Into the Torrentverse

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
2 2627

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Cas and their friends have been sucked into the Torrentverse! Will they be able to escape the puzzling digital world?

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Torrent's Room

Cas has come to visit Finch and Torrent's house. They've heard that Finch is in distressed as Torrent has gone missing. Cas has agreed to help though they've come to visit with ulterior motives. They'd love to be able to meet the creator of Gatherbuild himself but if he has gone missing, how can Cas ask all the questions they've prepared for Torrent? As Caussander arrives to Finch's humble abode, there were couple other guides and seekers around as well. They were greeted by Tomato who has kept them company while Finch was away. While the group was entertained by Tomato for a while, he has since left them as he found no more cheese to snack on. Alone together, the group found that Torrent's room was unlocked and the blue light coming from within enticing. With that, they all prodded to enter...



You push open the door to Torrent’s room. You’ve been curious about it, after all… what with the blue light and the static sound. You half expected Torrent to be sitting there, curled up in a corner hardcore gaming. Instead, you are faced with an empty, dark room.

>Read the note

Fumbling about, they group enters the room. Nerida, Mel, Caussander and Hedvige (who is carried by Cas) tried to read the poster within the room though the group realised soon after that it's too dark to read.

>Pick up lamp

Despite Nerida's glowing hair, it wasn't bright enough to see, so they decided to pick the lamp on the table and get it as close to the note as possible. It effectively illuminates it and the note reads: "Out for a walk. Computer is not working and making strange sounds - you know the password, maybe you can help? - Illegible scrawling"

>Check the bag

While the group was busy with the note, the metal seeker "Mel" wanders off alone towards the gaming chair. On it was a pouch with a mysterious humming emitting from within. They tried to open the bag, taking whatever was within it but the room was far too dark for Mel to open the bag. With a grumble, Mel calls for the group to come closer to the bag to allow them to examine it. However, the lamp splutters and dies just before it reaches Mel's hands. The room was once again plunged into darkness.

>Turn on the lights

Cas suggests using the computer light but it still was not bright enough. Hedvige however, notices something on the wall and their turning and chirping have had the group to investigate it further. In one swift motion, the light turns on, illuminating the room.


Finally able to see the bag, Mel excitedly opens the bag and picks up the humming item. It was one gathercoin. They pocket it from the others for themselves.

>Examine the room

On the table, the computer screen was shining blue with words in blocky letters spelling out PASSCODE. Normally, it isn't a good idea to snoop around and check someone's private belongings like this, but Torrent is missing and this computer could have clues to his whereabouts.

The group splits up and decided to examine different parts of the room. Caussander glides over to the picture frame and they pick up the photograph. It's framed in a plain, wooden frame. The photo shows two individuals - a shy, blushing metallic seeker, and a young guide with hair in two buns, waving enthusiastically from his shoulder! They look like Torrent and Finch, but much, much younger.  There is a small handwritten sentence at the bottom of the frame, it says: In spring, I met you <3

Funnily enough, the picture in the frame was removable. Out of everyone's better judgement, they took it out of the frame. On the back of the photo is quickly scrawled a few words: Finch + Torrent: Paradise Oasis. Perhaps it is a clue?

The strawberry guide floated back onto the note, picking it off the wall. On it, Vivian finds there was more note written behind it. In hastily scrawled letters, reads the message: Remember when we met?

Three written clues given. Hedvige seemed to find the answer.

>Type the password

Chiping and hooting, Hedvige asked to be placed on the keyboard. Hopping from one letter to another, they wrote "spring". The password was correct, and there is a satisfying beep sound. The desktop, no longer a blue screen, is now a mishmash of cubes, spheres and triangles. It seems whoever owns this computer has a peculiar art style. The screen seems to be drawing you in - and if you reach out it's as if you could... step inside, even... The group decided to jump in but not without doing one more thing.

>Take the picture

They decided to take the picture on the table. Is it morally right to do so? Perhaps not but they all seem to think that if Torrent was stuck in this digital world, he might have amnesia and the group  might have to convince him to come back. How else would someone snaps a guy lost of his memories if not with a memorabilia?

>Enter the computer

The group walked through the screen. As soon as everyone makes it past, the entryway in which you came in fizzles and disappears (not before you hear the telltale sound of a computer breaking), TRAPPING YOU FOREVER.