Sirius - the place of being

5 years, 7 months ago
5 years, 7 months ago
2 848

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 7 months ago

Do you ever daydream?

Think about all the possibilities contained within our world that are yet still far, far out of our reach.

Have you thought of one?

How about the tale of an unknown being, decended from the sun, born and raised within the fire spitting orb, left unkown to man, unkown to the universe.

This was the sun’s son; and here’s his tale.

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Chapter One - A State of Being

Do you ever daydream? 

Think about all the possibilities contained within our world that are yet still far, far out of our reach.

Have you thought of one?

How about the tale of an unknown being, decended from the sun, born and raised within the fire spitting orb, left unkown to man, unkown to the universe.

This was the sun’s son; and here’s his tale.


Growing up part the sun wasn’t as you’d imagine. There wasn’t some sort of other dimension when you entered the sun, there was no other life forms, just me and the sun.

We were a single state of matter, we were one being and that was the sun, the only difference was our conscious minds; that and the sun was much older than me, their age is unknown, it was like they never truly didn’t exist - they were always there. Always watching, having thoughts but never sharing them, thinking of many beautiful things and always generating new power - solar power. Although you humans may think of solar panels and house electricity when I say that, it is much much more. Perhaps more than I could put into words, but I’ll try my best; solar energy is like a life force, it’s a growing state of life here with the sun, it takes time to gather but it can achieve many wonderful things.

For example, it created me.

In one of the suns many years it had managed to store enough solar life force to birth another conscious state, I was brought into this universe as a dual mind of the sun and they taught me everything there was to know, all except a few things, the sun hadn’t moved in a long, long time, so I was their apprentice in a way, until they gathered even more solar life force to birth me a state of being.

Then I became the master, occasionally still reporting back to the sun to tell them my new experiences on different planets, meeting new people, expanding my knowledge.

That day was today!