Pumpkin Pendant Party 2021

2 years, 7 months ago

according to wordcounter.net, it has 738 words! Yesss!

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"My first Halloween in Mahou Wando." Wolfe thought, and sighed with a soft smile. He stood in front of The Hallowed Eve. A store made specifically for this time of year. The wolf boy was slightly hesitant about his upcoming purchase. "There's a chance I won't get a transformation I like.." He shivered with the thought of becoming a zombie-like creature. "after all that happened, that sure isn't something I want to become." Wolfe's hesitation grew as he gazed into the shop window. There were quite a bit of people there and it seemed they were all purchasing the pendant. He sighed once more. "If you don't try, you don't know.. You're right, mom." He decided to take the step and walked into the store, with a soft chime welcoming his presence.
As he walked in, a couple faces turned his way. "Ah! W-wolfe, you're here t-too?" A familiar voice spoke. Wolfe looked up and saw Ashton stand not too far away from him. "Professor Reed! You're getting a pendant as well?" "W-well of course," the bunny answered, "I've been look-looking f-forward to this all year." He smiled sweetly as he looked at the boy, making him feel at ease. "I see, I see. It's my first time so I'm quite nervous, really." Ashton nodded. "ah yes, t-the first time is always j-just as nerve wrecking as- as it is exciting."
Wolfe slowly followed his professor as they walked up to the register. and got to a halt, ready to take out his wallet, when suddenly Ashton asked the clerk for two pendants. "For me and the gentleman behind me", he said. "That'll be 3 Moons and 98 Stars" the store clerk said. "I'll be paying with my wand" Ashton tapped his wand against the clerk's and was handed the pendants. Wolfe was shocked. "For me? Are you sure, professor?" "Y-you heard what I- what I said, right? He offered the pendant to the Wolf boy with a slight snicker. "Thank you, professor. I really appreciate it!"
The pair walked out of the store, both content with their new item. Wolfe stared at it for a bit. "It shimmers a bit. It's actually kind of pretty, considering it's purpose." They both laughed. "y-yeah! Wanna t-try it on?" Ashton looked at his student with a hint of excitement. "Here?" Wolfe asked with doubt. "Y-yeah. Why not?" The bun smiled. "Fair point" he nodded. Wolfe and Ashton clasped the pendant to their clothes and were instantly engulfed in a bright light. The light faded after a minute and Wolfe felt a bit weirded out by what he just felt. He looked at his professor with surprise. Oh my god! Professor, you're a crystal witch?!" The boy was as amused as shocked. "What am I? What am I?" Ashton's eyes glistened and told him to look in the shop window. Wolfe turned around and instantly burst out into laughter. "I'm a Meloddity!?" I look ridiculous! Oh my god! hahaha!" Ashton looked at the happy student. "S-so it was a succes, huh?" Wolfe was about to hop from excitement. "I mean! I love the color scheme! The moss green fading to a darker seafoam green is really cool!" He twisted and turned a bit. "MY TAIL!? IT'S SO SMALL!" He wheezed in glee as he touched it. "This is great, hahaha!"
The professor looked in the window as well, to take a look at himself. "Pu-purples and w-whites, huh?" he was very pleased with the way the crystals were glistening in the sun. His rabbit ears were turned into vibrant gems. "A bit heavy but totally worth it", he thought to himself. The white witch hat had a purple ombre and his red-ish brown suit was traded for a purple-ish robe with a white corset that sported lilac gems on the boning. "Y-yes. Very nice." He smiled bright. "S-so, Wolfe. Are you gon-gonna go t-trick or treating?" "Oh hell yeah! I wanna show this dorky change off to everyone!" he still laughed. "W-wanna go grab a pum-pumpkin spice la-latte with me?" "I'd love to, professor. Thank you again for the pendant." They both took the pendant off and turned back into their usual selves, feeling great about their costumes, they walked to the nearest Moon Fawn and ended up spending the rest of the afternoon together, talking about everything from classes to personal subjects.