
2 years, 7 months ago

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He always hated meeting with the Ringmaster. Their unnerving presence always chilled Thrush to the bone, and with an oppressive and intimidating aura made their authority unquestionable.

Thrush knew whatever the Ringmaster wanted with him, it was non negotiable.

He slowly made his way to the Ringmaster's tent, treading around the rest of the circus' crew, which we're setting up the rest of the tents for the opening later in the day, making sure to move out of Thrush's way so they aren't accidentally knocked over by his massive size, which he appreciated since his vision was lacking.

It was nice to hear the bustling activity of the crew, the chatter and the setting up of the other circus' attractions always soothed him, knowing that other dragons would come here and have fun and enjoy themselves pleased him, knowing that he can bring some happiness for someone, even if it’s just a little bit.

His happiness quickly drained when he reached the door to the Ringmaster’s tent. He stopped for a minute, took a deep breath, and went in.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favorite dragon!” the Ringmaster exclaimed, turning away from their desk to face him. The excitement in their voice, Thrush knew, meant that they came up with something, and he was going to pay the price.

“What do you want?” Thrush growled back at them.

“Ohh someone woke up on the wrong side of the nest today?” They answered in a mocking tone. “Let’s not rush ourselves shall we? Take a seat.” They said, gesturing at a small pile of pillows in front of their desk.

Thrush couldn’t do much aside from listening to them, so he loosely felt his way towards the pile and slumped his massive body into the pillows.

“Well I have called you here today to discuss a new idea for your show! Isn’t that lovely?” They exclaimed with the excitement of a young dragonet. 

Discuss? No, there was no discussion with the Ringmaster, Thrush knew. 

“What idea did you have?” He asked, already feeling the chill crawling up his spine.

“Well, as everybody already knows ‘Thrasher’, you have the gift of incredible strength” They exclaimed as they started pacing around the room. “And just breaking rocks and other hard materials sometimes it just, gets boring you know? so I’ve come up with a new way to spice things up a little bit.” They said, stopping right in front of him.

Thrush’s mind started racing with anxiety, what are they planning to do? Even though he has an ability to read other dragon’s minds, he never seems to be able to read theirs, and with the strange mind the Ringmaster has, it just worries Thrush even more. What could they have thought of? What are they going to make him do?

What is more difficult to break than mountains?

Then the realization came.

“Dragons.” the Ringmaster exclaimed “You are going to fight and break other dragons. That would be the perfect show! Imagine the excitement! Imagine the drama!” The excitement in their own voice was sickening. Thrush couldn't help but just stand there, horrified.

“You want me to do what?” He growled, the disgust and horror in his voice clearly audible.

“Awww come on, don’t look at me like that, it’s a great idea!” They said, not like you have a choice their voice seems to imply. “It will be the greatest show in all of Pyrrhia!”

“NO! THERE’S NO WAY I’M DOING THAT!” He roared at them, “I WOULD NEVER FIGHT ANOTHER DRAGON!” He hissed, getting up, turning back and going towards the door.

“Oh yes, you will”

As soon as he heard that, he stopped right in his tracks, and sheer panic overcame him. He turned again towards the Ringmaster, the chills on his back turned freezing cold.

“You know, that was an adorable little ball of spines you found” They said, moving towards the pile of pillows and laying on it. “It would be a shame if something, you know, happened to it?” They claimed as they stretched their talons in front of his face.

Thrush didn’t even need to be able to see to know the smuggines on their face. There was no way they knew about him, did they? Did someone tell them? Did they find him? How? When?

“How.. d-”

“Oh I have eyes everywhere kid, there isn’t a single thing that happens in this circus without me knowing” They explained to his horror.


“Yes I would, and I will” They interrupted, the intent on their voice clear as glass. “Unless, you know, do what I told you to do?”

Thrush was mortified. There was really no option. He couldn’t put the little one at risk, and who knows what the Ringmaster has planned for him. He stood there, hopeless.

“Well, do we have an agreement now?” the Ringmaster said, bringing Thrush back to reality. “You do what I planned for the show, and I will let you keep the ice worm. Maybe I’ll even let him be part of the crew! look what a great opportunity!” They exclaimed excitedly, though this time Thrush knew it was fake.

He was really just a pawn under their talon, wasn't he.

Defeated, he sighed, lowered his head and left, hearing a last “See you in the show!” from the Ringmaster before finally closing the door.

Exhausted, he slowly dragged himself back to his tent, without even trying to notice his surroundings, until he heard a voice from behind him. A very warm and welcoming voice he was very well familiar with.

“Thrush? You don’t look so good, what happened?” the voice asked.

“Ripple..” he sighed, turning back to face her.

“I noticed the commotion in the Ringmaster’s tent, what was going on?” she asked him, worried.

“The Ringmaster… I… they wanted… I didn’t...” he tried to speak, but nothing but a jumbled mess would come out. He sighed “I didn’t have a choice...”

“Oh Thrush…” She said, trying to comfort him. He could feel her body slumped against his side and her tail coiled around his. He could feel the soft coat she wears when not in shows. It felt warm, and safe. She knows what the Ringmaster is capable of and how they will do anything to get things the way they wanted.

“They know about him…” He grumbled. “I’m worried what they are going to do with him, I just… can’t let them get hurt...”

“They would have found him out one day or another, at least he still has you doesn’t he?” She consoled him, trying to be optimistic about it. She was always the one supporting everyone in the crew, always cheering everyone up and consoling the ones that needed. And Moons she was good at it, and she knew that.

“I’ll just… go back to my tent… I need some rest…” Thrush grumbled once more.

“I’ll help you go back then, you need it, you almost trampled over the popcorn stand!” She giggled. “Let’s go then”.

The two went back, weaving around the now erected tents, everyone excited to start a new day at work.

Ripple left Thrush back at the door to his tent, gave him a hug, and went on to continue helping set up the rest of the circus. Thrush entered his tent, went to his pile of pillows, and collapsed.

“Tutu?” A little voice chirped.

“Yes Ridge?” He answered. The small Icewing crawled out from under the drawer he was hiding in.

“You look sad, what happened?” The small dragonet inquired.

“It’s nothing, I’m just… tired...” He answered.

“But you just woke up, how are you already tired?”

“I just… had a bad dream… that's it”

“Oh! Then I can help!” The excitement in his voice was soft and contagious.

“Hm? How?”

“Cuddles! Nothing is better to scare bad dreams away than cuddles!” He squeaked, jumping in Thrush’s arms and worming his way inside and curling up. “At least it works for me!”

“Is that so?” Thrush couldn’t help but smile.

“Hehe, see! It’s already working!” He giggled to himself.

“Well let’s take a nap and test it shall we?” Thrush said, curling himself up and cuddling Ridge in his arms. It was the best rest Thrush has gotten in years.