Primeval Age Stories

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
1 820

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

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Tug of War [Fright Club]

Featuring: Dreadnought

The skies of Isla Kela shone a fading blood red gradient amidst the dark navy of the night sky, where stars flickered amongst the pale moon enlightening the terrain below. The pale moon reflected glistening red waters of the river which passed towards a opening of a sea where the estuary sat. The night remained a quiet and calm mood where a light mist crawled at texture of wet chilly grass. 

There he stood, a towering mighty creature in the Rivers of Blood that brushed against his ankles in the stream below. Pebbles shifted where he adjusted his footing in the shallow riverbed. Shhnnk. Shhnnk. The sound of gravel, meat and bone scraping against each other resonated throughout the ambience of the night. This was echoed back by the sound of the soft waves crashing against the sands of the beach nearby as the Suchomimus wandered towards the coastline. Dreadnought had moved his kill -a unfortunate tri-coloured Styracosaurus- to a open shoreline at the mouth of the estuary where the perfect amount of salt water and fresh water connected, he preferred it here where he had access to both the vast sea and the relaxing beach. When it came to it, not many creatures roamed the seaside; not many that would dare compete with him that is. He recently had come to the toleration of the local annoying seals that were damn slippery bastards, although tonight it seemed absent of such annoyances to his comfort. Even so did he massively enjoy their lack of existence in this space, it did beg the question where have ALL of them waddled off on this night. 

As time passed he sat and gnawed at the frill of the Stryracosaurus, scraping skin and fragments of bone from the surface. He did notice the growing noise in the distance that approached all so often from the waters, perking he scanned the horizon of the dark vast ocean waters to the source of the sound. The sound of which remotely echoed that of noisy but pained seals. A dark silhouette shifted in the waters after the pack of seals, the visible shape of a green blur quick to pursue their target. A seal was thrashed out the water with a sudden thrash of erratic water movements, the silhouette seemed to curl around that area now rag-dolling said prey through the water. Dreadnought was brought to a stand, dark imposing talons curved into the soft sand, he couldn't help the instinct of curiosity or the one for his own self-preservation. In the world of predators and alphas, this was his hunting grounds, but the waters? There seemed a vast possibilities of there being something better then him out there in the dark. 

With one hot warm breath, Dreadought went to move himself with his food. However, it seemed the creature in the ocean had different plans. It seemed Radon, the Aristonectes that was enjoying ripping the seal apart from sinew, flesh and bone in the distance had decided that the Stryracosaurus that Dreadnought had killed was a much more delicate source of food- that of which he could not access in the ocean. Therefore, Radon decided that he wanted THAT instead of his common diet of marine life. The scarred Aristonectes crashed into the estuary within moments of a blood-curdling rumble echoed out from Dreadnoughts maw as he encountered Radon and his picky habits, Radon had his eyes set on the corpse and jaws locked on one of the dangling legs of the creature's thick rear limb. It seemed at the same time Dreadnought had his teeth locked on the frill. The crunching popping sound echoed in the night as the corpse was thrown into a tug of war between the two titans, muscle twines tore away from each other piece by piece with each head thrust by Dreadnought as he tried to shake away the thief. Radon although adamant kept adjusting his maw on the corpse with each given shake, one moment he had more then enough of the whole leg, the next barely then a mouthful of hanging skin. 

The Stryracosaurus corpse didn't seem to be holding up too well in this tug-of-war either, the strain of the two tugging on it's poor dead corpse like a chew toy. Onlookers watched as the body was abruptly twisted both horizontality and vertically more then once. The sheer force of thrashing water and wild snarling, bellowing and growling over a corpse. The segment of the hip was visibly giving away to the stress, but it also seemed that the leg of the corpse was starting to get ravaged as well! Each of the two could feel the shuddering vibrations of each others opponent travel through the corpse they both held their jaws to, the ferocity evenly matched. 

Was the leg going to give way or was the Stryracosaurus going to tear in two from the hip?