. Look-” Nova pulled out his phone scrolling through his photos for a bit before smiling, “Look! This is what high fashion is! You can definitely make this!”

Polaris slowly looked up and over Nova’s phone. Was that a… pumpkin costume? His expression slowly shifted from upset to boredom to a small smile then a laugh. “Pumpkin? High fashion…” He laughed again then drew something, “yeah…Yeah.” Polaris smiled and held it up to Nova. A pumpkin themed dress. Nova clapped as he looked over it.

“Yeah perfect! See you can design a Halloween costume.” 

“…yes…I supposed I can.” Polaris whispered as Nova patted his head.

“I’ll wear it for the party if you make it for me.” 

Polaris snickered imagining the other in his dress design, “hm…sure thing. Maybe it will be nice enough to post.” 

“I’m sure it will be!” Nova reassured, kissing Polaris’s cheek. Polaris made a face but slowly started to stand, “So lunch time now?”

“…sure.” Polaris sighed letting Nova lead him out of his study. “So why Cheetos and milk?”

“Why Cheetos and milk? Why Cheetos and milk?!” Nova laughed scooping his partner up, “Because it’s the best thing ever! Here I have more things for you to try! Like cucumbers and peanut butter!” 

Polaris rolled his eyes putting his head against the others chest as Nova rambled about food combinations. Crazy…he’s dating a madman. Whatever…at least he’s a cute madman…